A Robust Page Frame Detection Method for Complex Historical
Document Images
Mohammad Mohsin Reza
, Md. Ajraf Rakib
, Syed Saqib Bukhari
and Andreas Dengel
Department of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Deutsche Forschungszentrum f
ur K
unstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI), Kaiserslautern, Germany
Document Analysis, Document Pre-processing, Complex Historical Document Analysis, 16th-19th Century
German Books, Document Noise Removal, Page Frame.
Document layout analysis is the most important part of converting scanned page images into search-able full
text. An intensive amount of research is going on in the field of structured and semi-structured documents
(journal articles, books, magazines, invoices) but not much in historical documents. Historical document
digitization is a more challenging task than regular structured documents due to poor image quality, damaged
characters, big amount of textual and non-textual noise. In the scientific community, the extraneous symbols
from the neighboring page are considered as textual noise, while the appearances of black borders, speckles,
ruler, different types of image etc. along the border of the documents are considered as non-textual noise.
Existing historical document analysis method cannot handle all of this noise which is a very strong reason
of getting undesired texts as a result from the output of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) that needs to
be removed afterward with a lot of extra afford. This paper presents a new perspective especially for the
historical document image cleanup by detecting the page frame of the document. The goal of this method is
to find actual contents area of the document and ignore noises along the page border. We use morphological
transforms, the line segment detector, and geometric matching algorithm to find an ideal page frame of the
document. After the implementation of page frame method, we also evaluate our approach over 16th-19th
century printed historical documents. We have noticed in the result that OCR performance for the historical
documents increased by 4.49% after applying our page frame detection method. In addition, we are able to
increase the OCR accuracy around 6.69% for contemporary documents too.
There has been a resurgence of interest in Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) in recent years mainly
for digitizing document to increase re-usability of
information. Automatic data processing plays a vital
role in the processing of huge documents quickly
to make our daily life not only easier but also get
more benefit to reuse the information and achieve.
Currently, the usage of contemporary and invoice
type documents is very high in our daily life but
it is also clearly noticeable from the last couple of
years that people are showing their interest in the
digitization of historical documents. By considering
such interests, the government is also started to take
necessary steps for digitizing this huge archives.
Existing commercial OCR systems (like ABBYY
and OmniPage
) and open-source OCR systems (like
and Tesseract
) have traditionally been
optimized for contemporary documents like books,
letters, memos, and other end-user documents. How-
ever, OCR engines for digitization of historical
archives differ in their requirements from such tradi-
tional OCR systems mainly because of complex lay-
outs and ancient character style. In addition, OCR
systems traditionally have usually been developed for
specific scripts and languages, and it is difficult to
train them for old scripts that can give high per-
formance. There were some efforts from the re-
searchers to handle the challenging case of histori-
cal document images. One of the known open-source
OCR system called anyOCR (Bukhari et al., 2017)
Reza, M., Rakib, M., Bukhari, S. and Dengel, A.
A Robust Page Frame Detection Method for Complex Historical Document Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0007382405560564
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2019), pages 556-564
ISBN: 978-989-758-351-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is specially developed for Latin script historical doc-
uments, but also remarkable for contemporary and
semi-structured documents like books, magazines, ar-
ticles etc. Recently, anyOCR system updated for in-
voice documents (Reza et al., 2018) by implementing
several methods including page frame.
In this paper, we present a page frame detection
approach for complex historical document images.
Figure 1(a) depicts a complex historical document im-
age whereas Figure 1(b) represents a contemporary
document image. The dataset we are using here is
quite challenging because of its noisy ruler, damaged
pages and other noisy objects around the page bound-
ary. To overcome this problem at first we do the bina-
rization which Bukhari et al. (Bukhari et al., 2017)
used in his paper and skew correction (Gari et al.,
2017) (Wagdy et al., 2014) of a document image and
then apply morphological methods to detect and re-
move ruler. After removing the ruler we use different
approaches to filter noise and detect document content
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Historical Vs. Contemporary Image. (a) A sam-
ple Historical document image, and (b) A sample Contem-
porary image.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Af-
ter discussing related work in Section 2, our proposed
method discussed in Section 3 for page frame de-
tection for historical documents followed by perfor-
mance evaluation in Section 4 to compare our result
with other systems. Finally, in Section 5 we conclude
our work.
Page frame detection for any kind of document is
a very challenging task, especially historical docu-
ment. According to Shafait et al. (Shafait et al., 2008)
there are basically two different kinds of noise gener-
ate along the border of the document while copying
or scanning a book page, one of them is called tex-
tual noise (extraneous symbols from the neighbouring
page) and another is non-textual noise such as black
borders, speckles etc. Textual noise may become a
reason of getting an unwanted result after the process-
ing of Optical Character Recognition(OCR). In any-
OCR system, Bukhari et al. (Bukhari et al., 2017) are
using a method called text-image segmentation that
is very effective for removing non-textual noise from
a document. Similarly, Shafait et al. (Shafait and
Breuel, 2009) are removing textual noise from a doc-
ument, which is also performing well over contempo-
rary documents. Shafait and Breuel have combined
projection profile analysis with connected component
removal to implement their method that can recog-
nize the borders of noise areas. However, our target
is first to remove both textual and non-textual noise
from more challenging historical documents that oc-
cur in the page border area and then detect the page
frame area based on the content area of the docu-
ments. Before implementing our approach, we have
investigated a couple of papers to know the contribu-
tion of other researchers in the area of page frame de-
tection. So far we do not find enough work related to
page frame detection for historical document images
but there are few papers available online that mention
about page frame detection for general documents.
Shafait et al. (Shafait et al., 2007) applied a
method that shows how to detect the page frame with
the uses of a geometric matching algorithm that is ig-
noring the presence of white-space between real page
contents and noisy borders. Authors have reduced the
error rate of OCR by using this page frame method
over UW-III dataset (Phillips, 1996) which is con-
temporary documents dataset. However, page frame
recognition of historical documents is comparatively
harder than general documents. So, we have con-
sidered historical documents to develop our proposed
page frame detection method and finally, we evalu-
ate of this new page frame approach over both his-
torical and contemporary documents of two different
According to Stamatopoulos et al. (Stamatopou-
los et al., 2010), we can detect the page frame of
two different page in a single document image. Here
authors have used some pre-processing (binarization,
noise-removal and image smoothing) technique to get
the vertical zones of two pages and after that, they
have calculated the horizontal zones of each page.
Nonetheless, this work is not exactly like our work
but still its related to page frame recognition. So, we
have noticed every single document image of this pa-
per and found that the used documents contain less
page border noise compare to ours.
As like the work of Stamatopoulos et al. (Stam-
atopoulos et al., 2010) another page frame method is
developed by Bukhari et al. (Bukhari et al., 2012)
A Robust Page Frame Detection Method for Complex Historical Document Images
where they have also taken the help of pre-processing
(binarization and text or non-text segmentation) tech-
niques and detect the text lines before applying the
straight-line approximation algorithm over the start-
ing and ending points of the ridges to get the page
frame regions of documents. DFKI-I dataset (which
is camera captured document images) has been used
for the evaluation of this page frame approach that
contains pages of several technical books. The prob-
lem we faced during the analysis of historical doc-
ument images is still unsolved and this gives us the
motivation for developing a new page frame method
especially for complex historical document images.
In the paper, Cinque et al. (Cinque et al., 2002)
give an excellent explanation about three major prob-
lems (print-through, marginal artifacts, and partial ex-
tra pages) that we find in most of the documents. They
have used a page segmentation method to recognize
different sections and the page frame area of the doc-
ument images. Authors measured the content area of
the document image to detect the page frame region
of a document image. In the end, the method is tested
over UW-III dataset and achieved good results too.
However, as our concern about historical documents
we planned to test our page frame detection approach
over historical documents image dataset, as well as
the general documents dataset.
There is an excellent work done by Stamatopou-
los et al. (Stamatopoulos et al., 2007) on border de-
tection and noise removal for historical documents
by using the combination of projection profiles and
connected component labelling process. Authors of
that paper mainly work on camera captured histor-
ical documents where writers introduced a method
that can automatically recognize the document bor-
ders and splits not only the black borders but also the
noisy text areas from the neighbouring pages. Finally,
to verify the recognized noisy text areas authors have
also used signal cross-correlation. Nevertheless, the
historical documents we have used for the develop-
ment of this proposed page frame recognition method
is more challenging as compared to the used docu-
ment images by Stamatopoulos et al. (Stamatopoulos
et al., 2007).
However, the purpose of this paper is to intro-
duce a method that may help others to work on more
complex historical documents which contain multi-
ple page borders as well as other unexpected object
shapes like a ruler, knife, and so on.
From the overview of the related work, a reader can
get a very good idea about the contribution of differ-
ent researchers in page frame detection. With due re-
spect to all the researchers, we want to mention that
most of the research has been done based on con-
temporary documents where the researchers have also
found good accuracy in OCR after detecting the page
frame and removing the noises from the borders but
there is very less work done for historical document
page frame detection. If we apply the methods that are
developed based on contemporary documents then we
get less accuracy in the OCR.
In our related work, we have mentioned an ex-
cellent work of historical documents page frame de-
tection method which is introduced by Stamatopou-
los et al. (Stamatopoulos et al., 2007). This method
can recognize the page border from camera captured
documents and remove the noises that occur from the
neighbouring page of the document images. Instead
of this work, we do not find any other work on his-
torical documents page frame detection. Due to that
reason, we have implemented our own method that
can remove the noisy ruler or other objects which has
a shape like a ruler and after removing that ruler or
object our method can recognize the page frame area
of the document images which is the goal of our work.
German 16th-19th Century historical documents
also contain the above mentioned problem. Remov-
ing those noise from a historical document image is
not an easy task because that does not handle by other
pre-processing methods like binarization or existing
page frame detection. The ruler detection is a very
challenging task because ruler contains value along
with text which also considers as text noise and needs
to remove. We have tried different approaches to de-
tect and remove the ruler from images. Our two dif-
ferent page frame approaches are shown in Figure 2.
Before detecting page frame, we have decided to use
the image binarization and deskewing technique im-
plemented by Bukhari et al. (Bukhari et al., 2017).
The binarization technique uses a percentile based bi-
narization method that is suitable for different types of
grayscale document images from properly scanned to
camera-captured having non-uniform illuminations,
low contrast.
Figure 3(a) depicts the view of the original im-
age and Figure 3(b) represents the image after using
percentile binarization method of the anyOCR sys-
tem (Bukhari et al., 2017). After applying the per-
centile binarization technique we have used the con-
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
tours function of OpenCV library (Itseez, 2015) to de-
tect the shape of the ruler in the document images and
fill with white background. Figure 4(b) shows the de-
tected ruler shape from Figure 4(a) document image
and Figure 5 illustrates the document image after re-
moving the ruler with white pixels.
As we already get the document image without
the noisy ruler, now we can use text area detection
method to get the text area of the document image.
Here, we have used another function of OpenCV
called morphological transformation (Itseez, 2014) to
detect the text area of the document image. We get
the outline of each text objects by using the morpho-
logical gradient. Then we merge all the necessary text
boundary box as column wise that may help us to
get the page frame area of the document image. Fi-
nally, we get our desired content area and crop the
area from the document image for further use of opti-
cal character recognition. Additionally, we have also
made another approach of page frame detection by us-
ing the line segment detector (LSD) (G. Randall and
Morel, 2008) where we detect the text boundary line
of a document image. Figure 8 and 10 shows the page
boundary area over different historical document im-
ages and Figure 9 and 11 represents the final output
of our page frame detection method.
3.1 Noisy Ruler Removal
This is the first stage for our page frame method. We
apply our method over a binary image:
I(x, y) = {0, 1} 0 x < I
, 0 y < I
In the noisy ruler removal step, we detect ruler using
OpenCV contours (Itseez, 2014). Contours is a curve
joining all the continuous points along the boundary,
having same colour or intensity. It is a very useful
method for shape analysis and object detection. This
method basically detects all the shape of text or non-
text object.
