before selection by the resolvers). Since the plan
only has decomposition flaws and all flaws within
are guaranteed to be solvable, and both are guaranteed
to be acyclical by the application of any decomposition
, the plan is solvable.
(Abstract plans guarantee solvability)
ing a partial plan
that contains only decomposition
flaws, guarantees a solution to the problem.
Recursively, if we apply the previous proof on
higher level plans we note that decomposing at level 2
guarantees a solution since the method of the composite
actions are guaranteed to be solvable.
In this paper, we have presented a new planner called
HEART based on POCL. An updated planning frame-
work fitting the need for such a new approach was pro-
posed. While the abstract plans generated during the
planning process are not complete solutions, they are
exponentially faster to generate while retaining signifi-
cant quality over the final plans. They are also proofs
of solvability of the problem. By using these plans,
it is possible to generate explanations of intractable
problems within tight time constraints.
The source code of HEART along with an extended
version of this paper is available at genn.io/heart.
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HEART: Using Abstract Plans as a Guarantee of Downward Refinement in Decompositional Planning