Towards Automated Comprehensive Feature Engineering for Spam
Fred N. Kiwanuka
, Ja’far Alqatawna
, Anang Hudaya Muhamad Amin
, Sujni Paul
and Hossam Faris
Computer Information Science, Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, U.A.E.
King Abdullah II School for Information Technology, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Spam Detection, Dataset Processing, Automated Feature Engineering, Classification, Spam Features, Data
Mining, Machine Learning, Python E-mail Feature Extraction and Classification Tool (CPyEFECT).
Everyday billions of emails are passed or processed through online servers of which about 59% is spam ac-
cording to a recent research. Spam emails have increasingly contained viruses or other harmful malware and
are a security risk to computer systems. The importance of spam filtering and the security of computer systems
has become more essential than ever. The rate of evolution of spam nowadays is so high and hence previously
successful spam detection methods are failing to cope. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive and au-
tomated feature engineering framework for spam classification. The proposed framework enables first, the
development of a large number of features from any email corpus, and second extracting automated features
using feature transformation and aggregation primitives. We show that the performance of classification of
spam improves between 2% to 28% for almost all conventional machine learning classifiers when using auto-
mated feature engineering. As a by product of our comprehensive automated feature engineering, we develop
a Python-based open source tool, which incorporates the proposed framework.
In the context of email systems, spam can be defined
as unsolicited messages carrying commercial ads, of-
fers and/or malicious content (Alqatawna et al., 2015;
Guzella and Caminhas, 2009; Zaid et al., 2016). An-
nual statistics and research studies show that spam-
mers keep updating their techniques and tricks to cir-
cumvent current anti-spam solutions resulting in a
growing volume of spam messages (Kaspersky, 2017;
Ruano-Ords et al., 2018). This ongoing challenge
keeps the door open for more studies to better under-
stand the nature of these unwanted messages and im-
prove detection methods. Data mining techniques can
be used to study and analyse the spam features, which
would help in building spam classification models and
significantly improve their detection rates. The detec-
tion is based on the assumption that spam’s content
differs from that of a legitimate email in ways that can
be quantified(Caruana and Li, 2008). This usually re-
quires Features Engineering; a process of identifying
representative characteristics or attributes that can be
used to build detection models(Koitka and Friedrich,
The feature engineering process is considered the
most expensive and time consuming part of the data
mining process as it is usually performed manually
and requires domain knowledge(Domingos, 2012).
The traditional approaches to feature engineering is
to build features one at a time using domain knowl-
edge, a tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone pro-
cess known as manual feature engineering. Over the
last few years there has been an emerging trend to im-
prove and automate this process which would reduce
exploration time and give researchers the chance to
try more ideas(Kanter and Veeramachaneni, 2015a;
Lam et al., 2017b). Automated feature engineering
improves upon the manual feature engineering work-
flow by automatically extracting useful and meaning-
ful features from datasets. Automatic feature engi-
neering cuts down on the time spent on feature en-
gineering,as well as reduces data leakage by filtering
time-dependent data.
This paper contributes to this direction by propos-
ing an automated feature engineering approach in the
context of spam detection. In our previous work we
extensively studied the characteristics of Spam email
and conducted a review of the existing literature to
get insight into the various aspects of spam and spam-
Kiwanuka, F., Alqatawna, J., Amin, A., Paul, S. and Faris, H.
Towards Automated Comprehensive Feature Engineering for Spam Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0007393004290437
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 429-437
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Comprehensive Feature Engineering Process.
mer techniques (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Alqatawna
et al., 2016; Hijawi et al., 2017a; Faris et al., 2015;
Halaseh and Alqatawna, 2016). We developed a com-
prehensive list of spam features that we used for spam
detection. As part of that work, we developed E-mail
Features Extraction Tool (EMFET) based on the .NET
platform that only extracts features (Hijawi et al.,
2017b; Hijawi et al., 2017a). In this paper, we extend
this work by automating and improve the feature engi-
neering process. Additionally, we integrate that with
the remaining data mining steps of classification and
feature selection. The proposed approach is imple-
mented as an open source Python E-mail Feature Ex-
traction and Classification Tool (CPyEFECT). CPyE-
FECT tool provides a flexible and automated way to
perform spam feature engineering by extract a large
number of features from any email corpus to produce
cleansed dataset, run classification, and to select the
most important features.
The rest of the report is organized as follow. A
background literature is presented in section 2. The
proposed approach presented in section 3 followed by
implementation in section 4. Testing and results are
shown in section 5. Finally, section 6, presents the
conclusions and future works.
Spam detection techniques have evolved as quickly
as the ever-increasing tide of spam, with different ob-
jectives, evaluation methods, and measures of suc-
cess. A large number of spam filtering aimed at help-
ing eliminate spam problem exists. Existing spam
filters use different techniques for analyzing email
and determining if it is indeed spam. The accuracy
of spam filters are evaluated based on two dimen-
sions: How much spam you successfully filter out,
and how little legitimate messages you accidentally
delete (Blanzieri and Bryl, 2008). Maintaining ac-
curacy can be difficult because spam is constantly
changing. Spam detection has focused mainly on im-
proved machine learning techniques to provide effec-
tive spam filters (Tretyakov, 2004). Feature engineer-
ing for spam has received less attention. The impor-
tance of feature engineering in predictions can not be
understated. Recent research has focused on feature
engineering. Unfortunately, there is not a lot in terms
of feature engineering exists for spam.
The work in (Alqatawna et al., 2015) attempts
to focus on feature engineering to handle the prob-
lem of spam detection. The develop a substantial
set (140) of features that can be used to detect spam
with considerably good performance. Feature engi-
neering for spam on twitter is studied in (Herzal-
lah et al., 2018). Similar interesting work in (Scott
and Matwin, 1999) proposes feature engineering for
text based classification. Spam feature engineering
is purely text based. (Scott and Matwin, 1999) pro-
poses, feature engineering techniques for text based
data, and describe 8 automatically-generated repre-
sentations based on words, phrases, synonyms and
hypernyms. Unfortunately the majority of features in
this work are not feasible for spam emails.
In recent years there has been progress in automat-
ing many machine learning aspects including model
selection and hyperparameter tuning, however, fea-
ture engineering, which is considered the most impor-
tant aspect of the machine learning pipeline, has re-
ceived less attention. That is why recent work on au-
tomatic feature engineering (Kanter and Veeramacha-
neni, 2015b), (Khurana et al., 2016), (Katz et al.,
2016), (Lam et al., 2017a) has received quite some
attention in literature. Automated feature engineer-
ing is a relatively new technique. The traditional ap-
proaches to feature engineering is to build features
one at a time using domain knowledge, a tedious,
time-consuming, and error-prone process known as
manual feature engineering. Automated feature engi-
neering improves upon the manual feature engineer-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: The Header Features.
ID Feature Details Type Ref.
1-2 Year, Month Metadata (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
3-6 Day, Hour, Minute, Second Metadata (Tran et al., 2013; Alqatawna et al., 2015)
7-22 From [Google?, AOL?, Metadata (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
Gov?, HTML?, MIL?,
Yahoo?, Example?]
To [Hotmail?, Yahoo?,
Example?, MSN?,
Localhost?, Google?,
AOL?, Gov?, MIL?]
23 Count of “To” Email Metadata (Tran et al., 2013)
24-33 Replay to [Google?, Hotmail? Metadata (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
MIL?, Yahoo?, AOL?,
Gov?], X-Mailman-Version,
Exist [Text/Plain?,
34-49 No. of [characters, capitalised Subject (Tran et al., 2013)
words], No. of words [in
all uppercase, that are digits,
containing only letters,
containing letters and numbers,
that are single letters,
that are single digits,
that are single characters],
Max ratio of [uppercase to
lowercase letters of each word,
uppercase letters to all
characters of each word,
digit characters to all
characters of each word,
non-alphanumerics to all
characters of each word],
Min character diversity
of each word, Max of the [
longest repeated character,
character lengths of words]
ing workflow by automatically extracting useful and
meaningful features from datasets. Automatic feature
engineering cuts down on the time spent on feature
engineering,as well as reduces data leakage by filter-
ing time-dependent data. Automatic feature engineer-
ing has seen tremendous success in image and video
processing through deep learning techniques. Deep
learning through its explicit feature construction has
also been used in many other fields like speech pro-
cessing and recently text classification with consider-
able success. The main problem with deep learning
as highlighted by many authors relate to, higher com-
putational burden, requires large datasets in order to
prevent overfitting and unintrepretable features.
In this paper (Hanif Bhuiyan, 2018) have pre-
sented the classification, evaluation and comparison
of different email spam filtering system and sum-
marize the overall scenario regarding accuracy rate
of different existing approaches.A Naives Bayesian
Classifier is used in this paper (G.Vijayasekaran,
2018) with three layer framework that includes clas-
sifier and anomaly detector for spam classification for
bulk emails. The idea of automatic feature engineer-
ing for transaction and relational data was first fronted
in (Kanter and Veeramachaneni, 2015b) with the aim
of deriving predictive modelling from raw data auto-
matically. The authors propose and develop the Deep
Feature Synthesis algorithm for automatically gener-
Towards Automated Comprehensive Feature Engineering for Spam Detection
ating features for relational datasets. The algorithm
captures features that are usually supported by human
intuition. The beauty about the deep feature synthesis
is that one can combine raw data with what you know
about your data to build meaningful features for ma-
chine learning and predictive modelling. Using ag-
gregation and transformation primitives, a large set of
features can be developed. In this paper, we adopt
some of the components of this work to spam de-
tection. While (Kanter and Veeramachaneni, 2015b)
is designed for relational and transaction data, spam
emails do not have the notion of relationships.
In this section, we present our proposed comprehen-
sive feature engineering approach which can be de-
scribed as a process with two phases; (1) a con-
ventional or manual features engineering phase to
produce the initial set of spam features from raw
emails(text-based features), where we develop 148
features, and (2) an automated feature engineering
through transformation primitives of the manual fea-
tures whose number depends on the number of prim-
itives used. These two phases are shown in figure 1
and discussed in the following subsections.
3.1 Conventional Manual Feature
This conventional feature engineering phase has
evolved out of several years of research in the con-
text of spam detection to investigate malicious spam
content and type of attacks carried over email mes-
sages(Alqatawna et al., 2015; Alqatawna et al., 2016;
Hijawi et al., 2017a; Faris et al., 2015; Halaseh and
Alqatawna, 2016). In this phase we identify 148 fea-
tures which we extract from SpamAssassin corpus
In particular, we extract: header features, payload
(body) and attachment. As shown in figure 1, the
features comprise of 50 header features, 4 attachment
features, and 94 Payload features.
Header features are shown in table 1, these fea-
ture are extracted from the contents of header of the
email message (sender, recipient, date and subject).
Other features are extracted from the email payload
which is the part of transmitted data that is the ac-
SpamAssassin corpus.
tual intended message. Features in this part are cat-
egorized into three sub categories: Email body fea-
tures, Readability features, and Lexical diversity fea-
tures. Email body features are extracted from the
body of which contains unstructured data such as im-
ages, HTML tags, text, and other objects. This fea-
tures set contains 64 features, which are described in
table 2. Four attachment related features are also ex-
tracted; one feature related to the number of all attach-
ment files in an email and other three features related
to the number of unique content types of attachment
files in an email(text/plain, multipart/mixed and mul-
Readability features represent the difficulty prop-
erties of reading a word, a sentence or a paragraph
in the given email’s body (Shams and Mercer, 2016;
Al-Shboul et al., 2016). Readability features are ex-
tracted based on the syllables sequence of speech
sounds —, which are used to distinguish between the
simple and complex words. This set of features con-
tains 26 features that measure the difficulty of reading
the email’s body.
Lexical Diversity Features are extracted based on
the vocabulary size in the text, where the word occur-
rences are counted using different constraints (Tran
et al., 2013; Tweedie and Baayen, 1998; Choi, 2012).
This set of features contains seven features as follows:
Vocabulary Richness,Hapax legomena, Hapax disle-
gomena, Entropy measure, YuleK, YuleI, SichelS,
Honore, and Unusual words
3.2 Automatic Feature Engineering
Manual feature engineering process depends on do-
main knowledge, intuition, and data manipulation.
This makes it extremely tedious and the final fea-
tures are limited both by human subjectivity and time.
Automated feature engineering aims at automatically
creating many candidate features out of already avail-
able features from which the best can be selected and
used for training.
Once we have built the manual features like in sec-
tion 3.1, we employ, Deep Feature Synthesis (DFS)
as in (Kanter and Veeramachaneni, 2015b), to per-
form automated feature engineering. Deep feature
synthesis stacks multiple transformation and aggre-
gation operations to create features from data spread
across many tables. Whereas DFS is designed for
transaction and relation data with multi-tables, in this
research, we only have one table, we customise DFS,
to support one table. DFS is also not designed for text
data like in this research and requires to first build an
initial set of features upon which to build the auto-
matic features.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Email Body Features.
ID Feature Details Ref. ID Feature Details Studies
1 Count of Spam Words (Shams and Mercer, 2016; Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 31 Number of question marks (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016)
2 Count of Function Words (Shams and Mercer, 2016; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 32 No. of multiple question marks (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
3 Count of HTML Anchor (Tran et al., 2013; Shams and Mercer, 2016; Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 33 No. of exclamation marks (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016)
4 Count of Unique HTML Anchor (Tran et al., 2013; Alqatawna et al., 2015) 34 No. of multiple exclamation marks (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
5 Count of HTML Not Anchor (Shams and Mercer, 2016) 35 No. of colons (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016)
6 Count of HTML Image (Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 36 No. of ellipsis (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016)
7 Count of HTML All Tags (Shams and Mercer, 2016; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 37 Total No. of sentences (Shams and Mercer, 2016; Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016)
8 Count of Alpha-numeric Words (Tran et al., 2013; Shams and Mercer, 2016; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 38 Total No. of paragraphs (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
9 TF-ISF (Shams and Mercer, 2016) 39 Average No. of sentences per paragraph (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
10 TFISF without stopwords (Shams and Mercer, 2016) 40 Average number of words pre paragraph (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
11 Count of duplicate words. (Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 41 Average No. of character per paragraph (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
12 Minimum word length (Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 42 Average No. of word per sentences (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
13 Count of lowercase letters (Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 43 No. of sentence begin with upper case (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
14 Longest sequence of adjacent capital letters (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 44 No. of sentence begin with lower case (Alqatawna et al., 2015)
15 Count of lines (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 45 Character frequency “$” (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016)
16 Total No. of digit character (Alqatawna et al., 2015) 46 No. of capitalized words. (Tran et al., 2013)
17 Total No. of white space (Alqatawna et al., 2015) 47 No. of words in all uppercase. (Tran et al., 2013)
18 Total No. of upper case character (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 48 Number of words that are digits. (Tran et al., 2013)
19 Total No. of characters (Tran et al., 2013; Alqatawna et al., 2015) 49 No. of words containing only letters. (Tran et al., 2013)
20 Total No. of tabs (Alqatawna et al., 2015) 50 No. of words that are single letters. (Tran et al., 2013)
21 Total No. of special characters (Alqatawna et al., 2015) 51 No. of words that are single digits. (Tran et al., 2013)
22 Total number of alpha characters (Alqatawna et al., 2015) 52 Number of words that are single characters. (Tran et al., 2013)
23 Total No. of words (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 53 Max ratio of uppercase letters to lowercase letters of each word. (Tran et al., 2013)
24 Average word length (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 54 Min of character diversity of each word. (Tran et al., 2013)
25 Words longer than 6 characters (Alqatawna et al., 2015) 55 Max ratio of uppercase letters to all characters of each word. (Tran et al., 2013)
26 Total No. of words (1 - 3 Characters) (Alqatawna et al., 2015) 56 Max ratio of digit characters to all characters of each word. (Tran et al., 2013)
27 No. of single quotes (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 57 Max ratio of non-alphanumerics to all characters of each word. (Tran et al., 2013)
28 No. of commas (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 58 Max of the longest repeating character. (Tran et al., 2013)
29 No. of periods (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) 59 Max of the character lengths of words. (Tran et al., 2013; Al-Shboul et al., 2016)
30 No. of semi-colons (Alqatawna et al., 2015; Al-Shboul et al., 2016) - - -
Figure 2: The implementation structure of CPyEFECT.
We recursively apply a set of predefined mathe-
matical transformations on the manual features from
section 3.1 to obtain new features. The number of
features computed depends on the number of man-
ual features computed, the number of transformation
primitives selected and the depth.
Let β be the total number of features computed, N
be the number of manual features computed and m be
the number of primitives selected and the depth be d.
The number of features computed is given as:
β =
Nm(N + 1)
Comprehensive Features Engineering.This is a two
fold phase. First, manual features were developed as
in section 3.1, then the automated feature engineering
process is done as described in section 3.2. As
highlighted in (Kanter and Veeramachaneni, 2015b),
the feature space grows very quickly with increase in
the number of primitives used as well as depth.
The number of features exponentially grows with
an increase in the depth. We utilize transformation
primitives rather than aggregation. The number of
potential transformations is indefinite. The larger the
number of transformations, the larger the number of
features generated. In principle, we can generate
new features using different combinations of the man-
ual features. The only draw back is the exponential
growth of feature computation. The simplest way to
reduce the overall classification complexity given the
huge feature space is feature selection which we uti-
lize in this research. There are other ways of reduc-
ing this complexity like those employed in (Khurana
et al., 2016), and (Katz et al., 2016), where the au-
thors propose mechanisms of finding the best trans-
formation and aggregation combinations that give the
best classification performance as well as speeding up
the feature computation.
For our case, we limit the depth at two and gen-
erated 6121 features. The computational burden of
computing the features increases substantial with a
higher depth. For example, at a depth of 2, it took
6.4 minutes to compute the features while depth of 3,
it took at least 9 hours. However, an increase in depth
to 3 did not improve the classification results substan-
tially. In this research, through try and error as well as
domain knowledge of classifiers, we find transforma-
tion primitives that give the best classification results.
However, this can be computed automatically like in
(Khurana et al., 2016), and (Katz et al., 2016) but at a
substantial cost.
In this section, we describe the implementation of
the proposed comprehensive feature engineering
framework and provide a performance evaluation
for classification of spam emails. We developed
Towards Automated Comprehensive Feature Engineering for Spam Detection
Figure 3: Most informative 50 features for Naive Bayes.
Figure 4: A Comparison of ROC curves for Naive Bayes
a tool that incorporates the comprehensive feature
engineering framework. There are four functions to
cover the various processes required to study email
spam detection.
Data Preparation. The tool uses the python email
package to decompose MIME structured files. Email
message is read as a text from the individual files
in the corpus to produce the object structure of
the email message. This decomposition facilitates
extraction of the required features and preparation
of dataset for subsequent phases. Each email is split
into their main parts which are:
. The
manual feature engineering as described in section
3.1 depends on these parts to extract the features.
Classification. We implemented nine conventional
machine learning algorithms. These included: Extra
Tree Classifier, Gradient Boosting Classifier, Support
vector machine(SVM), Random Forest Classifier,
K Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Logistic Regression,
Naive Bayes, AdaBoost Classifier, and Decision
trees). Additionally, various validation measures are
available to test the produced models.
Feature Selection. Thousands of features were com-
puted at a less than proportional increase in computa-
tional cost. We computed the most important features
for the classifier with the best performance. Fig. 2
describes the implementation structure of the frame-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 5: A comparison of classifier precision and recall for various algorithms.
Figure 6: A comparison of classifier accuracy and f-score for various algorithms.
In this section, using the SpamAssasin dataset, we
apply different classical classification methods, such
as decision tree, neural network, support vector ma-
chines, random forests, gradient boosting, logistic re-
gression and k-nearest neighbors, to identify whether
an email is spam or ham. We do this first for the
manually-engineered features, consequently we ex-
periment with the automatically generated features.
In the manual classification, each email is represented
by a vector of 148 features, while the automatic fea-
ture classification, email is represented by 6121 fea-
tures. We experimented on 1800 emails with 950 ham
and 850 spam.
For each set of features we computed Recall, Ac-
curacy, Precision, F-Score, ROC curves, feature
selection, confusion matrix. We would be happy to
provide all the results but for space limitation.
From Figure 6, Figure 5 and Figure 4, its clear
that automatic feature engineering improves the per-
formance of classifiers. This is especially so in the
case of weak classifiers for the manual features like
Naive Bayes. Using the manual features the accuracy
was 82% while the automatically generated features
there was 8% increase in the accuracy to 90%. The
f-score improved by 24%, precision improved by 5%,
while recall improved by 28%. This improvement
was also reflected by other classifiers in the magni-
tude of between 1.5% to 12%.
Towards Automated Comprehensive Feature Engineering for Spam Detection
In this paper, we present an automated comprehen-
sive email feature engineering framework that has
been developed for the purpose of spam detection and
classification. The framework incorporates a scal-
able mechanism for automated feature engineering
and classification algorithms for spam classification.
Currently, the proposed framework is capable of pro-
ducing high accuracy for spam classification with 148
manual email features used. The automated feature
engineering scheme further improves the classifica-
tion accuracy of some of the classifiers up to 12%,
with more features being added into the analysis.
For future work, we propose to look into the pro-
cess optimization of the developed framework, to en-
able more efficient feature engineering and classifica-
tion processes.
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