OpenCV contours perform better over binarize
image. Before applying contours, a threshold and
canny edge detection (Canny, 1986) should be applied
over the binary image. Algorithm 1 is used to find par-
ent rectangles by removing child rectangles from the
document image.
A ruler is basically a rectangular object which
is laid on the boundary side. We consider rectangle
area between 30% to 1% of the document image area
and height:width ratio is 10:3 or vice-versa to assume
as a ruler. We filter out rest of the rectangles which
does not match with the above threshold value. We
then make ruler area as a filled white background.
The main idea to remove ruler is to avoid text noise in-
Algorithm 1: Find parent rectangles by removing
child rectangles.
Data: rect
Result: Find parent rectangles
for i in 1 : len(rect) do
, y
, w
, h
= rect[i];
for j in i + 1 : length(rect) do
, y
, w
, h
= rect[ j];
if (x
) and ((x
+ w
) > (x
and (y
) and ((y
+ h
) >
)) and (h : w < > 10 : 3) then
remove rect[ j];
side of the ruler which make easy to detect main text
3.2 Detect Text-area
In this stage, we use OpenCV morphological trans-
formation (Itseez, 2014) to detect text area of the doc-
ument image. We do morphological gradient to get
the outline of the objects Figure 6(a) and then apply
morphological close transformation over the inverse
of the document. Morphological close transforma-
tion use to closing small holes (Figure 6(b)) inside
the foreground objects to make symbols intact, clean
and thin object shape as like Figure 6(c).
We used OpenCV contours with kernel size [10,1]
to get text bounding area which is shown in Figure
7. We filter out bounding area where the black pixel
contains less than 45%, width of the box is W > 90%
> 15 and height of the box is H > 50% > 15 (where
W is document width and H is document height) to
precise text bounding area.
3.3 Page Frame Detection using Text
Bounding Box
We merge all text boundary box column wise if the X-
axis of one boundary box lay on the X-axis of other
boundary box and the box area is larger than 5% of the
total image area usually not in the page border area.
We may get more than one column boundary box
as shown in Figure 8. This column boundary box may
contain noisy text area coming from the neighbour-
ing area or part of the main page content area. To
distinguish this, we apply some heuristic geometrical
calculation to decide whether marge or remove those
columns to get the main page frame area. We merge
columns if the column width is below 55% of original
image width and pixel space between columns is less
than 4% of the original image width.
A Robust Page Frame Detection Method for Complex Historical Document Images
Figure 2: Complete processing steps of our page frame method over two different documents which perform two different
approaches. (a) Original historical document image, (b) Image after binarization process, (c) Apply contours to detect the
shape of every object, (d) Detect ruler after filtering object area, (e) Remove ruler from the document, (f) Detect text area
boundary, (g) Detect page boundary area over the document image, (h) Final page frame by cropping boundary area through
Text Bounding Box, (i) Line detection using LSD , (j) Line detection by filtering in border region, and (h) Final page frame
by cropping boundary area through LSD.
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Document binarization. (a) Original historical
document image, (b) Binarized image.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Apply OpenCV contours and geometric algorithm
to detect ruler of the document: (a) Apply contours to de-
tect shape of every object, (b) detect ruler after applying
geometric algorithm.
Figure 5: Remove ruler from the document.
After getting page frame area coordinate using
this approach, we crop the page to finalize the page
frame shown in Figure 9 which is later used for OCR.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: Apply different morphological transformation
over the document to make clean and intact each of the char-
acter or objects: (a) morphological Gradient operation gives
the outline of the object, (b) morphological Close operation
close small holes inside the object, (c) apply both operations
over each object to get the clean thin shape.
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Detect text area boundary over two different docu-
ments:(a) sample document one, (b) sample document two.
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Detect page boundary over two different docu-
ments:(a) sample document one, (b) sample document two.
