Learning with Educational Games: Adapting to Older Adult’s Needs
Louise Sauvé
and David Kaufman
Education Department, Université TÉLUQ / SAVIE, 455, du Parvis, GIK 9H6, Québec (QC), Canada
Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, V5A 1S6, Burnaby, (BC), Canada
Keywords: Educational Games, Seniors, Validation, Design.
Abstract: Creating effective online educational games for seniors requires adapting these games to the target players
and their specific educational objectives. To improve seniors’ quality of life with games, we must develop
games that adapt to the cognitive and physical requirements of this audience. Using a user-centered design
methodology, we considered ergonomic criteria (i.e., utility and usability) to design an online educational
game for seniors. This paper presents the variables of the study, the way we adapted the design of the game
Solitaire for older adults, and the results of the field test done with 42 seniors. The participants reported a
high degree of satisfaction with the game's design and demonstrated learning. We present recommendations
to guide the development of online educational games for older adults.
What do we know about the ergonomic requirements
for creating effective online educational games to
facilitate lifelong learning for older adults?
Researchers (Diaz-Orueta et al., 2012; Astell, 2013;
Marston, 2013, 2014) have pointed out that the
effectiveness of educational games depends on
players’ needs and individual characteristics and that
we need to develop systems that can adapt to the
demands of the target audience.
An inappropriate design can discourage seniors’
use of online educational games, reducing the
physical, cognitive and social benefits these games
can bring and consequently diminishing older adults’
health and quality of life (Whitlock et al., 2011).
Commercially available games present challenges
in terms of their ease of use for many seniors due to a
lack of knowing their needs (De Schutter and Vanden
Abeele, 2010; Hwang et al., 2011). Given the
importance of a well-constructed educational gaming
interface and the costs involved in its development, it
is important to identify the ergonomic requirements
to be considered during the design process to adapt
the game to older adults’ characteristics and needs.
We view an online educational game as effective
when it meets two quality criteria: it must be useful,
i.e., adapted to its users’ learning objectives and prior
knowledge, and usable, i.e., easy to learn and use.
Although extensive literature has recently been
produced on video game ergonomics and ergonomic
standards (Barlet and Spohn, 2012; Game
Accessibility Guidelines, 2012-2015), it is clear that
these discussions have little or no interest in online
games and even less in games with explicit learning
objectives for older adults.
In this article, we first define what we mean by
ergonomic game design. Then, we describe how we
have adapted the design of a well-known game,
Solitaire, for seniors. We then briefly present the
results of a field test of the educational game, "In
Anticipation of Death", made available online for
testing by 42 seniors to determine their degree of
satisfaction with the game's design and their acquired
knowledge. Finally, in the discussion, we offer
recommendations to guide the development of
effective educational games for older adults.
In the development of online educational games, the
ergonomist’s job is to implement solutions to inform
and guide the user in order to reduce as much as
possible the cognitive load of information
(effectiveness) (Millerand and Martial, 2001), while
Sauvé, L. and Kaufman, D.
Learning with Educational Games: Adapting to Older Adult’s Needs.
DOI: 10.5220/0007348002130221
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 213-221
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ensuring that the game is easy to play (comfort), safe
(security) and fun for the player.
Our game development approach is rooted in a
User-Centered Design methodology, which
integrates an ergonomic approach into product
development. This approach is based on criteria of
both utility and usability.
Utility refers to the ability of the game to
facilitate specific learning (meeting defined learning
objectives) for a specific target audience. In other
words, the more meaningful the learning, the more
useful the game.
Usability refers to the ability of the game to
adapt to the characteristics of the target user (user-
centered design) and to be intuitive (user-friendly
and readable). In other words, usability will be high
if a game is stimulating (design) and easy to
understand (navigation and display) so that the
player-game interaction is simple and fluid while
maintaining a sufficient level of difficulty
(challenge / competition) in order to maintain a
satisfying gaming experience (Schell 2010; Dinet
and Bastien, 2011).
In this article, we discuss our adaptation for older
adults of the Solitaire game design and its utility as
measured in a field test.
We initially relied on a survey of 931 seniors from
Quebec and British Columbia, as part of the project
"Aging Well: Can Digital Games Help?" (2012-
2016), in which the game of Solitaire was identified
as one of older adults’ favorites (Kaufman et al,
For the game’s educational theme, we
interviewed 167 seniors aged 55 and over in a
second study, "Promoting Social Connectedness
through Playing Together - Digital Social Games for
Learning and Entertainment" (2015-2020). These
participants were interested in the actions to be taken
upon the death of their spouse; more than 72%
expressed a lack of knowledge about putting the
affairs of their spouse in order, recovering what is
due to their spouse, paying debts and fulfilling their
spouse’s wishes concerning the disposition of their
body (Sauvé et al., 2017).
The study objectives were: (1) to evaluate the
ergonomic design of the educational game in terms of
its suitability for seniors and (2) to investigate
whether the number of games played with a single
educational game can influence the acquisition of
knowledge that is offered in the game.
In order to meet the objectives of the study, the
interface of the Solitaire game was adapted to allow
us to introduce educational content in the form of
Solitaire is a single-user game that is played with
a deck of 52 cards. The first 28 cards are arranged into
seven columns of increasing size, which form the
Board. Only the last card of each column on the Board
is placed face up. The 24 remaining (face down) cards
make up the Stock pile, also called the Deck. Cards
from the Stock pile are discarded, according to the
player’s choice, one or three at a time (Figure 1).
Design adaptations were made to the interface to meet
the ergonomic requirements of the study, as discussed
Figure 1: Basic Solitaire Interface.
For this study, the Solitaire interface is coupled
with a questionnaire game. At regular intervals,
depending on the number of card displacements, the
player encounters a question. The player’s answer,
right or wrong, affects the player’s accumulated
credits, which correspond to the score and are used
to buy advantages from the online game store. Time
is also important since a bonus or a penalty is given
according to the length of the game.
Finally, the game ends when all the cards are
placed into four places piles for each suit and sorted
in ascending order (from Ace to King), or when a
player declares forfeit because they cannot move
Stock Pile
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
any more cards. In the latter case, the player can start
a new game.
The design of an educational game deals with the
components of the game: gameplay duration,
challenge (game modes, degrees of difficulty, playing
time), score and game materials. It also encompasses
the educational aspects of the game, including how
the learning content and feedback are integrated into
the game (Sauvé 2010, 2017).
5.1 The Game Components
We based our educational game, called Solitaire
Quiz, on Solitaire, which has a short duration to
maintain player motivation and was identified as one
of older adults’ favorites in our initial survey
(Kaufman et al., 2014).
In the "In Anticipation of Death" game, we
incorporated three sets of initial option choices to
vary the sense of challenge: the game mode: turning
over one or three cards (Figure 2); the degree of game
difficulty in relation to the number of credits the
player receives: Easy ($200), Intermediate ($100) or
Difficult ($0) (Figure 3); and playing time to for a
bonus: 0-5 minutes (+$250), 5-10 minutes (+$125) or
10 minutes and more (-$100).
Figure 2: Game Options - Game Mode.
Figure 3: Game Options - Degree of Difficulty.
For scoring related to the movement of cards in
the game, which we found in some online Solitaire
games, we added scoring related to the learning of
educational content. Points either reward or penalize
the player as they respond correctly or not to a
question. The penalty is 50% less than the gain in
order to maintain the player’s interest (Sauvé, 2017),
especially for those who have little knowledge of the
content to be learned.
To augment the game's original materials, we
added privilege cards that a player can buy at any time
if they have enough credits. These privileges allow a
player to finish a game or accumulate money credits;
for example, the Hazardous Freedom card randomly
releases a hidden card from the Board to the Stock
5.2 The Game Contents
In order to make the game educational, we
incorporated a mechanism to display a question card
(Figure 4) after every five card movements in the
game. If the player answers the question correctly,
they earn points and if they do not answer the question
correctly, they lose points.
For experimental purposes, we split the learning
content into small units, which resulted in 70 closed
questions (true/ false or multiple choice with one or
more answers), divided into three levels of difficulty
(22 easy, 24 medium and 24 difficult) identified by
one, two or three stars. This division ensures that the
questions repeat at least once during a game with the
goal of completing the four piles. Finally, the
questions address the aspects of the will of a person
who dies.
Learning with Educational Games: Adapting to Older Adult’s Needs
Figure 4: Displaying a Question.
To ensure a balance between playing and learning,
question cards are displayed after five card
movements. These movements are represented by a
stagecoach that moves on a progression bar, with a
fraction to indicate its progress (Figure 5). The
number of movements needed to display a question
card was determined during the first two tests of the
game (paper and prototype) with older adults.
Figure 5: Movement of the Stagecoach in the Game.
5.3 Feedback
When displaying question cards, we also incorporated
visual feedback on the outcome of the activities in the
form of a smiling or sad face as well as textual and
audible feedback to explain the correct answer
(Figure 6).
As noted above, we added to the game's original
materials, privilege cards that a player can buy at any
time if they have enough credits. These privileges
allow a player to finish a game or accumulate money
credits, for example, the Hazardous Freedom card
which randomly releases a hidden card from the
Tableau to the Stock pile.
Figure 6: Feedback.
Finally, as in other digital Solitaire games, we post
feedback on the player's performance as a score at the
end of the game (Figure 7). This score consists of
money credits earned during the game plus a bonus if
the player has chosen the option of playing with a
time limit.
Figure 7: Ending the Solitaire Game.
Figure 8: Ranking.
In order to motivate seniors to play more often, a
ranking of all players registered for the game is
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
available at the end of the game by using the Ranking
button (Figure 8).
In order to assess the design of the educational game
as adapted for seniors 55 and older, we tested the
tablet game on Android and iPad devices with 42
retired older adults.
6.1 The Measuring Instruments
Before the experiment, we administered a
questionnaire on socio-demographic data and
seniors’ habits (12 items) as well as their knowledge
about legal aspects of wills (10 questions). After the
experiment, a self-administered questionnaire on the
game design relating to challenge (six statements),
learning content (three statements) and feedback (five
statements) was given online. The items were
operationalized by a Likert scale of five levels (from
strongly agree to strongly disagree and the option
does not apply). The questionnaire also included a
box to collect written comments from respondents.
We also included 10 questions concerning the
knowledge developed through gameplay and three
items on players’ interest in using educational games
for learning. Finally, we integrated a system to track
players’ responses to the game questions; this is done
for every game in order to measure the degree of
knowledge acquisition by the players during the
6.2 The Experiment
The experiment took place over the course of two
months. Participants were invited to play the game at
least five times. This experiment was approved by the
university's ethics committee. Each participant was
made aware of the research purpose and signed a
paper or online consent form.
We first describe participants’ demographic data,
followed by an analysis of their participation in
digital games in general. We then present our results
regarding the game design and participant learning.
7.1 Demographic Data
Among the 42 participants in the Solitaire Quiz
experiment, there were 19 women and 23 men. The
sample included 20 participants aged 55 to 60 years
(48%) and 22 subjects aged 61 and over (52%).
Among the sample, nine players said that they did not
have the skills to use digital games, while 18 players
identified themselves as "beginners" and 15 as
"intermediate" participants. Of the 42 participants,
90.5% played the game at least five times for an
average duration of 7.3 minutes, and 42.9% played
between six and nine times for the duration of the
experiment. It should be noted that eight participants
were not included in the analysis because they did not
complete the questionnaires at the scheduled times
(before, during and after the experiment) and three of
them did not play the game five times.
7.2 Participants’ Gaming Habits
Most participants (37 of 42 or 88%) had already
played Solitaire. Some of them (33 of 42 or 78.6%)
had some experience with other digital games: six
players had experience of one year or less, more than
half (19) had between one and five years of
experience, and eight had been playing for more than
six years. Of the 33 players who had some experience
with these type of games, five people (15%) used
them only one day per week. Eleven players (33%)
used digital games two or three days a week, and the
same number of participants played between four and
five days a week, which shows a strong preference
among seniors for the use of technology for
entertainment purposes (66% of participants played
between two and five days per week). Also, of the 33
players who had experience with playing games, 11
played up to 60 minutes a day and, interestingly, 21
people (64%) used them between two and three hours
per day.
7.3 Player Perceptions of the Game
For player perceptions concerning the challenge
presented by the game, all the items had positive
outcomes in that average ratings were are above the
favorable perception threshold (in agreement), that is
to say, 4.00 on all items (Table 1). In addition, the
standard deviations show a low dispersion of
responses, especially when participants commented
on the appropriateness of the game duration (item
QD1), the effect of privileges purchased in the store
for maintain their interest in finishing the game (item
Learning with Educational Games: Adapting to Older Adult’s Needs
QD2), and the effect of the scoring system on
motivation (item QD6). In other words, the
respondents' opinions were generally grouped around
the average. The standard deviations of all items are
below 1.00.
Table 1: Perceptions of the Participants of the Challenges
Posed by the Game.
Items Mean SD
Length of Game QD1 4.57 0.91
Privileges and Interest QD2 4.67 0.53
Question Difficulty QD3 4.37 0.89
Limited Time QD4 4.15 0.97
Game Mode QD5 4.34 0.76
System of Points QD6 4.36 0.69
With respect to the game content, participants
expressed a favorable opinion on the elements of this
component (Table 2). The averages of the items
surpassed the threshold of 4.00. In addition, the
standard deviations are below 1.00 in the three Likert
scale items. When asked about the representativeness
of the images in relation to question content (QC9),
the average of this item (4.74) was the highest for the
variable "content of the game" and the standard
deviation (0.50) was the lowest. This supports the
importance of the meaning conveyed by the visual
elements of the game.
With regard to the perception of the
correspondence between prior knowledge and the
accumulation of points (QC7), as well as the
repetition of questions as an effective strategy to
reinforce learning (QC8), respondents showed a very
favorable opinion on these mechanisms for
promoting learning in the game.
Table 2: Participants' Perceptions about Game Content.
of Images
mean 4.55 4.52 4.74
SD 0.67 0.51 0.50
With respect to players’ perceptions about
feedback in the game (Table 3), the average for the
items is very high. Respondents were strongly in
agreement that the feedback for the answers helped
them to progress in the game (item QR10). The
results also show that a smiling or sad face, indicating
whether a question was correctly or incorrectly
answered, conveys the desired meaning (item QR11).
A very favorable perception was also identified in the
QR12 item, which indicated the effect on motivation
of the sound emitted during a good answer. In
addition, respondents strongly agreed that the
automatic audio playback of questions and feedback
facilitates understanding (item QR14). For all these
items, the average was 4.40. Yet, there are some
differences between their standard deviations. In
other words, the dispersion of responses between
these items is variable.
Table 3: Participants' Perceptions about Game Feedback.
Items Mean SD
Game Progression QR 10 4.40 0.63
Smiley Face QR11 4.40 0.59
Sound and Motivation QR12 4.51 0.68
Reinforcing Learning QR13 4.35 0.79
Facilitation of
QR14 4.63 0.67
Regarding the learning that was achieved, we
examined the number of questions that were correctly
answered by the players based on the number of times
they played the game (Table 4). The first time the
game was played, respondents answered 24.2% of the
questions correctly. As a result of using the game, the
number of correct answers increased from 24.2% to
88.4% after playing the game for the fifth time,
indicating a progressive learning experience in
relation to the number of times the game was played.
Table 4: Rate of Correct Answers in the Game According
to the Number of Games.
of Respon-
Questions 22 6
1st Game 42 31.8% 16.7% 24.2%
2nd Game 42 40.9% 50.0% 45.5%
3rd Game 38 90.9% 83.3% 87.1%
4rd Game 38 91.2% 83.9% 87.5%
5rd Game 37 92.2% 84.6% 88.4%
In addition, the vast majority (92.86%) of the
participants liked to play Solitaire enhanced with a
Quiz (item QI1) and 90.48% of the players wished
they could try a new quiz (item QI2). All participants
would recommend the game to others (item QI3)
(Table 5).
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 5: Interests of Participants.
Desire for
in Trying
Recommend the
Game to Others
39 38 42
92.86% 90.48% 100.00%
3 4 0
7.14% 9.52% 0.00%
7.4 Modulation of Responses on the
Ergonomics of the Game
Differences in perceptions by age group (under 60
and 61 or over), gender, computer skills (beginner,
intermediate, expert) and skill level as an online
player (beginner and intermediate) were all examined
with the Student t-test with a bilateral distribution of
unequal variance with two examples
(heteroscedastic). A difference was considered
statistically significant when the associated p value
was less than or equal to 0.05.
These results indicate that the level of ability in
using digital games modulates perceptions in terms of
feedback, especially for beginners. For the aspects of
challenge and content, the age and gender criteria,
and computer skills give substantially the same
results, that is, the differences are negligible.
Our results confirm the importance of offering games
of short duration to maintain seniors’ motivation,
while integrating allowing players to vary the
duration of the game (Whitlock et al., 2011;
Kickmeier-Rust et al., 2012; Shang-Ti et al., 2012;
Theng et al., 2012; Sauvé et al., 2015; Sauvé 2017).
In terms of the challenges the game brings, the
addition of new elements to the game, including
privileges that can be purchased in the game store,
have helped to maintain players’ interest in finishing
the game. This is consistent with the findings of Al
Mahmud et al. (2012) as well as Mubin et al. (2008),
who suggest incorporating new rules (add-ons) to
maintain a sense of challenge in known games.
Seniors prefer to play games that they know, with
add-ons that engage them.
These results show that players place a high value
on the degree of difficulty of the questions
(represented by ★★ icons) in relation to the
challenge they pose. Similarly, Lavender (2008),
De Schutter (2010) and Sauvé (2010) note the
importance of how the learning content is treated
(from simple to complex) in the game in order to
offer multiple degrees of difficulties. Marston and
Smith (2012), Shang-Ti et al. (2012) and Sauvé
(2017) recommend that players be informed that the
easy level corresponds to the basic knowledge of the
players, thus encouraging everyone to participate.
Participants confirmed that the option of
"Playing with a time limit”, to gain additional
points, was a motivating challenge. The availability
of two game modes (one-card or three-card) also
represented different challenges in the game,
according to the players' responses. The in-game
scoring system was seen as an additional source of
motivation. These facts align with the findings of
several studies (Sauvé 2010; Rice et al., 2011; Diaz-
Orueta et al., 2012; Senger et al., 2012; Sauvé et al.,
2015) whereby one should incorporate different
difficulty levels or challenges to the user to foster
competition, facilitate learning, build self-
confidence and concentration, and better engage
older adults in the game.
Relative to game content, using closed questions
facilitates the use of prior knowledge in order to
accumulate points and progress in the game. In two
previous studies (Sauvé et al., 2015; Sauvé 2017), we
concluded that it is crucial to analyze the learning
content and to break it down into small units of
information; this makes it possible to formulate
simple questions in order to avoid cognitive overload
in seniors. These findings were verified by the results
of this study.
Players emphasized the importance of question
repetition for reinforcing learning. Indeed, limiting
the number of learning activities in a game allows
seniors to recognize them and consider them useful
for their progression in the game (Sauvé 2010; Sauvé
et al., 2015). The results also reveal that it is important
to ensure the representativeness of images used in the
questions (Lopez-Martinez et al., 2011; Shang-Ti et
al., 2012; Sauvé et al., 2015).
Breaking up the learning content is of primary
importance in order to balance learning time and
playing time (Sauvé 2010) so that not all game
activities require learning success. In a previous study
(Sauvé 2017), we recommended leaving room for
actions related to the pleasure of playing. In this
sense, participants emphasized the fact that Solitaire
Quiz is an original way to learn more about certain
Learning with Educational Games: Adapting to Older Adult’s Needs
The players in this study highlighted the
usefulness of question feedback for progressing in the
game. This agrees with observations of Sauvé (2010),
Callari et al. (2012), Gerling et al. (2011) and Sauvé
(2017) who emphasize the importance of integrating
mechanisms that reinforce the results of learning
activities with visual or audible feedback. For
example, seniors who participated in our study
commented that the face that accompanied each
feedback comment, and the sound emitted for a
correct response, made it easy to quickly identify
whether the question was answered correctly or not.
This is consistent with the results of Lopez-Martinez
et al. (2011), Marston and Smith (2012), Senger et al.
(2012) and Wu et al. (2012).
Finally, the results show that seniors achieved a
significant amount of learning from the use of the
game, while also having the pleasure of playing.
Although the perceptions observed in this study relate
to a specific game (Solitaire Quiz), the results can be
applied to different types of games. Our study shows
that in order to make an educational game easier to
use by seniors, it is important to provide an
appropriate level of difficulty and be adapted for this
audience. It is important to reduce the risk of
frustration by proposing an interesting challenge.
The results of this study suggest several aspects to
consider, such as an appropriate game duration, a
clear way to finish the game, displaying game
progression and the graphical representation of the
level of difficulty of the questions related to lifelong
These two research studies were funded in part by
grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada and from AGE-WELL
NCE, Inc., a member of the Networks of Centres of
Excellence of Canada. We would like to thank
Gustavo Adolfo Angulo Mendoza for the statistical
analysis of the data of the study, Curt Ian Wright for
the translation and Alice Ireland for the revision. We
would also like to thank the development team, Pierre
Olivier Dionne, Jean-Francois Pare and Louis
Poulette, for the online educational game.
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Learning with Educational Games: Adapting to Older Adult’s Needs