by PBC
, PBC, PBCE, DPBC and DPBCE, respec-
Table 2 illustrates the average value of agree-
ments, in order to compare the results in (Asteris et al.,
2016), obtained by applying the algorithms to Movie-
Lens datasets at five times and its average running
time (sec.). The first column is the average value of
agreements presented in (Asteris et al., 2016), which
implies that our implementations are correct by com-
paring with the second column. Note that the value of
disagreements is |E| minus the value of agreements.
Table 2: The average value of agreements obtained by ap-
plying the algorithms to MovieLens dataset and its average
running time.
algorithms 100K 1M 10M
46,134 429,277 5,008,577
PBC 46,160 429,589 5,011,629
time (sec.) 2.17 90.19 11,154
PBCE 98,497 986,577 9,780,291
time (sec.) 4.36 274.36 55,135
DPBC 45,772 427,138 4,999,434
time (sec.) 2.12 91.64 9,096
DPBCE 99,555 997,882 9,943,548
time (sec.) 2.70 156.60 18,104
Table 2 shows that the value of agreements of
is larger than that of PIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE (resp.
BICLUSTEREDGE has the largest number. Also the
value of agreements of each of the randomized algo-
rithms is similar as that of the corresponding deter-
ministic versions.
On the other hand, the algorithm PIVOTBICLUS-
TEREDGE occupies the largest running time and
the algorithm DETPIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE does the
next largest running time.
Table 3 illustrates the average value of disagree-
ments obtained by applying the algorithms to datasets
of CM, SX, AC, J1 and YG at five times and its aver-
age running time (sec.).
Table 3 shows that the algorithm PIVOTBICLUS-
TEREDGE gives the smallest value of disagreements
for all the datasets, and the algorithm PIVOTBI-
CLUSTER gives the smallest running time. Also,
whereas the algorithm PIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE is
slowest for the MovieLens datasets in Table 2, the al-
gorithm DETPIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE is slowest for
the datasets of KONECT in Table 3.
In particular, for the J1 dataset, the value of dis-
agreements is extremely larger than other datasets.
Table 3: The average value of disagreements obtained by
applying the algorithms to CM, SX, AC, J1 and YG and its
average running time.
algorithms CM SX AC J1 YG
PBC 669 32,788 31,943 2,136,009 237,400
time (sec.) 0.15 11.17 53.48 2.48 199.96
PBCE 87 4,505 4,775 1,106,915 55,717
time (sec.) 0.19 39.13 68.62 20.25 679.02
DPBC 836 32,039 31,940 1,780,884 2,557,781
time (sec.) 0.63 171.68 167.38 7264.45 6,577.75
DPBCE 217 5,148 6,938 1,360,870 88,858
time (sec.) 0.28 65.31 84.84 67.14 1,536.84
One of the reason is that almost biclusters tend to be
stars, that is, bipartite graphs such that either L or R
is a singleton, since |R| is much smaller than |L| as
represented in Table 1.
As summary of Figures 3 and 4 and Tables 2 and
3, whereas the algorithm PIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE is
slower than the algorithm PIVOTBICLUSTER, the for-
mer gives smaller value of disagreements or larger
value of agreements than the later. In particular, ex-
cept the MovieLens datasets in Table 2, the algorithm
PIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE gives the smallest value of
disagreements and each of randomized algorithms are
faster than the corresponding deterministic version.
Finally, to analyze the extracted biclusters, Table 4
illustrates the average number (num) and the average
cardinality (crd) of extracted biclusters from the small
datasets of CM, SX and AC. Here, “w.s.” means that
“without singletons.”
Table 4: The average number and the average cardinality of
extracted biclusters from CM, SX and AC.
algorithms num crd num crd num crd
PBC 519 2.67 9,513 1.76 13,803 2.81
(w.s.) 281 4.07 1,907 4.79 6,297 4.96
PBCE 441 4.30 5,769 7.60 11,588 5.44
DPBC 670 2.06 9,177 1.82 12,398 3.12
(w.s.) 162 5.37 2,141 4.53 4,315 7.10
DPBCE 419 4.49 5.756 7.68 10,816 5.85
Table 4 shows that, whereas PIVOTBICLUSTER
and DETPIVOTBICLUSTER extract larger number
of smaller biclusters, PIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE and
DETPIVOTBICLUSTEREDGE extract smaller num-
ber of larger biclusters. Also PIVOTBICLUSTER
and DETPIVOTBICLUSTER extract many singletons.
Without singletons, DETPIVOTBICLUSTER extracts