Influence of Processes of Photobleaching on Spectral Characteristics
of Organic Nonlinear Optical Co-crystal 26DAP4N
K. E. Zhevaikin
, I. Yu. Denisyuk, M. I. Fokina and V. E. Sitnikova
Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Kronverksky Pr.,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Molecular Co-crystals, Aminopyridine, Nonlinear Mediums, Photobleaching, Spectroscopy.
Abstract: In this paper, we used organic nonlinear optical materials based on 4-nitrophenol and 2,6-diaminopyridine
co-crystals. The goal was to study the influence of photobleaching processes on spectral characteristics of
mentioned co-crystals. We presented spectral characteristics of transmittance coefficients of material before
photobleaching and after its exposure to light for 4 weeks. We also noted the breakdown of hydrogen bonds
in a molecular complex of co-crystal under the influence of photobleaching. However, this breakdown does
not lead to disruption of the integrity of the molecules that are a part of an aminopyridine-nitrophenol.
Studies in the field of nonlinear optics are
accompanied by constant search and implementation
of new nonlinear optical materials with high values of
nonlinear optical coefficients. In recent years in
particular interest are molecular and polymeric
nonlinear optical materials with high values of the
nonlinear optical coefficients caused by high
polarizability of molecules (Debrus, et al., 2002).
An example of such materials is prospective
organic nonlinear optical co-crystals based on the
aminopyridine series and optical chromophore 4-
nitrophenol (Srinivasan, et al., 2007). These co-
crystals possess noncentrosymmetric crystalline grid
which leads to origin of nonlinear optical effects. This
makes them interesting, first of all, for their potential
uses as radiation transformers – generation of optical
harmonicas and generation of THz radiation. Early
studies co-crystals of aminopyridine series showed
that high enough values of nonlinear optical
coefficients exist and that degradation of material
under action of both an intensive laser radiation, and
humidity (Pavlovetc, et al., 2016) (Krishnakumara, et
al., 2012) (Draguta, et al., 2013) is absent. Results
provided in operation (Zhevaikin, et al., 2018), show
existence of considerable anisotropy of refraction
indexes between crystallographic axes. That, in turn,
brings to studies, provided in operations (Tu, et al
2016 (Esaulkov, et al., 2018) which show prospects
of use of these materials in terahertz area of radiation.
However, despite having promising nonlinear
optical properties, these organic co-crystals have a
flaw. They are brittle and require high complexity of
machining. This therefore makes it necessary to
search for another method of their processing in order
to create elements on these co-crystals, as it is equally
important. One of prospective methods is the use of
degradation optical (and nonlinear optical) properties
of crystals under the influence of active radiation.
Structural changes created by directional radiation in
certain sections of a crystal are nondestructive to the
general integrity and allow to create miniature optical
elements with high conversion factors of radiation
(Mutter, et al., 2003). In this study we have
researched stability of spectral characteristics of co-
crystals of the aminopyridine series under the
influence of optical radiation. Research of how
radiation wavelength depends on intensity and time
of illumination for degraded co-crystals will show a
possibility of practical application of co-crystals. That
will undoubtedly allow to expand a range of applied
materials, and, therefore, an element basis of
photonics in general.
In this paper we have studied organic nonlinear optical
co-crystals based on optical chromophores 4-nitrophe-
Zhevaikin, K., Denisyuk, I., Fokina, M. and Sitnikova, V.
Influence of Processes of Photobleaching on Spectral Characteristics of Organic Nonlinear Optical Co-crystal 26DAP4N.
DOI: 10.5220/0007404102200224
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2019), pages 220-224
ISBN: 978-989-758-364-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved