Figure 5: Scenarios obtained by CVaR risk measure with
The main objective of this paper is to provide energy
generation scenarios for the further estimation of
technical losses. Hydro sources are strongly
dependent on hydrological regimes, and because of
this, the power generation forecast models from such
sources should consider exogenous variables such as
inflow and/or precipitation in order to obtain more
robust and accurate forecasts. The case of study is
from a SHP plant located in Brazil that has no
hydrological data available. So the first methodology
developed seeks neighboring hydrological series that
explain the small plants generation series. This
approach involves the test of many techniques in
order to find the most suitable forecast model. With
the purpose of build energy generation scenarios it
was used the periodic autoregressive model, from
Box & Jenkins, and the Conditional Value at Risk
The proposed methodology to find the most
correlated basin inflow with the SHP generation
present good results and as consequence the periodic
regression that uses the inflow database as
exogenous variable was the method that shows the
smallest error metrics (RMSE and MAPE). The
CVaR 1%, 5% and 10% have been shown to be
efficient to select scenarios that can provide highest
technical losses since when more energy is
generated from SHP greater are the technical losses.
For further studies, it is possible to apply this
methodology with other types of distributed
generation, as wind power. It is also possible, to
continue the research, to execute the complete cycle,
it means with the scenarios obtained, simulate the
technical losses and compare with real data.
Another research path could be the use of
dummies variables to explain low generation, in
several times due to maintenance periods.
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de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. The authors
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Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) for the
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