be used to detect undesired behaviours during the ex-
ecution (bugs associated to each proof failure) and to
determine errors in the specification linked to these
bugs (here, the lack of lock on an environment vari-
able by the producer agent).
In this article, we have presented a promising way to
use proof failures in the tuning of MAS. In particular,
we have shown that such a technique highlights bugs
that appears in few executions, because they can de-
pend on the interleaving of the actions of the agents.
That makes these bugs hard to detect and to correct
with standard debugging techniques because they are
hard to reproduce. Of course, research must continue
with other kinds of proof failures to validate the tech-
nique in a more general way. We also aim at devel-
oping a semi-automatic usage of proof failures, be-
cause it seems that standard patterns of proof failure
emerge. In the longer term, we should be able to pro-
pose a taxonomy of proof failures, associating to each
kind of proof failure the potential causes and the po-
tential required patches.
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence