Theorem 6 (Canonically Immediate Terms: exis-
tence and uniqueness). For each generalised imme-
diate term A ∈ GImT, there is a unique, up to congru-
ence, iβ-irreducible term C, such that:
1. C ∈ CImT is canonically immediate term
2. A ⇒
3. if A ⇒
B and B is iβ-irreducible, then B ≡
C, i.e., C is the unique, up to congruence, iβ-
irreducible term to which A can be reduced
4. C ≡
ibcf(A), i.e., A ⇒
Proof. By induction on the structure of A ∈ GImT,
using Definition 9, which extends Definition 8, and
Theorem 5.
The terms in Example (5.1) are not canonically
immediate, while they are explicit, irreducible terms
in canonical forms, in the original reduction calculus
of L
. Thus, they have algorithmic meanings. Their
denotations are computed by the denotation function
den over a sequence of λ-abstractions and applica-
tions. Some of these terms are algorithmically equiv-
alent to simpler terms by the rule (βEq) in Table 2. In
this paper we have extended the reduction calculus of
, to ⇒
-reduction. The purpose of this is effective
reduction of such terms A, which are not per se imme-
diate in the original system of L
, to canonically im-
mediate terms ibcf(A). By this, we reduce their struc-
ture to simpler, canonically immediate terms. The de-
notations of such terms, den(A) = den(ibcf(A)), are
obtained directly, immediately by den(ibcf(A)). This
reduces the complexity of terms in which they occur
as sub-terms.
In this paper, we have introduced iβ-rule and ⇒
reduction for the purpose of reducing complexity of
algorithmic computations. The iβ rule and its re-
duction system, ⇒
, reduces generalised immediate
terms A ∈ GImT, e.g., such as the ones in Exam-
ple (5.1), and other terms in which they occur, to sim-
pler terms.
An important purpose of the introduced canoni-
cally immediate and generalised immediate terms, by
Definitions 6–9, concerns technical details. The cal-
culus of algorithmic synonymy ≈ in Table 2, which is
introduced by (Moschovakis, 2006), covers more than
the original reduction calculus to canonical forms.
The rules (eiEq) and the restricted β-reduction (βEq)
provide algorithmic equivalence of limited, explicit
irreducible terms, by appealing to finding their se-
mantic denotations. The canonically immediate terms
provide the denotations of respective generalised im-
mediate terms, without loosing any essential algo-
rithmic steps and declaratively, which remain in iβ-
reductions. The iβ-reduction introduced here, com-
plements the algorithmic semantics in this aspect.
Technical details are beyond the scope of this paper
and will be provided in extended work.
The ⇒
-reduction system is introduced in this
work for the first time, up to our knowledge. The next
direct line of work is to investigate more characteris-
tics of the iβ-rule and ⇒
-reduction system.
In future, extended work, we shall investigate how
the iβ reduction rule can be incorporated with other
extended reduction systems of L
. Of particular inter-
ests is upcoming work on integrating the results from
this paper on iβ-rule and ⇒
-reduction with work in
(Loukanova, 2016a; Loukanova, 2016b; Loukanova,
The results in this paper are on theoretical devel-
opments for more efficient and adequate formalisation
of computations based on formal and computer lan-
guages, for applications to advanced, intelligent tech-
nologies in AI.
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Type-Theory of Acyclic Algorithms with Generalised Immediate Terms