A Cuckoo Search Algorithm for 2D-cutting Problem in Decorative
Ceramic Production Lines with Defects
Javier Monzon
, Rony Cueva
, Manuel Tupia
and Mariuxi Bruzza
Department of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Av. Universitaria 1801 San Miguel, Lima, Peru
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi, Manta, Ecuador
Keywords: Cuckoo Search Algorithm, 2D-Cutting Problem, Optimization, Bio-Inspired Algorithms.
Abstract: The residues generated from ceramic cuttings are one of the major causes of waste in the ceramic
production industry, with losses being around 40% of the used material. Hence, reducing residues from
materials used is critical for lowering the production cost. It is worth mentioning that in this industry the
material also shows high rates of defects, a constraint which most researches dealing with the 2D-cutting
problem lack. This paper develops a bio-inspired metaheuristic called Cuckoo Search to solve the problem
of exposed material cutting as an alternative solution to the genetic algorithm already developed by the
authors, which will also be used to measure the Cuckoo Search algorithm performance.
Ceramic listels are generally rectangular-shaped
decorative products obtained from larger ceramic
cuttings. These laths can be previously decorated or
can be decorated after the cutting. They are used in
any home setting such as floors, bathrooms,
kitchens, so that their use and production is largely
widespread in the sector. Due to the components’
properties in ceramic products, cracks may appear in
these products which may result in damages to the
material overtime and because of environmental
conditions such as temperature fluctuations (Pastor,
2002). Likewise, these materials show a fragile
breakage degree so that this type of failures by
breaking is common.
For the manufacture of ceramic listellos, cutting
ceramic pieces of different sizes (40x40, 45x45,
60x60, etc.) is necessary. Hence, determining the
manner of obtaining listellos through the cutting of
one ceramic piece of larger size is pivotal, in such a
way that the loss resulting from the cutting is
minimized and thus total demand is met (Talbi,
2009) (Tupia, Cueva and Guanira, 2013), (Tupia,
Cueva and Guanira, 2017).
The emergence of variations of this problem –
many of them very similar– urged Dyckhoff to put
forward a typology to classify cutting and packaging
issues (Dyckhoff, 1990). Based on said research, an
improved typology is proposed in (Wäscher,
Haußner and Schumann, 2007) to identify some
shortcomings and deal with the variations required
in our research. The characteristics of ceramics to be
considered are as follow:
1) Dimensionality: Sizes established for the
production line.
2) Type of assignment: Maximization,
3) Range of small objects: Identical, slightly
heterogeneous, strongly heterogeneous.
4) Range of large objects: Identical, slightly
heterogeneous, strongly heterogeneous.
5) Shape of final small items: Rectangles, circles,
boxes, cylinders
Additionally, other characteristics were proposed
to the problem regarding orientation and cutting
patterns (Lodi, Martello and Vigo, 1999), (Du and
Swamy, 2016):
6) Orientation: Items may require a fixed
orientation or may be rotated 90°.
7) Guillotine cuttings: Cuttings may either
require or not end-to-end cuttings in parallel to
both sides: that is to say, if this is done in a
rectangular piece, only two rectangles would be
Proposed constraints to be considered within the
problem in this research are as follows (Booth,
2017), (Arbib et al, 2018):
Monzon, J., Cueva, R., Tupia, M. and Bruzza, M.
A Cuckoo Search Algorithm for 2D-cutting Problem in Decorative Ceramic Production Lines with Defects.
DOI: 10.5220/0007346705470553
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 547-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved