Figure 5: Global average of an event rate change in time –
modified agent’s event probability, selection of best-rated
partners from step 2000.
The paper presented a detailed model of emotional
appraisal of events in a multiagent environment
simulating the dynamics of a social network built on
communication links. The output of the appraisal
process was the single value of the agent’s mood,
which can be further used in the process of coping to
modify the agent’s actual parameter’s values. To
simply implement the appraisal process was together
with the study of its dynamics also the goal of the
model. The proposed model can be the basis for
further discussion about the modeling of emotions in
computational models (procedures used allow
various implementations).
Three experiments were conducted with the
model to study its behavior and the overall approach
and to investigate agents' behavior in different
situations. Especially the experiments focused on the
practical use of emotional appraisal of messages (for
the selection of message senders or for modifying
the message acceptance probability) have brought
results usable for further investigation and
This paper aimed to show a specific
implementation of emotional appraisal of events and
to open discussion of the proposed procedures.
Future work on the model will focus on the
methodology of its validating which is crucial for
every simulation model. The problem here is the
used format of messages and events and the
availability of necessary metadata. Attention will
also be layed on refining the appraisal process. The
open topics here are the transformation functions for
getting an emotional appraisal from content and
metadata and correct setting of the weights for
calculating the mood in Eq. 3. Further testing is also
needed on using the mood to modify the behavior of
the agent in accordance with the influence of
emotions on the human being in the real world.
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence