What is also shown by this research is that in
an ever-continuing attempt to improve state-of-the-
art Deep Neural Nets, the area of loss functions has
not been fully explored. This is in agreement with
conclusions from other work (Janocha and Czarnecki,
2017), which state that while cross entropy has been
an unquestionable favourite, adopting one of the vari-
ous other losses can be equally, if not more, effective.
These conclusions, together with the conclusion from
this and other research on the effectiveness of IoU
loss show the same thing. More and more research
is being done towards architectures, creating deeper
or different convolutional networks, while a signifi-
cant improvement can already be made by choosing a
different loss function.
While this research shows that performance im-
proves significantly for the models that were used,
this can not be claimed for every model. As such
research on IoU loss with other models, such as
the well-established SegNet (Badrinarayanan et al.,
2017), may support our hypothesis that IoU loss per-
forms better in general for semantic segmentation
In section 1 an explanation is given why the loss
function by (Rahman and Wang, 2016) is preferred
to the loss functions proposed by (Yuan et al., 2017;
Berman and Blaschko, 2017). In future research, it is
also interesting to compare these loss functions based
on IoU directly.
Finally, the claim has been made that the bene-
fit from training on IoU directly will only magnify
when a model is presented with sparse data. This has
not been evaluated in this research and can be done
by expanding the models presented here to perform
a segmentation task on multiple classes. This would
significantly reduce the amount of positive samples in
a dataset and thus be a way to explore the hypothe-
sis that an IoU loss function outperforms binary cross
entropy on sparser data. In previous work (Rahman
and Wang, 2016) sparse data is already used. How-
ever, here the sparsity of the data is taken as it is and
not isolated to determine its effect on the performance
of the IoU loss function. As such future work could
focus specifically on certain datasets, comparing per-
formance on sparse and dense data.
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Deep Neural Networks with Intersection over Union Loss for Binary Image Segmentation