targets; such KPIs are commonly used in Healthcare
as well as for Business and Industrial processes.
Our current framework represents initial work to-
wards developing integrated models for processes,
with the aim of supporting cohesive management and
planning. However, we believe that it also has con-
siderable potential to be extended to include more de-
tailed and explicit models that allow us to assess com-
plex scenarios involving interactions between pro-
cesses. Also, our current analytic model has the ad-
vantage that the results are based on routinely avail-
able data. Another important aspect of extending our
current framework is to consider the distributions and
moments of numbers of process instances complying
with targets for multiple absorbing states, including
processes using Poisson arrivals to describe streamed
data of independent instances; costs can also be asso-
ciated with various options within the model. We plan
to explore such options in further work.
The experience gained and techniques learned are
likely to be relevant to business processes in gen-
eral. Phase-type models have an important role in this
This research is partly supported by BTIIC (BT Ire-
land Innovation Centre), funded by BT and Invest
Northern Ireland and by the Natural Sciences and En-
gineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
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Using Phase-type Models to Monitor and Predict Process Target Compliance