veaux, 1997). An adjusted extended formulation
of the stochastic continuos non-capacitated problem
with Wagner-Whitin conditions are not satisfied for
the stochastic variant (Ahmed et al., 2003). The (`,S)
inequalities are also valid for the stochastic continu-
ous variant, and they were extended to a general class
that allow to define facets of the feasible set (Guan
et al., 2006).
Other variants of the deterministic continuous
non-capacitated lot-sizing problem model delivery
time of the lots (e.g. due to production time). A
variant in which demands have a compliance inter-
val has efficient resolution by dynamic programming
(Lee et al., 2001). There are two variants accord-
ing to whether the lots are or are not distinguish-
able with respect to delivery times (Brahimi et al.,
2006). For there are efficient algorithms based on
dynamic programming for the distinguishable case
and for the undistinguishable case when the order-
delivery windows are not inclusive. For these vari-
ants, there are tight extended formulations (Wolsey,
2006). For the stochastic case, the problem can be
efficiently solved when delivery windows do not in-
tersect in time (Huang and K
ukyavuz, 2008). The
distinctive features of the problem under study in the
present work are cancellation and postponement cor-
rective decisions with time delays in a stochastic set-
ting; these aspects are novel and were not found in the
literature review.
The present work is organized as follows. In Sec-
tion 2 an algebraic model of the problem is presented.
Valid inequalities for the model are presented in Sec-
tion 3. In Section 4 experiments are established to
determine utility of the valid inequalities formulation.
Work is completed with Section 5, where conclusions
and future work are discussed.
Basic index sets are established according to Table 1.
The planning time is represented by the set T of dis-
crete time periods. The set C of cargoes is partitioned
in two sets: the set A of already acquired cargoes –
cargoes ordered in past resolutions of the model– that
are pending reception, and the set P of possible car-
goes to be acquired from now on. Acquisition de-
cision could be made on possible cargoes to be ac-
quired, and cancellation and postponement decisions
could be made on cargoes that were acquired before
the actual planning horizon.
The uncertain demand is represented by a
discrete-time stochastic process indexed in the plan-
ning periods. The process is defined in a finite prob-
ability space. It is assumed that the demand of the
first period is deterministic, and that the demands of
the remaining periods are random with known dis-
tribution functions. The decisions made in a period
can not anticipate the realization of the uncertainty of
the next period. These decisions must simultaneously
take into account all possible revelations of the de-
mand uncertainty of the following periods. This infor-
mation structure can be represented by a tree structure
called tree of scenarios (R
omisch and Schultz, 2001).
This is a perfect directed tree, with the root node rep-
resenting the present time at period t = 1, and with
leaf nodes identifying the future scenarios at period
t = H.
Each node of the scenario tree describes the state
of the process at a given period, and it is identified
by a period and a scenario. An useful abbreviated
notation is to identify the nodes by a single index n
in a numerable set of nodes, N. For the first period,
t = 1, there is a unique node, denoted by 1, that rep-
resents the root of the tree. Each node n ∈ N has an
immediate time predecessor node, p(n); the auxiliary
node 0 is defined as the predecessor of the root node,
0 := p(1), such that 0 /∈ N. The period correspond-
ing to each node n is denoted as t(n). The proba-
bility of the state of each node n is denoted as π
such that
= 1, for all t = 1,...,H. The
t-th time predecessor of node n is defined as p(n,t) :=
p(p(n,t −1)), such that p(n,1) := p(n). The nodes of
the path from the root node to node n are denoted as
the ordered set P(n) := {p(n,t(n) −1),..., p(n,1),n}.
The set of successors of node n is defined as S(n) :=
∈ N,k = 1,...,H −t(n)|n = p(n
,k)}. The set of
leaf nodes is L := {n ∈ N|t(n) = H}.
Table 1: Basic index sets.
T periods, {1,...,H}
A already acquired cargoes
P possible cargoes to be acquired
C cargoes, A ∪ P
N nodes of the scenario tree
L leaf nodes of the scenario tree
Parameters are described in Table 2. The demand
volume of the product at each node n is known and
denoted as d
. The demand distribution for period
t = 1,...,H is represented by (d
) such that n ∈ N
and t(n) = t. Due to storage constraints, the inventory
of the product at the end of each period is restricted
between a minimum volume, s, and a maximum vol-
ume, s, and there is an initial storage volume, s
, at
the beginning of the planning horizon.
The period at which an already acquired cargo
Undominated Valid Inequalities for a Stochastic Capacitated Discrete Lot-sizing Problem with Lead Times, Cancellation and Postponement