3.4 Page Frame Detection using Line
Segment Detector
We have also used another approach to detect page
frame area. This method applies automatically when
our first method does not satisfy. In this method, we
detect the boundary line by using the line segment
detector (LSD) (von Gioi et al., 2010) which gives
A Robust Page Frame Detection Method for Complex Historical Document Images
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9: Page frame detection using our text bounding box
method: (a)(c) Original image, (b)(d) after applying our
(a) (b)
Figure 10: Border line detection over different documents
using LSD : (a) a sample document one, (b) a sample docu-
ment two.
important information about the geometric content of
images. Line segments can be used as low-level fea-
tures to extract information from images. In our ap-
proach, we first apply LSD to detect all possible lines
in the image. Then we consider the lines which have
the length more than 45 pixels and lay down on the
border region. The border region considered as 25%
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 11: Another approach of our page frame detection
using Line Segment Detector: (a)(c) Original image, (b)(d)
after applying our method.
from left, 25% from right, 40% from the top and 40%
from the bottom. If three lines from left, right, top and
bottom found closely (a maximum 15-pixel difference
between lines) then we consider it as boundary line as
shown in Figure 10. Finally, we crop the image to get
page frame which is shown in Figure 11(b) and 11(d).
For the evaluation of our newly introduced page frame
detection method, we used 16th to 19th-century OCR-
D historical dataset consists of 124 scanned document
images. Out of this 124 images we have used 10
images for the training purpose (i.e., parameter op-
timization) and 114 images for the testing purpose.
We have mentioned earlier that this page frame detec-
tion method mainly developed for handling the dif-
ficulties of historical document images, but we also
want to check the performance of this new method
over the contemporary dataset. So, we have taken 74
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Performance evaluation on OCR-D historical doc-
uments before and after applying page frame detection
method [training images 10 and test images 114].
Dataset Before After
Train 78.15% 84.84%
Test 78.98% 83.47%
Table 2: Performance evaluation on UW-III contemporary
documents before and after applying page frame detection
method [training images 14 and test images 60].
Dataset Before After
Train 87.79% 94.01%
Test 84.75% 91.44%
images from UW-III dataset as contemporary docu-
ments where we used 14 images for training and 60
images for testing.
There is no existing page frame evaluation method
available in the community. Due to that reason, we
decided to evaluate by considering OCRed text output
performance of the Tesseract OCR system. Tesser-
act Fraktur language model has used to do the OCR
over the OCR-D historical document images. Simi-
larly, English + German language model has used for
UW-III document images. We used the Levenshtein
distance algorithm to check the OCR accuracy of a
generated text file. First of all, we calculate the accu-
racy of the OCRed text output over the original noisy
image and then we again calculate the accuracy over
the same images after removing noise by using our
page frame method.
We also tried to use ABBYY online OCR system
with Fraktur language model but failed to do the OCR
for all the training dataset. Surprisingly, only one
document performed OCR with Fraktur model and
another one document with the combination of En-
glish and German language model over original doc-
ument images. We also used that system after ap-
plying the new page frame method and found that
only two documents generate the OCRed text with
Fraktur and three documents with English and Ger-
man model. The anyOCR system performs well for
Latin typescript documents and it does not contain
the Fraktur language model. So, we could not test
our page frame detection method with this anyOCR
system. Table 1 shows that our page frame method
increases the OCRed text accuracy from 78.98% to
83.47% for historical documents. Similarly, it also
performed well over contemporary document images
by improving the accuracy from 84.75% to 91.44%
(Table 2).
In this paper, we proposed an advanced page frame
detection method for historical document images.
This mechanism is good enough to remove various
kind of noises from page boundary. For the evaluation
of our implemented page frame detection method, we
used different OCR systems to check the accuracy of
optical character recognition before and after apply-
ing this newly developed page frame approach. We
have used two different datasets to test our mecha-
nism. In both cases, we achieved better accuracy after
applying our page frame method. Moreover, the pro-
posed page frame detection method is able to improve
the OCR accuracy up to 4.49% for the historical and
6.69% for the contemporary document images.
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ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods