his dialectic method of inquiry, which is the founda-
tion of the modern scientific method. This is why we
found his name appropriate for a database designed
for image and video forensic.
SOCRatES is a publicly available database in-
tended for source digital camera identification on
smartphones. In other fields, several databases are
merged together to have a wider pool of data. This is
done in particular for developing and benchmarking
of deep-learning based techniques that require thou-
sands of images and are the trend at the moment.
SOCRatES can be used alone or in combination with
other image or video databases in order to widen the
data pool. Also, its challenging data samples, make it
very suitable as testing set.
In this paper the SOCRatES database is described
and baseline performances are obtained by testing two
well-known techniques based on the Sensor Pattern
Noise computation. The latter is a technique to iden-
tify, given a picture, its source digital camera. In par-
ticular, this technique can distinguish devices of the
same make and model.
Another important feature of SOCRatES, is the
presence of both images and videos captured with
each device. This allows the study of source cam-
era recognition on strongly compressed videos, which
is still an open issue, as for the study of asymmetric
comparison between videos and still images.
SOCRatES is made freely available to other re-
searchers for scientific purposes at the following
URL: http://socrates.eurecom.fr/.
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SOCRatES: A Database of Realistic Data for SOurce Camera REcognition on Smartphones