standard significance level α = 0.05 in every case.
In the case of the Sigmoid activation function, the
experimental results do not provide any evidences
that the best-ranked appro ach is different from the
second one since the adjusted p-value is greater
than the standard significance level; however, there
is enough evidence to prove that it is different from
the remaining ones since the adjusted p-value is
smaller th an the significance level. So, we selected
the GRU-BiGRU alternative in both ca ses.
Next, we compare d our best alternatives to the
baselines. The results of the comparison a re shown
in Table 2.c, where the subindex d enotes the activa-
tion function used. According to the statistical test,
there is not enough evidence in the experimental
data to make a difference between our proposals,
but there is enough evidence to prove that they
both are significantly better than the baseline s.
We have motivated the need for mining conditi-
ons and we have presented a novel approach to the
problem. It relies on a encoder-decoder model as
a means to overcome the drawbacks that we have
found in o ther proposals, namely: it does not rely
on user-defined patterns, it does not require any
specific-purpose dictionaries, taxo nomies, or heu-
ristics, and it ca n mine conditions in both factual
and opinion sen tences. Furthermor e it only needs
two components that are read ily available, namely:
a stemmer and a word embedder. We have also per-
formed a comprehensive experimental analysis on a
large multi-topic dataset with 3 779 000 sentences in
English and Spanish that we make publicly availa-
ble. Our results confirm that our proposal is similar
to the state-of-the -art proposals in terms of preci-
sion, but it improves recall enough to beat them
in terms of the F
score. We have backed up the
previous conclusions using sound statistical tests.
The work described in this paper was supported
by and the Spa nish R&D programme
(grants TIN2013-40848-R and TIN2013-40848-R).
The computing facilities were provided by the An-
dalusian Scientific Computing Cen tre (CICA).
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