size and direction of an object in the image.
Consequently, there is a need to explore and evaluate
a range of pre-processing procedures to introduce the
necessary privacy required and tackle image factors.
In this paper, the performance of existing commercial
AIA systems, as well as the proposed multi-
algorithmic approach were evaluated. The
experimental results using two datasets show that the
proposed method outperforms the existing AIA
systems. The proposed method annotated the image
with many correct and accurate words that reflecting
image content and will later improve the retrieval
performance. The results also argued that the
proposed approach improved the efficiency and
accuracy of the image annotation comparable to the
state of the art works.
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evaluate a range of pre-processing procedures to
achieve the necessary privacy. Furthermore,
additional research in image enhancement should be
conducted to improve image quality that would
improve the annotation systems performance, thereby
improving the performance of the multi-algorithmic
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Identification and Extraction of Digital Forensic Evidence from Multimedia Data Sources using Multi-algorithmic Fusion