ned how it is difficult to describe at what point the
organisations may reorganise for better performance
and utilization but without showing any solution. In
our work the dynamic organisations may re-organise
because of agents failure which may lead to create
another organisation or participate in already existed
ones and with the aid of the HRP the task execution
output has increased.
Many works in literature, such as (Kota et al.,
2009) that use the agent organisations and the cre-
ated organisations reconfigured again depend on the
type of task been sent to the organisations without
claiming and type of technique that will lead to this
action of creation. Unlike our work the organisations
are created based on triggering conditions to provide
proactive solution to the failure case. In our work, the
created organisations have the ability to reconfigure
themselves as an occurrence with critical event (fai-
lure). Hence, organisations may be created or disban-
ded depending on the network real problems whatsoe-
ver are the types of coming tasks.
Researcher in (Ferber et al., 2003) presented a
method to reorganise organisations by applying a met-
hod that can be carried by the individual agents in the
system. A pair of agent can decide when to reorganise
and with whom they can create the new organisation
based on their utility values. The new connections
will not change the inner characteristic of agents. In
our work when new agents are added to the system
some new roles will emerge in the system. The update
to the already existed organisations can lead to better
performance since the new agents can be Henchman,
Member or they can be Heads of new organisations
when the triggering conditions met.
In (Mathieu et al., 2002) the authors have presen-
ted self-adaptation of a multi-agent systems for orga-
nisations. The dynamic interaction between agents
and their decision-making capabilities may lead to
either an agent decision to keep itself connected to its
organisation or change its connection for better per-
formance with other organisations. Aiming to reduce
the message flow in the organisations to enhance the
system behaviour. In our work, agents may be added
to the system leading to update the existing connecti-
ons and enhancing the system output.
This paper focuses on studying the creation of open
and dynamic agent organisation formations which can
provide services to requesting customers in the pre-
sence of failure. This can lead to the loss of tasks
and to decreases in the effectiveness and utilisation
of agent networks. We have presented a framework
whereby agents and organisations can be counted on
to provide remedies which can avert these kinds of
disruptions. Our aim was to deploy the Henchman
Recovery Protocol. HRP, within each organisation;
this is a viable solution for maintaining the functio-
nality of the organisations. After that, we explore the
performance and stability of the created organisations
in the situation where we have agents malfunctioning
and others appearing. The new agents may simply be-
come part of existent organisations or their presence
may result in the emergence of new organisations.
Weeding out failure from distributed systems
requires sound theories and efficient solutions that
can be applicable in order to maintain systems sta-
bilities (Bao and Garcia-Luna-Aceves, 2003),(Haider
and Nazir, 2016). Grid computing is the target dom-
ain for this work because it can provide researchers
with a suitable environment in which to apply our vir-
tual organisations as well as in which to study node
failure. Our solution is to apply a heuristic protocol,
HRP, in order to recover customer tasks and preser-
ves the organisations’ formation structure. HRP has
been shown to have a more acceptable performance
as compared to the MAS/SBS model. The existence
of roles inside the heterogeneous organisations plays
an important role in the self-organisation of the sy-
stems and provides a pro-active technique for dea-
ling with failure. The experiments have shown that
the HRP produces fewer traffic messages than the
other models: (No Organisation, Organisation Ver1,
MAS/SBS). As part of future work, we will explore
adding the ability to learn to the agents in the emer-
ging organisations to explore how this can affect sy-
stem performance.
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence