mate runtime that exceed the threshold.
We have successfully tested several Data Generation
strategies and ML strategies for predicting and opti-
mizing the runtime of mathematical solvers. In sum-
mary, we can draw the following conclusions from
our study. Runtime Prediction requires robust Ma-
chine Learning strategies, that are not effect by un-
balanced data. Therefore, RF, RT and ANN are vi-
able methods, but RF seems to be best suited. Data
generation methods have almost no effect on a pre-
dictors accuracy. Predictors that perform well in pre-
dicting the runtime of a solver does not necessarily
result in the best performing predictor for Runtime
Optimization. The performance of a predictor used
for Runtime Optimization depends on the Machine
Learning method used as well as the Data Genera-
tion strategy. In our experiments RF performs best
for all Data Generation strategies, but it is best com-
bined with a MRGA. Other ML methods are strongly
dependent on the Data Generation strategy. Regres-
sion methods are only effective if the unbalance in
the training data is countered with strategies similar to
the MRGA. ANN benefit best from a Novelty Strat-
egy. Random selection strategies are discouraged, but
can be used in combination with RF. For small data
sizes, GPR with MRGA is recommended. Overall, a
performance increase of around 40% can be achieved
when compared to the default parameters. However,
the maximum potential for such methods is around
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence