benefits than the others depending on their scheduling
strategies, as has been explained above.
This paper has presented a comparative performance
evaluation of three collision-free MAC protocols for
channel access in underwater sensor networks. We
have investigated several scenarios that are typical of
the current underwater channel access research. The
first scenario evaluated a shallow network area with
low, medium, and high traffic rates as well as sparse
and dense nodes under a fixed traffic rate. The second
scenario examined the same parameters within a nar-
row network area. These scenarios are mainly used to
study the three protocols’ overall ability, scalability,
and flexibility under sparse and dense sensor nodes as
well as under light to heavy traffic. Our study points
out that every protocol has its own advantages and dis-
advantages, which means that no protocol can fit all
needs in all scenarios.
This study has concluded that ED-MAC achieves
the best performance in a narrow scenario with a light
traffic rate. It is able to handle 99% of the data pack-
ets at a lower energy cost than other protocols. How-
ever, it is not a suitable choice in a shallow scenario
as it does not consider two-hop neighbouring nodes
horizontally. To improve its performance in this re-
gion, more slots are needed to reduce the probabil-
ity of collisions that may occur between nodes lo-
cated horizontally. DL-MAC has the ability to per-
form better than ED-MAC in narrow and shallow re-
gions by scheduling all nodes vertically and horizon-
tally. This is because of its ability to address most
of the MAC problems such as spatial-temporal un-
certainty, the near-far effect, and any hidden/exposed
terminal problems. In terms of flexibility, DL-MAC is
more flexible than other protocols by dividing the net-
work area into frames, and the sensors in each frame
into sub-frames. It is, therefore, suitable for both sce-
narios. While GC-MAC has achieved the best perfor-
mance than others in both narrow and shallow scenar-
ios in terms of reliability and scalability. However, it
has consumed more energy than other MAC protocols
because of the conflict detection interval.
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A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Distributed Collision-free MAC Protocols for Underwater Sensor Networks