Passive Path Imbalance Measurement in Fiber Optic Interferometer
using Homodyne PGC Scheme
Shubham Mirg and Pradeep Kumar K.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208016, India
Fiber Optic Interferometer, Homodyne PGC, Path Imbalance Measurement.
We demonstrate a passive measurement technique for interferometer path imbalance using homodyne PGC.
A 20.8 kHz frequency modulated optical source is employed to interrogate an unbalanced Michelson interfer-
ometer. The spectrum of the received photocurrent is then recorded for various frequency deviation values.
The variation in harmonic peak powers enables us to determine path imbalances. Different path imbalances
are estimated and verified against the pre-calibrated values. The measurement scheme proposed requires no
feedback and can be employed to passively measure path imbalances in interferometer sensor arrays already
laid out in the field.
Fiber interferometeric sensors work by transducting
the measurand induced strain into a phase shift in the
optical carrier used for interrogation (Udd and Spill-
man Jr, 2011), (Santos and Farahi, 2014). The phase
shift can be converted into intensity changes by in-
ducing a path difference between the arms of the in-
The environmental perturbations from changes
in temperature, mechanical vibrations etc. cause a
slowly varying phase drift in the interferometer which
in turn severely alters the operating point of the inter-
ferometer thus hindering the linear recovery of high
frequency phase shifts. This problem is called the
fading problem (Sheem et al., 1982) and can be cir-
cumvented by employing passive interrogation tech-
niques(Cranch et al., 2003). Two of the most widely
used techniques for passive interrogation are homo-
dyne phase generated carrier (PGC) (Dandridge et al.,
1982) and differential delay heterodyne (Henning,
1983). Both of techniques employ unbalanced in-
terferometers and thus a passive technique to recali-
brate the sensors after they have been laid out in the
field is also required. Differential Delay Heterodyne
uses pulses at a temporal shift equal to the optical
path delay. Having a frequency shift between the two
pulse enables to have a phase modulated heterodyne
carrier output at the photodiode. The sine and co-
sine components of phase of interest are obtained by
synchronously mixing the photocurrent with in-phase
and quadrature version of heterodyne frequency. Ho-
modyne PGC scheme involves the frequency modu-
lation of the interrogating optical input and the re-
ceived signal involves extracting sine and cosine of
phase of interest from the harmonics of the received
signal by synchronously mixing them with appropri-
ate frequencies. From the sine and cosine of phase
of interest approaches like arctangent and Differen-
tiation and Cross multiplication (DCM) are used to
recover the signal of interest. Knowledge of path im-
balance is important in the above demodulation tech-
niques for appropriate scaling of the sine and cosine
terms by varying the frequency deviation suitably.
The path lengths of each arm can be calibrated
in lab environment and the difference can be used
to measure the path imbalance. However in sce-
narios where calibration in lab environment is not
feasible such as underwater fiber optic hydrophone
array (Cranch et al., 2003), a passive path imbal-
ance measurement technique is required. The ampli-
tudes of harmonic peaks in the spectrum of the re-
ceived photocurrent in homodyne PGC scheme are
in proportion to Bessel functions. The arguments of
whom are dependent on frequency deviation and im-
balance in the interferometer. By using properties
of Bessel’s J
recurrence relation (Sudarshanam and
Srinivasan, 1989), (Jin et al., 1991) and (Huang and
Lin, 2008), argument of Bessel function can be re-
covered. However this requires reading upto at least
four harmonics of the FM frequency, which in some
situations be limited by the bandwidth of the photode-