We have proposed an iterative request exchange
mechanism for carrier collaboration with pickup and
delivery requests in less-than truckload
transportation. Numerical experiments show that our
mechanism can obtain high quality solutions and
outperforms the combinatorial auction proposed by
Berger and Bierwirth (2010). Future research may
focus on developing efficient and effective
algorithms to solve the outsourcing requests
selection and the insourcing requests selection
problems to improve the effectiveness of our
mechanism. Moreover, we may consider new
characteristics in carrier collaboration in less than
truckload transportation, such as the dynamic arrival
of requests in the carrier alliance.
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French National Research Agency (ANR) under the
project ANR-14-CE22-0017 entitled “Collaborative
Transportation in Urban Distribution”, the PHC CAI
YUANPEI project with project number 36690WJ,
the Key Project of National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant 71732006, the
National Natural Science Foundation Project of
China 71572138,71390331,71371150,71401132.
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An Iterative Request Exchange Mechanism for Carrier Collaboration in Less than Truckload Transportation