
larger number of classes overall. This give CNNs an
opportunity to take advantage of having been trained
directly for classification when they are presented a
similar task. Although HiGSFA takes advantage of
class labels, it suffers in comparison for not taking
into account the downstream task during training.
For future work, a complete extension of the ex-
periments here could include an analysis on the effect
that different type of data would have on the perfor-
mance. This would yield further insight than vary-
ing the number of rather homogeneous data used for
training. Additionally, the performance of a wider ar-
ray of popular methods can be compared.
More types of benchmarks for comparing differ-
ent models over varying training set sizes would be
helpful for this kind of research. Knowledge gained
from them would as well allow practitioners to choose
the right model for the scale and type of the problem
they wish to solve. These experiments give rise to the
question: how can these methods with their different
strengths and weaknesses profit from each other?
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