Question and Answer Classification in Czech Question Answering
Benchmark Dataset
Daša Kušniráková, Marek Medved’ and Aleš Horák
Natural Language Processing Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Question Answering, Question Classification, Answer Classification, Czech, Simple Question Answering
Database, SQAD.
In this paper, we introduce a new updated version of the Czech Question Answering database SQAD v2.1
(Simple Question Answering Database) with the update being devoted to improved question and answer clas-
sification. The SQAD v2.1 database contains more than 8,500 question-answer pairs with all appropriate
metadata for QA training and evaluation. We present the details and changes in the database structure as well
as a new algorithm for detecting the question type and the actual answer type from the text of the question.
The algorithm is evaluated with more than 4,000 question answer pairs reaching the F1-measure of 88% for
question typed and 85% for answer type detection.
Open domain question answering (QA) systems have
seen a jump in the accuracy recently, mostly with em-
ploying recurrent neural networks (Wang et al., 2018;
Hu et al., 2018) and large benchmarking datasets, e.g.
SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016). The availability
of these large datasets containing hundreds of thou-
sands QA pairs allows to learn the necessary features
for all QA stages based on word-level or character-
level neural network processing of the question and
answer sentences. In case of non-mainstream lan-
guages, preparation of such large QA datasets is not
feasible. The current state-of-the art algorithms can-
not be easily transferred to a less-resourced language
without the accuracy drop of 5-40%, see e.g. (Pamela
et al., 2010).
With morphologically rich languages, a QA sys-
tem may exploit linguistic syntax-based ques and
search for a syntactic-semantic match between the
question and answer phrases. With an example
dataset for the Czech language, as a representative
of such morphologically rich languages, the syntax
based approach is being developed and evaluated pro-
viding a correct or partially correct answer in 46%
with the Czech SQAD v1.1 (Medved and Horák,
In the following text, we present a new version
v2.1 of the Czech SQAD (Simple Question Answer-
ing Database). The database was developed as a
benchmarking dataset of question-answer pairs based
on the Czech Wikipedia texts with rich structured an-
notations related to all QA subtasks (question clas-
sification, answer selection, answer extraction). The
new version SQAD v2.1 consists of 8,566 questions
and offers a new updated system of question type and
answer type specification.
In the next section, we describe the current struc-
ture of the SQAD database. Section 3 introduces the
presented question/answer type extraction tool, which
is evaluated in detail in Section 4.
The Czech Simple Question Answering Database,
or SQAD (Horák and Medved’, 2014; Šulganová
et al., 2017), is a question-answering (QA) bench-
marking dataset resource consisting of human made
question-answer pairs based on the content of Czech
Wikipedia articles. The intended application of this
data source is to provide a consistent and representa-
tive data source for model training and tool evaluation
in Czech, as a morphologically rich language that al-
lows to use syntax-based clues in the QA process.
The SQAD v2.1 database currently contains 8,566
question-answer pairs, which are related to the con-
tent of 3,149 Czech Wikipedia articles. The underly-
Kušniráková, D., Medved, M. and Horák, A.
Question and Answer Classification in Czech Question Answering Benchmark Dataset.
DOI: 10.5220/0007396907010706
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 701-706
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing texts of all these articles form a corpus of more
than 20 million words. The SQAD database is orga-
nized in structured records (one QA pair corresponds
to one record) consisting of 6 items:
the question,
the correct answer (as can be extracted from the
answer selection the context of the correct an-
swer, one or two sentences,
the full article text
the source URL in Wikipedia
question-answer metadata, which contain the
types of the question and of the correct answer.
All texts are provided in both the plain text and the
annotated data in the vertical format (see Figure 1),
which supplements a word with lemma and Part-Of-
Speech (POS) tag. The POS annotation was obtained
by the Czech automatic POS tagger Desamb (Šmerk,
Pavel, 2010; Šmerk, 2009) with subsequent manual
checking and corrections. A schema of the SQAD
database structure is presented in Figure 2.
lemma POS tag
V v k7c6
jakém jaký k3yRgInSc6
roce rok k1gInSc6
vznikla vzniknout k5eAaPmAgFnS
kapela kapela k1gFnSc1
Rammstein Rammstein k1gMnSc1
? ? kIx.
Figure 1: Vertical format of the question V jakém roce
vznikla kapela Rammstein? (In what year was the Ramm-
stein band formed?)”.
The correct answer contains a smallest multiword or
numeric expression, which denotes the full expected
answer as specified by the question and as present
in the document text. This item is the expected re-
sult of the final QA module of the answer extraction
subtask. The answer selection item represents a sen-
tence in the article text, which contains the correct
answer. In case the sentence needs larger context to
disambiguate pronouns, there may be usually one ex-
tra adjoining sentence in this item. Altogether there
are 9,289 sentences in the answer selection items in
the whole database leading to an average of 1.08 sen-
tences per each QA pair. The correct answer is always
a sub-phrase of the answer selection text.
answer extraction
answer selection
source URL
answer extraction
answer selection
source URL
Figure 2: A SQAD record schema visualization.
2.1 Question and Answer Types in
Since the introduction of the extended version SQAD
v2.0 containing more than 8,000 QA pairs, the dataset
was annotated with classification of each record into
categories for the question type and the actual correct
answer type. The sets of possible types (Šulganová
et al., 2017) took inspiration from the large bench-
mark dataset for English, the Stanford Question An-
swering Dataset (Rajpurkar et al., 2016).
Further checks of the manual annotation of the QA
types from the previous version have shown the need
for a distinction of a substantial proportion of the gen-
eral types denoted as OTHER and to reclassify ques-
tions starting with a relative clause. As presented in
Table 1 and Table 2, the main changes are with the
questions of type "CLAUSE", which has been dis-
tributed among more specific classes, and the answer
type "OTHER" which has been newly divided into
more specific classes like "ABBREVIATION" and
Table 1: SQAD v2.1 question type statistics.
Database SQAD v2.0 SQAD v2.1
PERSON 940 1,023
ENTITY 1,436 1,745
ADJ_PHRASE 253 233
DATE/TIME 1,848 1,851
LOCATION 1,436 1,524
NUMERIC 900 913
CLAUSE 774 241
OTHER 31 15
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: SQAD v2.1 answer type statistics.
Database SQAD v2.0 SQAD v2.1
PERSON 943 1,050
ENTITY 811 1,085
OTHER 1,480 819
DATE/TIME 1,847 1,845
LOCATION 1,442 1,511
NUMERIC 904 918
YES/NO 940 938
The distribution of the question classes over the
answer classes is displayed in Table 3, which also
and (VERB_PHRASE, YES/NO) classes are very consis-
tent in the question-answer type pairs.
The first tool that has been evaluated with the SQAD
database is the AQA system (Medved and Horák,
2016; Medved and Horák, 2018). The current devel-
opment version employs a new module for the ques-
tion type and answer type detection, which forms an
important part of the Question processor and aims for
improvement of the Answer extraction module (see
Figure 3 for the AQA system schema).
Question type
Figure 3: AQA system visualization.
The QA type detection algorithm is based on induced
rules exploiting POS tagging and lexical features. Be-
fore the rules are applied to the input question, the
system extracts the question keyword, which is repre-
sented by the main (head) question meaning noun.
The question keyword is recognized by the fol-
lowing three rules:
If the relative pronoun "který" (which) or "jaký"
(what) is present in the question and such word is
not part of a relative sentence, then the candidate
question: ’Na jakém ostrov
e se nachází
newyorský m
estský obvod Man-
hattan?’ (On which island the
Manhattan district is located?)
keyword: ’ostrov’ (island)
hypernyms: [’ostrov’, ’teritorium’, ’obvod’, re-
gion’, ’poloha’, ’lokace’, ’entita’]
(island, territory, district, region, po-
sition, location, entity)
"ostrov" in keyword.hypernym
OR "teritorium" in
keyword.hypernym OR ...
Figure 4: A question/answer type rule example: if the
question has "ostrov" (island) in keyword hypernyms or
"teritorium" (territory) in keyword hypernyms or ..., then
the question type is LOCATION and the answer type is also
for the question keyword is the first noun after this
Otherwise the first noun after the first verb in
question is returned as the question keyword can-
If the keyword candidate is one of words "název"
(title), "pojem" (concept), "termín" (term), "typ"
(type), "ˇcást" (part), or "vˇetev" (branch), then the
first following noun is returned as the final key-
word, otherwise the candidate becomes the key-
After the question keyword extraction, the type detec-
tion rules are applied to the question. They combine
three main features that are recognized from the ques-
tion text and POS structures:
question structure:
Example: "k5" in words.tag_at_index(0)
-> first word in the sentence is verb
important word recognition:
Example: "<word>" in sentence
keyword hypernym match:
Example: "<word>" in keyword.hypernym
Keyword hypernyms are obtained by means of the
Czech Wordnet API (Rambousek et al., 2017). Be-
fore the system is able to use the keyword hypernyms,
a two-step process has to be executed. In the first step
the system queries the Czech Wordnet to find all pos-
sible senses of the extracted keyword. For three most
see (Šmerk, 2009) for more information about the POS
Question and Answer Classification in Czech Question Answering Benchmark Dataset
Table 3: SQAD v2.1 distribution matrix of question and answer types.
PERSON 1,016 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 0
ENTITY 20 101 1,031 378 204 1 7 1 2 0
ADJ_P. 7 0 8 216 0 0 0 2 0 0
D./T. 0 0 1 2 0 1,844 0 4 0 0
LOC. 1 0 14 5 3 0 1,501 0 0 0
NUM. 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 910 0 0
ABB. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0
CLAUSE 1 0 27 205 6 0 1 1 0 0
VERB_P. 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 937
OTHER 2 0 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 1
common word senses
the Wordnet API is queried
and a list of available hypernyms for each meaning
is created (see Figure 4 for an example of such rule).
The answer type detection then follows in two
main steps:
The input plain text question sentence is prepro-
cessed and enriched by three important pieces of
automatic POS tagging
question keyword extraction
list of Wordnet hypernyms of the extracted key-
After the preprocessing part, the rule based analy-
sis is performed. The algorithm traverses the pre-
defined rules from the specific ones to the more
A schematic description of the QA type detection pro-
cess is presented in Figure 5.
Keyword hypernyms
Keyword extraction
POS tagger
Question preprocessing
Rule based analysis
Figure 5: Question/Answer type detection schema.
The detection rules are in human readable and easy to
edit form. They are applied step by step during the
classification process. If a question meets the rule’s
conditions, then the appropriate labels are returned as
the question and answer types.
According to our tests, less than three senses give a too
narrow list of hypernyms and, on the contrary, more than
three senses give a too broad list of hypernyms, so both of
them have a bad impact of system performance.
In this section, we offer a thorough evaluation of the
QA types detection with the new version of the SQAD
database. The database has been split into two equal
parts the development set and the testing set. The
set splitting is properly balanced to maintain a similar
representation of each question type present in both
sets. The rules for QA types detection were developed
using the development set consisting of 4,279 records
and evaluated with the testing set.
The final evaluation is present in Table 4. The
overall precision for both types combined is 82% with
the answer type precision going up to 85%. The ques-
tion type detection reaches both high precision and
recall with the F1 measure of 88%. A detailed confu-
sion matrix of all the expected and predicted question
types is presented in Figure 5. We may see that the
prediction of the ENTITY class is among the most
complex ones as entities can be expressed in several
ways. The detailed evaluation of the answer type de-
tection is displayed in Figure 6, where the most mis-
classified classes are also ENTITY, OTHER and PER-
SON. This may call for further specification of the
members of the OTHER class.
Table 4: QA types detection evaluation with SQAD v2.1.
precision recall F1
question t. 88.77% 87.79% 88.28%
answer t. 85.05% 84.52% 84.78%
both types 82.43% 82.93% 82.68%
4.1 Error Analysis
We have thoroughly analyzed the misclassified cases
of the QA detection module and we have identified
the following main error sources:
The DATE/TIME answer type values are in some
cases expressed as a single number represent-
ing just the year of the questioned event. Such
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: Question type confusion matrix.
ABBR 37 1 1 0 19 3 1 0 0 0
ADJP 1 52 4 0 49 6 6 0 4 0
CLAUSE 1 0 35 0 14 4 0 0 5 0
D/T 0 0 1 916 16 0 2 0 1 1
ENTITY 0 44 71 3 685 41 13 2 40 8
LOC 0 6 1 0 22 695 3 0 3 1
NUM 1 4 1 4 8 0 422 0 0 0
OTHER 0 1 3 2 25 7 7 5 3 6
PERSON 0 8 3 0 33 6 2 0 455 0
VERBP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 454
Table 6: Answer type confusion matrix.
ABBR 37 0 0 9 3 1 1 9 2 0
D/T 0 915 2 7 0 2 1 8 1 1
DEN 0 0 38 1 1 1 1 3 0 0
ENT 0 2 10 405 32 14 19 191 40 5
LOC 0 0 0 7 693 3 9 15 3 1
NUM 1 3 1 3 0 423 0 9 0 0
ORG 1 0 0 30 5 0 61 24 6 0
OTH 2 2 3 46 16 14 10 138 19 7
PER 0 0 3 12 7 2 13 18 452 0
Y/N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 454
cases cannot be easily distinguished from the NU-
MERIC class. A possible solution to such situa-
tion would be to allow more than one correct an-
swer type as a result of the detection serving as a
hint to the Answer extraction module to look for
all possible answer forms.
Q: Od kdy byla Ermesinda Lucemburská lucem-
burskou hrab
enkou? (Since when was Ermesind
Luxemburk the Luxemburg’s countess?)
A: 1196
Named entity recognition is currently not part
of this module, which causes errors in questions
that ask about PERSON or LOCATION but the
detection recognizes it as an ENTITY. Since the
base of the QA system already works with named
entities, their processing in the QA type detection
is a planned future step.
Q: Jak se p˚uvodn
e jmenoval Alice Cooper?
(What is the original name of Alice Cooper?)
A: Vincent Furnier
The Czech Wordnet contains about 40,000 syn-
onymical sets, but still about 20% of nouns that
appear in common texts are not covered. In such
cases, even when the question keyword is cor-
rectly determined, the keyword hypernym list is
empty so no appropriate rule can be applied to the
question and consequently, wrong answer type is
recognized. Such cases can be improved be em-
ploying broad coverage word embedding model to
propose potential hypernym/synonym candidates
to be used in the induced rules. Here again, the
AQA system already employs word embeddings
in phrase similarity detection, so this enhance-
ment of unknown keyword rule induction is a log-
ical future work.
In this paper, we have introduced a new version of the
Czech Question Answering database called SQAD.
The new version 2.1 incorporates improved question
and answer type labeling that details several overly
broad classes which have been divided into more fine
grained classes reflecting the expected structure of the
correct answer.
In the second part of the paper, we have described
the implementation of the question and answer type
detection used in the Question processor and Answer
extraction modules of the question answering system
AQA. The detection is based on a set of induced rules
that drive the decision from lexical and structured in-
Question and Answer Classification in Czech Question Answering Benchmark Dataset
formation obtained by the question processing. The
module was trained on the development set of 50% of
the SQAD questions and evaluated with the testing set
of the same size. The resulting precision was 89% for
question types and 85% for answer types with the re-
spective recall of 88% and 85%. The combined over-
all F1 measure was 83%. The error analysis of the
detection module directs the future work to employ-
ment of named entity recognition and word embed-
ding similarity score for question keywords missing
in the Czech Wordnet.
The open domain question answering system
AQA was evaluated with the previous version of the
SQAD database, where it was able to point at the cor-
rect answer in 46%. The newly implemented question
and answer type detection module aims at improving
this result in the AQA evaluation. Apart from the an-
swer type extraction module, a new module for AQA
answer selection is currently in development and it is
also planned for evaluation with the new SQAD v2.1
benchmark dataset.
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence