contraction which is achieved by sending a command
signal from the brain to the motor neurons controlling
this muscle fibers to be activated causing contraction
of the muscle. In response, a group of sensory neu-
rons inform the brain with the changes that have oc-
curred. This is done through a sensory-motor loop.
Whether the sensory neurons feedback are sufficient
to learn goals or not is another question that arises.
In this paper, we are trying to answer all the men-
tioned questions: how can a human identify a goal?
how he becomes able to explore his body and his sur-
rounding?. In other words, we are interested in un-
derstanding how a goal-oriented movement is devel-
oped and we believe this starts from the fetus stage by
learning how to define different tasks and control his
muscles to achieve them. With the help of a computa-
tional model, we provide a simulation at a high level
of abstraction of how the movements may evolve dur-
ing the fetus stage. The model is built upon the de-
velopment of one muscle moving upward in a vertical
In the next section, we provide a simplified bio-
logical explanation of how muscles work for achiev-
ing a movement. Section 3 gives a brief explanation
on Hidden Markov Models. In section 4, a theoretical
framework is demonstrated. The implementation of
the framework is illustrated in section 5 using cluster-
ing and a hidden markov model. Simulation results
are presented in section 6. The paper is concluded in
section 7.
Muscles exist in pairs called antagonist muscles. One
muscle performing an action is called the agonist and
the other muscle performs the opposite action and is
referred to as antagonist. Each antagonist muscle has
a set of sensory neurons called proprioceptors that
signal sensory information to the brain. The brain
uses the sensory information to gain his awareness of
the positions of the different limbs among the body
(Heuer and Keele, 1996).
The brain can control any muscle contraction by
activating the corresponding motor neurons. The pair
of antagonist muscles are connected through tendons
attaching them to the bones. One antagonist muscle
contraction causes the extension of the other antago-
nist muscle in the pair.
To make a movement, the contraction of one mus-
cle is required. A command signal is sent to activate
the motor neurons controlling the muscle fibers of this
muscle causing their contraction. Reference (Perru-
choud et al., 2014) provides an abstract architecture
for the sensory-motor loop with biological illustra-
There exist another class of receptors providing
information about mechanical forces arising from the
body itself, the musculoskeletal system in particular.
These are called proprioceptors, roughly meaning “re-
ceptors for self.” The purpose of proprioceptors is pri-
marily to give detailed and continuous information
about the position of the limbs and other body parts
in space. Among the proprioceptors is the Golgi Ten-
don Organ that signals the tension of the tendon and
muscle spindle which provides the brain with muscle
length information (Purves D and et al., 2001).
Muscle contraction causes an increase in tension
at the tendon and decrease in the muscle length. Con-
sequently, it causes increase in the length of its antag-
onist muscle. The tension at the tendon is signaled
by a proprioceptor referred to as Golgi Tendon Organ
and it is activated as soon as there is tension. Tension
is relaxed due to reflexes unless contraction occurs.
The muscle spindle activates when the muscle
is stretched indicating the rate of change of muscle
length and signals the new length after the stretch is
finished (Byrne and Dafny, 1997). Unfortunately, the
proprioceptions are usually noisy and the brain is usu-
ally unable to perceive the precise proprioceptive val-
ues. However, the brain learns through the imperfect
perceptions (Bays PM, 2007)(Prinz and Bridgeman,
One of our main hypotheses is that humans learn
from the most frequent actions at all stages. HMM
is suitable for our problem in the sense that our brain
learns through sequences of actions generated over
time. Since the sensory neurons produce feedbacks
to the brain in response to commands, the senses are
observed. On the other hand, the commands are hid-
den as there are no sensory neurons that can describe
the issued commands. Repetition of an action makes
it a habit. Following the same concept, we hypoth-
esize that the brain learns motion generation through
the most frequently used commands.
An HMM model λ = (Q, A, O, B, π), is character-
ized by the following components:
• Q = q
, q
, ..., q
a hidden sequence of T states,
each one is drawn from a set of states Z =
, z
, ..., z
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods