and they achieved interesting results.
The big data present the philosophy of measuring
all sorts of things, and today a large number of mam-
mography is performed every day. For this, we at-
tempted to expand our dataset using data augmenta-
tion operation to have 8000 mammography, in order
to test the feasibility of using DCNN in breast cancer
detection using big data (8000 mammography).
In this study, we present the performance of
DCNN for computer aided breast cancer diagnosis
system using a big number of mammography (8000
mammographic images). We implemented and com-
pared the performance of two different deep learning
algorithms: DCNN (a shallow model, AlexNet) and
SAE, and the highest results we get are 89.23% for
accuracy, 91.11% for sensitivity, and 87.75% for spe-
The comparison results demonstrated the great po-
tential for DCNN and computer learned features used
in the medical imaging area. So the DCNN is a promi-
sing methodology for mammographic CAD system,
especially the deeper model AlexNet.
Since the reliability of the system is pertinent, it is
desirable to increase accuracy more than 89.23%. For
this, we propose to use a deeper DCNN model such
as GoogLeNet (Szegedy, 2015) and ResNet (He et al.,
2015) which have achieved very high accuracy for
image recognition in ILSVRC. In addition, we pro-
pose to increase the number of mammography, to use
another type of classifier in task of classification in
DCNN like SVM, and test another deep learning algo-
rithm such as Deep Belief Network, Deep Boltzmann
Machine... .
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence