Towards Aligning GDPR Compliance with Software Development:
A Research Agenda
Meiko Jensen
, Sahil Kapila
and Nils Gruschka
Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Kiel, Germany
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
GDPR, DPIA, Data Protection Impact Assessments, Privacy.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) caused several new legal requirements software systems in
Europe have to comply to. Support for these requirements given by proprietary software systems is limited.
Here, an integrative approach of combining software development with GDPR-specific demands is necessary.
In this paper, we outline such an approach on the level of software source code. We illustrate how to annotate
data in complex software systems and how to use such annotations for task like data visualization, data ex-
change standardization, and GDPR-specific consent and purpose management systems. Thereby, we outline a
research agenda for subsequent efforts in aligning software development and GDPR requirements.
The advent of the new European General Data Pro-
tection Regulation (GDPR, (European Parliament and
Council, 2016)) has led to multiple new legal require-
ments for organizations operating in Europe and be-
yond. It demands for precise information concerning
all data processing of personal data happening within
organizations, along with their purposes and specific
conditions. This demand currently causes a lot of
challenges with organizations that struggle with the
challenging task of gathering the required informa-
tion from their own software systems. Most propri-
etary software today does not offer any insights into
how it processes data, which of that data is of per-
sonal or even sensitive nature w.r.t. the GDPR, and
how that data passes through the processing systems
In this paper, we envision a software development
approach that incorporates GDPR-based demands at
the very early software development stages. The aim
being to bolster the compliance process and hasten in-
dustry alignment with the current state of the GDPR.
We illustrate the different ways a GDPR-supportive
software development approach may be implemented
and utilized. We also briefly discuss some approaches
on how to mine processes for GDPR-relevant in-
formation, how to support the creation of GDPR-
demanded documentation of processing of personal
data at the software development level, and we high-
light some subsequent concepts for visualizations,
tools and exchange standards to ease the work with
and exchange of GDPR-relevant information among
stakeholders. Altogether, we therefore outline a re-
search agenda on how to align the task of software
development with the specific needs caused by the
The paper is organized as follows: The next sec-
tion defines some of the important concepts and terms
of the GDPR, necessary to understand the subsequent
sections. Then, Section 3 debates issues of implemen-
tation of the GDPR and the impacts on software de-
velopment. Section 4 then introduces our approach
of data annotations at source code level, which is dis-
cussed in terms of visualizations in Section 5 and in
terms of standardization, integration and management
in Section 6. The paper concludes in Section 7.
The GDPR defines several terms and concepts nec-
essary for understanding the remainder of this paper.
The reader familiar with the GDPR terminology may
skip this section.
A data subject in GDPR terms refers to the hu-
man individual whose data is processed within a data
processing system (e.g. a software implementation).
The data controller is the organization (or the mul-
Jensen, M., Kapila, S. and Gruschka, N.
Towards Aligning GDPR Compliance with Software Development: A Research Agenda.
DOI: 10.5220/0007383803890396
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 389-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tiple organizations, in case of a joint controllership,
cf. (European Parliament and Council, 2016, Article
26)) that decides how the data processing system is
designed, what data types are collected from the data
subject, how that data is processed, and what other
organizations (data processors) may be hired to par-
ticipate in this processing. In order to legally collect
data from the data subject, the most commonly used
approach in private sector industries consists in the
consent: a data subject is asked to explicitly allow
for data processing of a certain type for a certain pur-
pose. That data may then not be used for other pur-
poses than those the data subject has consented to (un-
less some exceptional conditions apply, cf. (European
Parliament and Council, 2016, Articles 8 and 10)). A
data subject may withdraw consent of data process-
ing, in whole or in part, e.g. just for some purposes or
for some data types, at any time, resulting in the data
controller(s) having to cancel processing of that data
as soon as possible.
Data according to the GDPR is effectively catego-
rized in three relevant groups:
Non-personal data is not directly linkable to a per-
son, and hence can be processed arbitrarily,
Personal data is somewhat directly linkable to a per-
son, and hence must be processed in accordance
with the regulation’s articles, and
Sensitive personal data is typically directly linkable
to a person and poses a severe threat to that person
if the data is lost or misused. Such data may only
be processed under specific conditions, utilizing
advanced precautions and protection mechanisms
(cf (European Parliament and Council, 2016, Ar-
ticle 9)).
One of the major requirements posed in the GDPR
is that of performing a data protection impact assess-
ment (DPIA, cf. (European Parliament and Council,
2016, Article 35)). The task here is to identify, list,
and handle all potential risks to privacy and data pro-
tection that may be caused by the processing of per-
sonal data of a data subject at a data controller or
data processor. Obviously, this task requires exact in-
formation concerning what data is processed in what
places and for which purposes at which organizations
participating in a data processing system.
In order to comply with the 99 articles of the GDPR,
it becomes necessary to extract and document a large
array of information concerning one’s data process-
ing operations, such as purposes and legal grounds for
processing of personal data. In this effort, many com-
panies and government institutions face a dilemma:
though the text of the new regulation is public for
more than two years, it is still not clear how it will
be enforced in real-world scenarios. Here, the ma-
jor data protection authorities in Europe still need to
provide more precise details as to how its paragraphs
will be enforced. For organizations, this means that
they can not easily determine which tasks they need
to perform in order to comply, and which tasks may
be optional.
However, it is already evident that the major focus
of the GDPR and its enforcement concerns process-
ing of personal data, which is also labeled as per-
sonally identifiable information (pii, (Schwartz and
Solove, 2011)) in the literature. Hence, it can already
be seen that the data collected, stored, processed, for-
warded or otherwise dealt with within the processes
running inside an organization are of eminent impor-
tance when it comes to GDPR compliance check-
ing. At the same time, tools and techniques to ex-
tract and visualize the flow of data within processes
typically do not focus on GDPR relevance of the data
flows. Though multiple data and process modeling
standards exist (such as UML (Object Management
Group, 2015) or BPMN (Object Management Group,
2014)), few of them provide explicit support for secu-
rity or privacy assessments as required by the GDPR.
Here, a demand for GDPR-specific tools for pro-
cess mining, visualization, and documentation, with
a strong focus on processing of personal data within
these processes and linked to the GDPR requirements
became evident.
The most important task to solve when it comes to
validating GDPR compliance of a complex, inter-
organizational data processing system consists in
elaborating the set of personal data that is actually
processed within an organization. Only data that is
actually processed is in scope for the GDPR, and only
if it is of personal nature. Here, many organizations
face the struggle to determine which data they actu-
ally process, in which processes that data is actually
processed, and which of the data is of personal or even
sensitive personal nature.
To overcome this shortage, a set of techniques
have already been developed in research to extract
data and data flows from existing process models,
source code, log files, or even full-text documentation
reports (cf. (Accorsi and Stocker, 2012; Van der Aalst,
2016; Accorsi et al., 2011; Valdman, 2001; Sharir and
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Pnueli, 1978; De and Le M
etayer, 2016)). However,
none of these approaches is immediately suited for
dealing with GDPR compliance. Especially the char-
acterization of data being personal has not yet been
incorporated into any of these efforts. This also stems
from the fact that this characterization itself is a chal-
lenging one, as will be explained next.
4.1 The Problem of Determining
Sensitivity of Personal Data
Imagine a system that utilizes a customer’s name
and taxation ID (where we assume the latter to be a
government-issued, unique identifier of each citizen,
such as the Danish CPR numbers (Pedersen et al.,
2006)). Both data items clearly are of personal na-
ture, as both serve to identify the person behind the
data easily. Intuitively, the taxation ID is even “more
personal” than the name, as it uniquely identifies ex-
actly one human being, whereas a name (as a string
of characters) could be shared by many individuals of
the same name, and therefore is not unique.
Without a doubt, the taxation ID is also a sensitive
personal information. When knowing the taxation ID
of an individual, it is possible to find out some addi-
tional information concerning the individual, such as
its financial situation (based on tax reports), its prob-
able age (the Danish CPR is based on the birthdate)
and gender (coded into the Danish CPR again). Out
of these, the financial situation can clearly be misused
to harm an individual to the point of social ostracism,
therefore it clearly fulfils the definition of a sensitive
personal data item as defined in Article 9 GDPR.
The sensitive nature of the name is not that obvi-
ous, and many lawyers and data protection activists
will argue that a name is not a sensitive personal in-
formation. First, it is typically not directly possible to
gather critical, harmful information from a person’s
name. Second, a name is publicly used to identify a
person in society, therefore it is not considered a “se-
cret” in any context. Nevertheless, a name contain-
ing “Muhammad” can directly be linked to a religious
background, with a high probability of the person (or
its parents) following a certain religion. Therefore,
it may count as a sensitive information itself as well.
