delegation that does not modify the original access
control policy in case of monotonic delegation. For
non-monotonic delegation, the approach incurs only
selective changes to the underlying access control pol-
icy. Dynamic adaptability is provided through pol-
icy adjustment operations that keep the policy rules
on update with the latest context changes. Adap-
tation is needed, in our approach, in situations: (i)
When context of the requester/resource/environment
changes, that change should be reflected on the access
control policy. (ii) In TRANSFER delegation, the
delegated permissions have to be moved (temporar-
ily or permanently) from the delegator to the delega-
tee and this needs the policy to be updated to cope
with this situation. 2) Our approach can be adopted
by existing CBAC systems which do not provide del-
egation services. 3) Our semantic-based delegation
model supports capabilities such as checking the ac-
cess control and delegation policies for conflict and
consistency, explaining inferences and helping to in-
stantiate and validate the variables in dynamic envi-
ronments. 4) We provide the formal proof that context
delegation and its delegation-supported authorization
enforcement are sound, consistent and preserve the
least privilege principle.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In
section 2, we present the context-based access control
system modeling. Section 3 is dedicated to semantic-
based context delegation. In section 4, we present
the properties of our approach and the proofs of these
properties, and finally in section 5, we conclude with
suggestions for future work.
In this section, we give a brief overview of the
Context-Based access control. ”Context” has been
defined by Dey et al. (Dey et al., 2001) as ”any infor-
mation that is useful for characterizing the state or the
activity of an entity or the world in which this entity
operates.” In CBAC, the system administrator (or re-
source owner) specifies a set of contexts and defines
for each context c the set of applicable permissions.
When an entity (a user) operates under a certain con-
text, (s)he acquires the set of permissions (if any) that
are associated with the active context. When (s)he
changes the active context, the previous permissions
are automatically revoked, and the new permissions
acquired (Corradi et al., 2004). Hence, Context plays
the role of a bridge between the requester and the ac-
cess permissions. If a requester has a context c at the
time in which the request is made and that c is as-
sociated with permission p, then (s)he can access a
resource using permission p.
2.1 Context-based Access Control
Access requests are evaluated based on the contexts
associated with the subject and the requested. The re-
quest is matched with context metadata that specify
and activate the policy rule that to be enforced. We
use rule-based Logic Programming (LP) to encode
context and policy rules.
Definition 1. (Access Control Policy (ACP) Rules.)
Access control policy rule is given as a 6-
tuple hs, sc,r,rc, p,aci, where s ∈ S ub ject, r ∈
Resource, sc, rc ∈ Context, where sc is the
subject’s context and rc is the resource context,
p ∈ Permission={”Deny”,”Permit”}, and ac ∈
Action={read, write,delegate,revoke}. Each rule is
instantiated by an access request, using the model on-
tologies and rules, and is evaluated at runtime to reach
a decision.
Definition 2. (Access Request (AR).) An Access re-
quest is given as a triple hs, r,aci, where s ∈ Sub j ect,
r ∈ Resource, ac ∈ Action.
For example, an access request denoted as ar =
hs,r, ”read”i, represents the case when subject s is re-
questing a ”read” access to a resource r. The policy
engine requests the contexts of s and r, and evaluates
the permission p for the request ar. Assume the con-
texts of s and r are sc and rc, respectively. If using the
contexts sc and rc, the policy engine can derive a per-
mission, i.e., p is ”Permit”, and there is no conflict,
it grants the access permission for the request. Oth-
erwise, it denies the request. This kind of access au-
thorization does not involve the case when delegation
is present within access control policy setting. Algo-
rithm 1 represents this kind of access authorization.
Definition 3. (Monotonic Reasoning.) Let O
and O
two DL ontologies, and c is a DL axiom. O
entails c
(equivalently, c is a logical consequence of O
), writ-
ten as O
|= c if we have O
⊆ O
and O
|= c. In
secure authorization terms, monotonic authorization
reasoning means that positive (and negative) autho-
rizations will not be altered when new facts are added
into the knowledge base. Hence, what is previously
inferred as a permitted action still holds even after
new facts are asserted (or inferred) into the knowl-
edge base.
Definition 4. (Closed World Assumption (CWA)
(Pratt, 1994).) Closed World Assumption is the as-
sumption that what is not known to be true is false. In
CWA, absence of information is interpreted as neg-
ative information. CWA assumes complete informa-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy