Detection of Student Teacher’s Intention using Multimodal Features in a
Virtual Classroom
Masato Fukuda, Hung-Hsuan Huang and Toyoaki Nishida
Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN, Kyoto University, Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Intention Detection, Multimodal Interaction, Educational Application, User Assessment.
The training program for high school teachers in Japan has less opportunity to practice teaching skills. As a
new practice platform, we are running a project to develop a simulation platform of school environment with
computer graphics animated virtual students for students’ teachers. In order to interact with virtual students
and teachers, it is necessary to estimate the intention of the teacher’s behavior and utterance. However, it is
difficult to detection the teacher’s intention at the classroom only by verbal information, such as whether to ask
for a response or seek a response. In this paper, we propose an automatic detection model of teacher’s intention
using multimodal features including linguistic, prosodic, and gestural features. For the linguistic features, we
consider the models with and without lecture contents specific information. As a result, it became clear that
estimating the intention of the teacher is better when using prosodic / non-verbal information together than
using only verbal information. Also, the models with contents specific information perform better.
According to the fundamental policy for development
of educational human resources, published by Board
of Education of Tokyo in 2007, the environment of
school education problems is getting more complex
and diverse with the evolvement of the whole soci-
ety. Along with this situation, it is getting more and
more difficult for teachers to adopt themselves to the
problems which do not occur dozens of years ago.
Trainees and novice teachers are demanded to accu-
mulate their experience and to improve their knowl-
edge before the actual deployment to schools.
In order to deal with the diversity of problems, stu-
dent teachers need not only knowledge but also re-
peated practice to learn from experience. In Japan,
however, the training of teachers mainly relies on
classroom lectures in colleges and is compensated
with the practice for a relatively short period, say only
two to three weeks in actual schools. Even though
there may be some chances for practicing teaching
skills in the class of teacher-training course in the col-
leges, these practices are usually conducted by peer
role-playings in small number of participants and are
far from real situations where they have to face dozens
of teenagers. The teacher-training programs in Japan
obviously lacks the practice in teaching skill and the
admission of classes. The result is, many young
teachers left their jobs in the first year due to frus-
tration and other mental issues.
In our ongoing project, we are developing virtual
classroom systems based on multiple virtual agent
as students for training or assessment on educational
skills of student teachers(Fukuda et al., 2018)(Fukuda
et al., 2017). Student teachers, or the trainees can in-
teract with the virtual students in this immersive and
realistic virtual classroom and practice their teaching
and admission skills. The virtual students are oper-
ated by an operator the examination investigator from
remote with a dedicated interface.
In order to improve the current Wizard-of-Oz
(WOZ) prototype system to be an autonomous one,
automatic and real-time assessment on the trainee is
a mandatory function for the system. The virtual stu-
dents can then automatically react to the trainee ac-
cording to the assessment results. Automatic assess-
ment can be considered as an association from the
trainee’s behaviors to the values of teaching skill met-
rics. Better understanding of the trainee’s intention
during the teaching practice will provide valuable in-
formation of the assessment process. The informa-
tion of trainee’s intention can be also used to drive the
virtual students’ reactions as a real-time interactive
system. This paper presents an automatic detection
model for the student teacher’s intention using multi-
modal features (linguistics, prosody, and gesture).
Fukuda, M., Huang, H. and Nishida, T.
Detection of Student Teacher’s Intention using Multimodal Features in a Virtual Classroom.
DOI: 10.5220/0007379901700177
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 170-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
This support-vector-machine (SVM) model is de-
rived from the dataset gathered in actual teaching
practice sessions with the virtual classroom prototype.
The paper is organized as the follows: section 2 intro-
duces the related works, section 3 describes the virtual
classroom in more details and the procedure of data
collecting experiment, section 4 describes the detec-
tion model, and finally section 5 concludes this paper.
Studies of CG agents enabled emotional interactions
between humans and computers using modalities that
we use in daily life. There are other research groups
who are developing virtual classroom systems for
teacher training. All available system is wizard-of-
oz (WOZ) style systems, that is, the virtual students
are controlled by a human instructor rather than an au-
tonomous behavior model. This comes from the dif-
ficulty in creating the model to generate realistic and
believable behaviors of the virtual students in the di-
versity of the situations occur in schools. TeachLivE
(Barmaki and Hughes, 2015) is a WOZ system where
the trainee interacts with five virtual students whom
are controlled by an operator and are shown on a large
size display. Breaking Bad Behaviours (Lugrin et al.,
2018)(Lugrin et al., 2016) is another teacher training
system featuring a virtual reality (VR) environment.
This is another WOZ style system where the instruc-
tor controls the level of overall disruption of a 24-
student class with a slide bar and can assign one of six
bad behaviors to individual virtual students. Neither
of these systems have provided automatic assessment
feature on the performance of the student teachers yet.
Although the purpose and the requirements are differ-
ent, public speaking is an activity related to teaching
in a classroom. Automatic assessment method using
multimodal features, prosody, gesture use, and eye
contact is proposed in a environment with virtual au-
diences (Chollet et al., 2015)
In the tasks of classifying dialogue acts, multi-
modal features are also proved to improve the per-
formance of the classifiers. Petukhova and Bunt
(Petukhova and Bunt, 2011) investigated the possibil-
ity of automatic classification on dialogue acts with
lexical and prosodic information. The RoboHelper
project uses lexical, syntactic, utterance, gesture, and
location features to classify dialogue acts based on
an elderly-at-home data corpus(Chen and Eugenio,
2013)(Di Eugenio and
Zefran, 2015). Ribeiro et al.
(Ribeiro et al., 2015) investigated the influence of the
context (N-gram with previous tokens) in predicting
dialogue acts. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2017) used a com-
bination of CNN (convolution neural network) and
RNN (recurrent neural network) to automatically ex-
tract context information in classifying dialogue acts.
3.1 Virtual Classroom Training
The setup of the virtual classroom prototype is shown
in Figure 1. This system is comprised of two front
ends, one is a simulated classroom for the trainee,
the other one is the interface for the system opera-
tor / investigator. The virtual classroom is projected
on a life-size large screen (roughly 100 inches) while
one trainee stands in front of it and practice his/her
teaching skill with the virtual students. The trainee’s
rehearsal is captured by a WebCam and is displayed
at the operator’s interface in real-time. The operator
can control atmosphere of the virtual classroom us-
ing this interface in reacting to the performance of
the trainee. Every virtual student’s motion is always
synchronized between the trainee interface and opera-
tor interface. That virtual classroom was created with
Unity 3D game engine. For the CG models of stu-
dents, we adopted Taichi Character Pack freely avail-
able at Game Asset Studio.
3.2 Data Collection Experiment
In order to collect the dataset as the ground truth for
the detection model development, an experiment of
actual rehearsal sessions was conducted. Nine stu-
dents of our college (computer science and engineer-
ing) were recruited as the participants of the eval-
uation experiment. All of them are in the teacher-
training course in our university or work as a cram
school teacher with some degree of teaching experi-
ence. We issued the materials for high-school level
mathematics to the participants and asked them to pre-
pare a lecture up to 10 minutes prior to the experi-
ment. The themes are about the computation of the
area of circle or triangle. The subject, mathematics
was chosen because all of the subject major in com-
puter science, and we expect that more whiteboard-
writing movements can be observed. During the ex-
periment, the participants were organized to three
groups. For each group, every participant made a lec-
ture while the other two members in that group played
the operator role at the same time.
Detection of Student Teacher’s Intention using Multimodal Features in a Virtual Classroom
Figure 1: Setup of the virtual classroom prototype. Left: trainee interact with the virtual students projected on a large-size
screen. Right: operator controls the virtual students with the view point from the rear of the virtual classroom.
3.3 Teaching Intentions
In the experiment, each participant made a lecture
between five to 10 minutes, and the average dura-
tion was 457.2 seconds. In order to analyze student
teacher’s intention during the rehearsal sessions, an
intuitive analysis unit is an utterance. The utterances
are then segmented from the original audio track with
a silent period, 200 ms as boundaries. Table 1 shows
the summary of the utterances of all of the partici-
pants. This indicates that the subjects spoke less than
half of the time (41.5%) during the experiment. While
during other time, they may write something on the
whiteboard or waited the virtual students to react to
his / her instructions.
Table 1: Summary of the utterances collected in the data
Participant Number Duration S.D.
P1 143 1.34 0.88
P2 246 1.46 0.93
P3 236 1.24 1.18
P4 250 1.55 1.21
P5 152 0.90 1.49
P6 138 1.49 1.19
P7 122 1.49 0.83
P8 86 1.90 1.24
P9 120 1.47 1.27
Average 166 1.43 1.13
According to our knowledge, there is no avail-
able annotation scheme dedicated to teaching inten-
tions. Therefore, a dedicated scheme has to be de-
fined for further analysis on the corpus. The lec-
tures conducted in a classroom is practically an in-
teractive communication between the teacher and the
students. Such an annotation scheme can be con-
sidered as a set of domain-specific dialogue acts.
There have been a number of dialogue act coding
schemes proposed in the field of computational lin-
guistics and dialogue systems. For example, SWBD-
DAMSL (Dialog Act Markup in Several Layers)
(Core and Allen, 1997)(Jurafsky, 1997), MRDA
(Meeting Recorder Dialog Act) (Shriberg et al.,
2004), and AMI (Augmented Multi-party Interaction)
(Carletta et al., 2006). However, the schemes are usu-
ally bound to a specific data corpus (e.g. MRDA for
the ICSI corpus (Janin et al., 2003)) and task. Al-
though the schemes like DAMSL is considered for
general purpose and is widely used, there was no stan-
dardized scheme for general dialogue act annotation.
Standardization facilitates the sharing of data and
data process methods. Recently, there is a researcher
oriented activity in promoting a standardized dialogue
act scheme for general purpose as an international
ISO standard, ISO 24617-2 (Bunt et al., 2017). This
standard inherited the existing DIT++ scheme (Bunt,
2009)and simplified it. This ISO standard defines a
multi-dimension scheme with eight dimensions:
Auto-Feedback, Allo-Feedback, Time Management,
Turn Management, Own Communication Manage-
ment, Partner Communication Management, and So-
cial Obligations Management in addition to the task
dimension. Upon these dimensions, 30 dimension-
specific communicative functions and 26 general-
purpose ones are defined.
In this work, we basically followed the defini-
tions of DIT++ / ISO 24617-2 with the modifications
in reflecting the nature of classroom lectures. The
main modifications were made on the task dimension.
Since the interaction occur during a lecture is basi-
cally the information providing from the teacher to the
students. This communicative function is supposed to
be the majority of the teacher’s utterances by the na-
ture of a lecture, it should be divided to more detailed
classes to deeper insight of the interaction. How the
student teacher explains the lecture materials to the
students is an important factor in evaluating the stu-
dent teacher’s skill. Considering the subjects taught
in high schools, we assume that the explanation can
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
be classified into two categories. The materials which
can be sufficiently explained orally, and the materials
which will be more comprehensive if supplemented
with pictorial information. The resulted definitions of
teaching intention are listed as the follows:
Information-Providing-Oral: the teacher is ex-
plaining some concept or is describing some truth
which is sufficiently comprehensive only by oral
explanation. Most parts of the subjects like
Japanese language or history are supposed to be
taught in this way.
Information-Providing-Pictorial: the teacher is
explaining some concept which is more compre-
hensive if pictorial information is also provided.
For example, the shape / size of something or the
spacial relationship of objects. Many concepts of
the subjects like mathematics or physics are sup-
posed to be taught in this way. Non-verbal behav-
iors like drawing a diagram on the whiteboard or
performing iconic gestures are often accompany
with this intention.
Instruct: the teacher is instructing the students to do
some actions. For example, “wake up” .
Auto-Feedback: the teacher is giving feedbacks to
the requests from the students. For example,
“yes”, “what”, and ”OK, I see”.
Allo-Feedback: the teacher is requesting feedbacks
from the students. For example, “is there any
question” .
Communication Management: the teacher is say-
ing something not directly relevant to the subject
but is trying to manage the flow of lecture or main-
tain the interests of the students. Fillers and jokes
are also included in this intention.
By following the definitions above, one of the au-
thors annotated the whole corpus. Table 2 shows the
annotation results.
Table 2: Distribution of the intention labels. Each inten-
tion class is represented by an abbreviation. The columns
Num.”, Dur.”, and S.D. denote the number of in-
stances, duration in seconds, standard deviation of duration
and percentage, respectively.
Intention Num. Dur. S.D. %
Info-Pictorial 570 1.39 1.14 38.2
Info-Oral 342 1.71 1.39 22.9
Auto-Feedback 195 0.72 0.57 13.1
Instruct 144 1.52 1.33 9.6
Allo-Feedback 138 1.00 0.90 9.2
Commun-Man 104 0.86 0.94 7.0
Total 1,493
This section describes the multimodal model in au-
tomatically classifying teaching intentions described
in last section. Multimodal features and context in-
formation have been shown effective in classifying
dialogue acts in previous studies(Chen and Euge-
nio, 2013)(Di Eugenio and
Zefran, 2015)(Liu et al.,
2017)(Petukhova and Bunt, 2011)(Ribeiro et al.,
2015). In our specific context, lecture rehearsal, the
student teachers are supposed to make explanations
ton the lecture materials, write text or draw diagrams
on the whiteboard. In order to capture the student
teacher’s intentions in these activities, the contents of
the materials, the voice tone in the presentation, and
the use of body postures, gestures and whiteboards
are supposed to be relevant. Therefore, linguistic,
prosodic, and gestural features are adopted in the mul-
timodal learning process.
4.1 Linguistic Features
In analyzing the contents of the lecture rehearsal ses-
sions, the technique, bag of words (BoW) is adopted.
First, the words used in the data corpus are extracted
with Japanese morphological analyzer, Mecab (Ku-
dou, 2013) from the transcripts of the corpus. With
this analysis, Japanese words are segmented and con-
verted to their basic forms. The part-of-speech in-
formation can also be obtained as the metadata of
extracted words. As the results, 604 words are ex-
tracted as the initial set of candidate words. In or-
der to compose effective BoW vectors of words, the
words representative the characteristics of a certain
data class and distinguish it from other classes should
be selected from the candidate words. Most com-
mon and not-meaningful words in a language, or so-
called stop words are therefore needed to be filtered
out from the set of candidate words. In the case of
Japanese language, there is not good general purpose
dictionary of stop words, therefore, we filter out the
categories of parts of speech which do not convey
significant information (particle, conjunction, auxil-
iary verb, the attributive form of a verb, and adverb).
A customized Mecab-compatible dictionary which is
frequently updated with new Japanese words, mecab-
is adopted for the word reference.
This is because the younger generation often use ab-
breviated forms and slang in their casual conversa-
tion. The size of candidate word is then reduced to
Detection of Student Teacher’s Intention using Multimodal Features in a Virtual Classroom
452 words after this filtering.
In order to determine the “important words”
which distinguishes one data class from the others, the
popular technique in text process, TF-IDF (term fre-
quency - inverse document frequency) is adopted. TF-
IDF algorithm weights the words which frequently
appear in one document but less frequently appear
in other documents as the important words in distin-
guishing that document from the others. By taking
account into the context of this work, we then con-
sider the collection of the sentences belonging to one
teaching intention as a “document” and apply TF-IDF
algorithm on the six documents to score the candidate
For capturing the contents of the materials, an
issue needs to be considered is the generality of
the model. If more contents specific information is
adopted, the accuracy is supposed to get higher, but
the generality will become lower, due to the over-
fitting of the training data. In considering the trade-off
of this issue, we analyzed the accuracy with varying
weights of content-specific features. The next step is
then to determine the word clusters in the sense of
their meanings in the distributed representations gen-
erated by Word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) models.
A CBOW (Continuous-Bag-of-Words) model is con-
structed from the word set in last step with window
size 15. In order to distinguish general words from
context-specific words, we then applied 2-Nearst-
Neighbors clustering to the word vectors. Table 3
shows the top-12 results of the clustering in the order
of TF-IDF values . Although not completely sepa-
rated, contents related words (mathematics) are ba-
sically assigned to cluster B (66 words) while the
other words are basically assigned to cluster A (386
words). It can be noticed that the top word in clus-
ter B, filler “uh” is not a mathematic relevant word.
This seems to come from the following situation that
is frequently observed in the corpus: when the stu-
dent teachers are starting to draw something on the
whiteboard while explaining a mathematical concept,
they often started with a “uh” before the drawing it-
self. This co-occurrence may cause this result.
The next issue is the determination of the size of
the bag of words, the larger the size, the accuracy is
supposed to be higher, but the model will be more
fitting to the contents, that is, the model will be less
general. For determine the element words in the BoW
vector, all the candidate words are sorted in separate
queues of each intention class in the order of TF-IDF
values. The words are selected in the round-robin
and top-first manner, i.e. the word which has high-
est TF-IDF value among the six words in the head
of the six queues of the intention classes, one by one.
Table 3: 2-NN clustering results of the words.
Cluster A Cluster B
yes 0.89 uh 0.76
no problem 0.68 (number) 0.56
sleep 0.60 area 0.48
understand 0.44 multiply 0.29
wake up 0.44 cm 0.25
request 0.33 circle 0.23
good 0.30 rectangular 0.20
wrong 0.28 here 0.17
thank 0.21 half 0.17
(misbehavior) 0.21 become 0.16
do 0.16 high 0.14
sorry 0.16 matter 0.13
The selection from a certain queue stops after n words
are selected from that queue. Consequently, the size
of the BoW vector is n x 6 where n words are se-
lected from the queue of each intention class. We then
conducted an experiment to determine an appropriate
n. Two types of BoW vectors are generated and are
used to train SVM (Support Vector Machine) mod-
els to classify intention classes. One is so-called L
model where the full set of candidate words (cluster
A + B) are used, and the L
model where only the
words in cluster A are used. The full set L
model is
supposed to be more content dependent , and the L
model is supposed to be more general. Figure 2 de-
picts the performance of these two models regarding
to the value of n. The experiments were conducted
with the same procedure as the ones described in later
section. The results are cross validated in leave-one-
subject-out manner, and F-measure values are the mi-
cro average of the results. From the observation on
the results, L
models always performs slightly better
than the L
models, the performance increases when
n increases but get to level when n is large enough.
Finally, the following features are selected as the lin-
guistic feature set:
Uni-grams of part of speech in five categories,
noun, verb, adjective, interjection, and filler.
BoW vector selected in the procedure described
above with the size, 48 words (n = 8).
4.2 Prosodic Features
Voice prosody conveys nuance in additional to lan-
guage. The same sentence can be interpreted into
multiple ways when it is spoken in different tones.
For example, when someone raise the end of one ut-
terance, it probably should be interpreted as a ques-
tion. Therefore, prosodic information is expected to
be also effective in the classification of teaching inten-
tions. The prosodic features used are extracted with
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Classification performance of L
and L
regarding to the value of the BoW size of each class (n).
the phonetic analyzer, Praat (Paul and David, 2018)
at the sampling rate 100 Hz. As a result, the follow-
ing features are adopted in the prosody feature set.
Average of pitch (F
Average of intentsity
Range of pitch (difference between maximum and
Range of intensity
Ratio between the pitch of second and first half of
a sentence
Ratio between the intensity of second and first
half of a sentence
4.3 Gestural Features
Among the proposed teaching intentions, Providing-
Information (pictorial) is the explanation about ab-
stract concept with shape and size, it is supposed to
be more comprehensive if complemented with iconic
gestures or the drawings on the whiteboard. There-
fore, a feature set capturing the gestural behaviors of
the student teachers should provide the cues in iden-
tifying this intention class. 18 joint positions in two-
dimensional coordinates (X, Y) were extracted with
the tool, OpenPose
at the same frame rate of the
video corpus (29.97 fps). In order to distinguish inten-
tional gestures and whiteboard drawings from noises,
the area scanned by the ends of two hands (the wrists)
is supposed to provide effective cues. Finally, the fol-
lowing features are chosen in this part where all coor-
dinate values are transformed to a unified coordinate
system (the center of the waist as the origin).
Maximum distance and the standard deviation of
two wrists in horizontal direction
Maximum distance and the standard deviation of
two wrists in vertical direction
Maximum distance and the standard deviation of
two elbows in horizontal direction
Maximum distance and the standard deviation of
two elbows in vertical direction
Maximum distance and the standard deviation of
two shoulders in horizontal direction
4.4 Automatic Classification Model
As shown in Table 2, the distribution of the intention
classes is imbalanced. We then oversampled smaller
classes with SMOTE (Chawla et al., 2002) algorithm
and under-sampled the larger classes while keeping
the total weight (amount) of the dataset both in train-
ing and testing phases. A support vector machine
(SVM) classification model was then built with the
feature sets described above. All of the experiments
were conducted with a customized program devel-
oped with Weka API (Garner, 1995)and the SMO
implementation of SVM. The Pearson VII function
(PUK) kernel (Zhang and Ge, 2013) was adopted be-
cause it achieved best performance among the avail-
able kernels. The complexity parameter C was ex-
plored from 1.0 to 10.0 at the step size 1.0 and was
determined to be 4.0. The kernel parameter ω and σ
were were tested between 1.0 and 0.1 and were de-
termined to be 0.1 both. Normalization and standard-
ization trials on the features were conducted and stan-
dardization achieved better performance. Figure 3 de-
picts the performance comparison of all combinations
of available feature modalities with the L
word set
(without content dependent words). The vertical axis
is micro average of the F-measure scores of all teach-
ing intention classes. From the results, the following
facts can be discovered:
Generally, the models with multiple modalities
perform better.
When compare linguistic, prosodic, and gestural
feature sets, linguistic feature set is always domi-
nating the other two feature sets. From the nature
in this classification task, identifying the intention
of the teacher’s utterances, verbal information is
expected to be most effective.
The effectiveness of gestural features varies a lot
among intention classes (from less than 0.1 to
0.5), they are exceptionally ineffective in iden-
tifying Information-Providing-Oral and Auto-
Feedback. This implies that the student teach-
ers did not tend to use gestures or the whiteboard
when they utter in these two intentions.
Detection of Student Teacher’s Intention using Multimodal Features in a Virtual Classroom
Prosodic feature set is not as effective as the lin-
guistic feature set, but it contributes to improve-
ment of the detection performance of each inten-
tion class.
Gestural feature set is much more effective in
pictorial explanation than oral explanation of
Information-Providing. This coincides to the def-
inition of these two intention classes.
In the worst performing class, Instruct, adding
both prosodic and gestural features can greatly
improve the performance.
Figure 3: Comparison of the performance of all possible
combinations of feature sets in all teaching intention classes
with general BoW vector.
The confusion matrix of the classification results
with full feature sets is shown as Table 4. It can be
observed that there was difficult in distinguishing the
two Information-Providing intention classes. From
the definitions of these two classes, they are close to
each other and are expected to be distinguished with
gestural features. By further improving gestural fea-
tures to include more detailed information, the per-
formance may be improved. On the other hand, there
were no strong tendency found in other classes.
For reference, the performance of all possible
combinations of feature sets in all teaching intention
classes with contents dependent BoW vector is de-
picted in Figure 4. With the features more fitting to
the lecture subjects, the performance is slightly better
in all models with linguistic feature set. On the other
hand, the tendency in strength and weakness is very
similar to the models with general BoW vector.
Table 4: Confusion matrix of the classification results with
full feature sets. The rows are true classes and the columns
are classified classes.
A: Commu-Man 91 3 15 13 19 18
B: Allo-Feedback 7 93 7 17 11 11
C: Auto-Feedback 10 17 84 11 8 4
D: Instruct 3 6 14 77 11 16
E: Info-Oral 33 6 5 23 145 70
F: Info-Pictorial 60 20 0 21 131 413
Figure 4: Comparison of the performance of all possible
combinations of feature sets in all teaching intention classes
with contents dependent BoW vector.
In this paper, we present a SVM model using multi-
modal features in classifying the intentions of student
teachers in the lecture rehearsals in a virtual class-
room system. The linguistic, prosodic, and gestural
feature sets are adopted. It is found that although ver-
bal features are most powerful in this task, non-verbal
features do improve overall performance, especially
in the intention classes where the student teachers of-
ten use gestures or the drawings on the whiteboard
to explain abstract concepts in the subject like mathe-
In the future, we would like to introduce the in-
tention dimension in the automatic assessment of the
performance of student teachers. The temporal distri-
bution of the intentions and the co-occurrences of the
intentions and the events happen in the classroom are
expected to provide valuable hints in the assessment.
After that, we plan to realize a fully autonomous vir-
tual classroom system and conduct evaluation experi-
ments in practical use.
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
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