source allocation in communication contested envi-
ronments. The results show that there is an optimal
degree of decentralization that depends on the level
of communications disruption, which opens the pos-
sibility of actively managed distributed regimes. We
have extended the distributed auctioneer architecture
with asset proxy agents and have shown that this ex-
tension improves performance by 10 to 20%. To per-
form empirical analysis, we developed a distributed
auction architecture and winner determination algo-
rithm that optimizes a global objective function with
constraints. The set of these constraints enables us
to apply the algorithm to many problems where typ-
ical combinatorial auction algorithms fail to capture
the details and nuances of the application. We derived
theoretical bounds and conducted experiments to both
validate the theoretical analysis and, using the theo-
retical analysis, to validate the algorithm. Our results
show close correspondence between experimental re-
sults from our algorithm and the theoretical bounds.
Our next step is to enhance asset sharing among dis-
tributed auctioneers, modeling probabilistic resource
allocation by incorporating knowledge, e.g., a profile
of asset capabilities and expected geolocations.
This research was supported by ONR contract
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The Price of Anarchy: Centralized versus Distributed Resource Allocation Trade-offs