From this example another fact becomes apparent, a
determination of sensitivity would require a call to
be placed on evaluating multiple dimensions such as
usage of the data, inheritance from parent data types
(if applicable), context, level of anonymization and/or
generalization, among others. However, for the sake
of this example, we will treat a name as non-sensitive
personal data from now on.
4.2 The Problem of Determining the
Status of Derived Data
If we now assume that a software system collects and
stores both these data items, name and taxation ID, for
every customer, we already have identified two possi-
ble sources of risks to a customer’s privacy (if the data
gets lost) and two objects of interest when implement-
ing a customer’s data access rights (cf. (European Par-
liament and Council, 2016, Article 15)). Thus, in-
formation concerning these data items and their pro-
cessing is of clear interest to anyone trying to validate
GDPR compliance for the system in consideration.
Now let’s assume the system utilizes both data
items in combination to generate a unique identifier
per customer, for use as a unique yet speaking refer-
ence for subsequent processes
. Here, the system uti-
lizes both name and taxation ID as input to generate a
new data type: a customer ID. This new data item is
thus derived from the two inputs of name and taxation
ID, and thus may inherit the values and some of the
properties associated with these inputs. Especially, it
obviously is personal data itself again. This is due to
the fact that both the inputs were personal data, the
resulting data item is used for identification of human
individuals (here: customers), and the processing of
these inputs did not include any sort of anonymiza-
tion techniques. Both input data are clearly visible
and extractable from the newly generated data item of
customer ID. Hence, it is easy to see the inheritance
of this property to the “child” data item born from the
two previous ones.
A more complex question is whether the result-
ing customer ID also is a sensitive personal data item.
One of the inputs was sensitive, whereas the other was
not (see discussion above). Hence, the decision of
whether the resulting item is of sensitive personal na-
ture or not depends on the type of processing. Here,
a major challenge lies in the determination as to what
extent the sensitivity of the input data items is trans-
ferred to the newly created data item. If the customer
ID contains the complete taxation ID verbatim, that
latter can easily be extracted from the former, and
therefore the customer ID can easily be linked to a
customer’s taxation data and financial situation, ren-
dering it a sensitive personal data item. If only part of
the taxation ID is used in the customer ID, or if some
other method of anonymization or pseudonymization
is applied (such as hashing of inputs or generaliza-
tion of data, see e.g. (Zhou et al., 2008; Pfitzmann
and Hansen, 2010)), the resulting customer ID may
We omit the debate on whether this is a reasonable way
to create a customer identifier in the light of the GDPR here.
In short: it is not!
Towards Aligning GDPR Compliance with Software Development: A Research Agenda
Figure 1: Example of data annotations in a common IDE.
not that easily be linkable to the taxation context of a
customer, and thus the status of sensitivity of the new
data item is different. To subsume, the sensitivity sta-
tus of the derived data items depends on the sensitivity
status of the input data items and the type of process-
ing applied to the newly created data item.
The same holds true for the status of “personal”:
if one input is of personal nature and another input
is not personal, the result may be personal or non-
personal, depending on the processing. However, if
none of the inputs is personal, newly generated data
items will never be personal themselves. Similarly,
if none of the inputs is of sensitive nature, the newly
created data items will not be of sensitive nature them-
selves as well.
4.3 Annotating the Status to the Data
As can be seen, it is of eminent importance to deter-
mine and trace the status of “personal” and “sensitive”
data items throughout the processing of data within
a complex software system. Hence, it is necessary
to document the assumed status of each and every
data item utilized within a processing environment.
This information can be documented in multiple dif-
ferent ways when dealing with real-world process de-
velopment scenarios. For instance, the relevant data
items could be collected in a separate, hand-written
text document, explaining the data item, its status and
assumed conditions. However, this approach is error-
prone and complex, and does not allow for subsequent
automated processing of that list itself. Thus, we pro-
pose a different approach: to annotate the GDPR-
relevant information (like personal/sensitive status)
directly to the data item in question within the source
code of the processing software itself. Similar to the
commonly used frameworks for automation of source
code documentation (e.g. JavaDoc (Oracle Inc., 2004;
Kramer, 1999)), we suggest to define source code
level annotations to data items that can be used to im-
mediately define the assume status of data items uti-
lized within the source code.
An example is shown in Figure 1. As can be
seen, the method getCustomerID uses the two in-
puts of name and taxID to create the new data item
of CustomerID. Thus, we have two inputs and one
output. Using the annotations seen above the code it-
self, a programmer can now directly annotate the sta-
tus of the inputs and also declare the name and status
of the newly created data item of CustomerID. These
annotations, which follow the common approach for
source code annotations for other purposes, can then
be used by subsequent source code evaluation tools
for subsequent uses (see next section).
As can be seen from the example, this annotation
approach in our test environment already supports the
use of the following annotation tags:
Data allows for annotating an input data item (that
must be named equal to the corresponding vari-
able name) with its status of being personal or
even sensitive.
dataCreated defines the newly created data items
from this method invocation. This may be the re-
turned result value (as shown in the figure), but
may also be any other data item that is newly cre-
ated within the code of the method invocation, e.g.
if it is added to some exteral database or sent to
some other software component within the source
code. As with the input data, the programmer can
directly utilize this tag to annotate the assumed
status of these newly created data items w.r.t. per-
sonal or sensitive status.
Purpose is a free-text field allowing to briefly de-
scribe the purpose of processing of the personal
data in this method along the definitions of Article
6 of the GDPR. It can be extended for use in com-
bination with a full-featured purpose management
system (see Section 6.3).
More annotations will be added in later revisions
of the toolset, but the approach should be obvious.
Obviously, such annotations are only put into the
source code for data items that are of personal or sen-
sitive nature themselves. Non-personal data, such as
counting variables or other implementation-specific
method parameters that are not of personal nature will
not be annotated at all, thereby will become omitted
for subsequent processing of the annotations.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Once these annotations are available and used
by the programmer in real-world environments, this
allows for multiple subsequent ways of processing,
ranging from visualizations (see next section) to data
exchange standardizations (see Section 6.1) to con-
sent and purpose management systems (see Sec-
tions 6.2 and 6.3).
Once the data fields, along with their status, interrela-
tion and properties is annotated, it becomes feasible to
automatically process such annotations—along with
the annotated source code itself—to support various
tasks around data protection and GDPR enforcement.
These are to be discussed in this section.
5.1 The Data and Purpose Spreadsheet
The most obvious way to make use of the annotations
of data items is to automatically compile lists of data
items of same status. No matter how big the source
code of an application gets, the task of searching for
all @data and @dataCreated annotations and aggre-
gating them into a simple list, sorted by status (per-
sonal/sensitive), is straight-forward, easy, and fast.
Thus, at all future points in time, everyone with ac-
cess to the source code can easily determine which
data items are processed by the particular software (or
parts thereof), which of those are of personal nature,
and which are of sensitive personal nature. Those
lists then can be used as a basis for all subsequent
tasks of GDPR enforcement, such as disclosure to-
wards the data subjects (cf. (European Parliament and
Council, 2016, Article 15)) or towards the data protec-
tion authorities (cf. (European Parliament and Coun-
cil, 2016, Article 57)), assessment of risks associated
with the data types processed, execution of a data pro-
tection impact assessment (cf. (European Parliament
and Council, 2016, Article 35)), and many more.
Similarly, apart from the data annota-
tions, it is possible to compile a list of all
@purpose annotations—along with the @data
and @dataCreated annotations used in the same
scope—to identify the purposes of data processing
relevant for a process. This list of puposes then can
be used as input for subsequent steps like compiling
a valid consent form to show and get signed off by
the data subjects, which must explicitly state all the
purposes relevant on why a system needs to process
a certain category of data items (cf. (European
Parliament and Council, 2016, Article 6.1(a))).
Another use of this map of purposes to data items
Figure 2: Visualization example for a single derived-from
may lie in the case that a data subject selectively
withdraws consent of processing of his/her data
for a specific purpose. In that case, the map can
easily be used to exactly pinpoint every single data
item associated with that purpose, along with the
exact locations of source code that handles such
data items. Thus, implementing such a selective,
separated-by-purpose processing system is made
way more easy as compared to the task of manually
searching for all potential data items assigned to a
certain purpose by hand.
However, the risk of this approach is that the lists
of data items and purposes may get lengthy and hard
to handle manually, especially if the same data is
listed multiple times under different names. To over-
come such issues of multiple entries of identical data
items or purposes, a mandatory preparational step is
to preprocess and unify the annotations, eliminating
different names for such identical data items, and
thereby reducing the size of the compiled lists. This
again is a straight-forwards process that can easily be
automated as well, and thus is not detailed here. Still,
the remaining list of data items is expected to rapidly
become lengthily in real-world processing systems.
5.2 The Data Subway Map
In order to allow for better understanding of how the
data flows within the process, it is even more relevant
to not just list all data items as plain text, but to uti-
lize a suitable visualization for the data items, their
interrelation, and the resulting dependencies. Such a
visualization makes it more easy for a human asses-
sor to understand the way data is handled, processed,
stored, or forwarded within a system. A good dia-
gram makes every spreadsheet more comprehensible,
and the same holds true for the interdependencies of
data items in complex environments, especially when
focusing on their specific properties w.r.t. the GDPR.
Here, the approach used in the classification of data
comes in handy, as it directly separates input data
items from newly created data items. This allows
for precisely determining a relation among data items,
which we will dub the derived-from relation. A data
item X is derived from another data item Y iff Y is an
input data item to a source code method that annotates
data item X as being newly created by that method.
Towards Aligning GDPR Compliance with Software Development: A Research Agenda
Obviously, every data item can be derived from a sin-
gle to arbitrary many input data items, and can again
be used as input data to the creation/derivation of sub-
sequent data items. However, this relation allows for
a direction of data dependencies, which allows for
a suitable visualization of the creation flow of data
items performed by a processing system.
Figure 2 shows an example of a possible visualiza-
tion of such a derived-from data set. As can be seen,
the data item X is derived from Y, such that Y is the
(only) input and both X and Y are outputs. Figure 3
illustrates this visualization approach in a more com-
plex scenario, with multiple inputs and derived data
items. The visualization used here has similar seman-
tics to a subway map, indicating points of intersection
(=derivations), but with a direction from left to right.
Thus, the left-most input data items of a system are
inputs gathered from the outside world (e.g. via user
input forms), and the right-most data items illustrate
the total set of data items used in the system.
The immediate purpose of such a visualization is
to easily get an impression of the flow of personal data
throughout a complex software system, and since it is
compiled automatically, it is no longer necessary to
understand the underlying source code at all. For a
quick assessment of personal data processed within a
system, this view thus is ideally suited to be used by
data protection assessors, e.g. in the context of per-
forming a data protection impact assessment (cf. (Eu-
ropean Parliament and Council, 2016, Article 35)).
Moreover, if a data subject decides to selectively
withdraw consent of processing for certain (input)
data items, this type of visualization immediately al-
lows to determine which other data items may be af-
fected by that decision as well. Vice versa, if an as-
sessor is interested to see what data is used as input to
create a certain data item, the visualization allows for
an easy determination when read from right to left.
Colored animations in the visualization editor could
even allow for more easy determination of such data
interdependencies in real-world usage scenarios, and
may e.g. be useful to highlight the flow of data of
sensitive personal nature.
Beyond data visualization, which by itself is purely
intended to support a human mind in understanding
certain properties of a data processing system, there
are other major approaches for utilization of the data
annotations discussed in Section 4. Some of these are
outlined and briefly debated here, but obviously, there
is a large set of other approaches imaginable. Thus,
the set given here just reflects some very high-level
walk-through of some of the approaches that need to
be investigated in more detail in subsequent research
6.1 Standardization of GDPR Metadata
Exchange Formats
A major issue of performing data flow assessments
e.g. in the context of a data protection impact assess-
ment according to Article 35 of the GDPR consists
in handing inter-organizational business processes. If
data is processed by external collaborators, such as
cloud providers or external data analytics services,
it becomes challenging to gather all information rel-
evant for determining the full data flows, purposes,
and processing conditions in a sound, complete, and
reasonable way. This process always requires direct
bilateral interaction between all collaborating orga-
nizations, something that can hardly be expected to
be achieved e.g. between a minor university’s IT
department and a major cloud provider. Hence, the
task of performing an overarching data protection im-
pact assessment for the full data processing of stu-
dent data, including the processes implemented and
privacy risks arising at the cloud provider, becomes
challenging if not impossible to manage.
A first step towards a solution of this challenge
consists in standardization: if organizations share
their particular GDPR-relevant information, such as
data flow visualizations and purpose lists, in a stan-
dardized, public, commonly understandable data for-
mat, that could help solving the issues of such
overarching DPIAs, risk assessments, transparency
requests, and consent withdrawal challenges im-
mensely. Hence, the development of a single, all-
inclusive, probably XML-based data format for ex-
change of GDPR-relevant metadata (data types, anno-
tations, purposes, etc.) is a promising venue to sup-
porting inter-organizational GDPR compliance im-
plementations. This is an ongoing work in our current
research efforts.
6.2 Consent Management
The challenges around the common practice of gath-
ering explicit consent for processing of personal data
from the concerned data subjects are numerous. If
a data processing system changes, does that imply
that all given consent forms for the old system be-
come outdated? Do they need to be updated? Do
the data subjects need to re-sign a new consent form?
If so, is it an incremental form, just highlighting the
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: Visualization example for a complex derived-from map of a larger system.
changes, or is it a complete consent form, covering
mostly things that the data subject has already con-
sented to in a previous consent-giving event?
In order to answer such questions, organizations
need to implement a sound consent management
framework, operated by the legal experts along with
the software developers, to address and react to all
types of (minor or major) changes in the design of the
data processing system. Especially in the age of ag-
ile software development, where new processing steps
and purposes can be added to a system on a weekly
basis, this task becomes even more challenging. Gr-
uschka and Jensen (Gruschka and Jensen, 2014) have
already started this debate, but the conjunction of that
issue with the data annotation system described in this
work looks promising for future research efforts.
6.3 Purpose Management
Similar to the consent management challenge, the
task of keeping track which data processing is nec-
essary for fulfilling which purpose, and to make sure
that no data is used outside of the purposes it is col-
lected and consented for, is a major issue when it
comes to GDPR compliance of organizations. Again,
given that the data annotation system already pin-
points the mapping of data items and purposes, it
tends to become very useful in supporting this task,
even to the point of complete automation. If a new
purpose annotation is set in the source code, the sys-
tem may—at deployment time—automatically update
the purpose database, validate the existing consent
to properly cover the combination of purpose and
data item, and alert the software developer in case
of a mismatch—or even decide to automatically up-
date the consent form and ask the data subject to re-
consent accordingly. Again, this task of purpose man-
agement indicates a lot of promising potential for fu-
ture research options.
6.4 Determination of Data Sensitivity
Another interesting avenue in the ”Data sensitivity”
challenge, is the determination of the factors effecting
sensitivity, further determining the degree of effect of
these factors on data type specific sensitivity. This
issue would also heavily influence continued compli-
ance to the GDPR in future. With the rise of Big Data
and Machine Learning techniques, derived data types
pose a significant threat to privacy. These secondary
and tertiary levels of data (In some cases far more)
must therefore have a schema in place to propagate
the sensitivity, post determination of the first level. As
Towards Aligning GDPR Compliance with Software Development: A Research Agenda
the complexity of the inheritance grows the determi-
nation of sensitivity would become a significant chal-
lenge to Privacy by Design approach as most often
data types could be automatically derived for a sub-
process which might not specifically be intended by
the original designers. Previous work by ULD (Con-
ference of the Independent Data Protection Authori-
ties of the Bund and the L
ander, 2016) does begin to
give some insight on heuristics for factors, but there
are yet more factors that could be inferred depending
on the complexity of data; Data visualization support
should go a long way in combating this issue. Ap-
plying machine learning techniques to determine the
extent of effect and the factors themselves also pro-
vides an interesting research opportunity.
In the challenge of aligning the software develop-
ment process with the requirements introduced by the
GDPR, we have illustrated an initial data annotation
approach along with its utilization for data visual-
ization, standardization, and management. Based on
this observation, we outline several fields of appli-
cation, and call for an in-depth investigation of the
many research challenges arising from these. We
hope that future solutions in the envisioned research
areas will help organizations to achieve GDPR com-
pliance by using standardized, properly annotated, ag-
gregated, integrated data flow architectures that work
even in complex inter-organizational data processing
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Accorsi, R., Wonnemann, C., and Stocker, T. (2011). To-
wards forensic data flow analysis of business process
logs. In IT Security Incident Management and IT
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ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy