ray file.
Figure 8: Incident optical power
onto the PD active
area over FOV for no optics, spherical lenses (LA1805.1,
LA1074.1) and freeform lenses. The angle corresponds to
a misalignment of both transceivers in the plane over a
distance of 50 cm. The graphs are very noisy in the dotted
region, because only a few rays hit the PD surface.
This paper demonstrates the potential of modern
freeform optics for Li-Fi technology. Design strategies
for transmitter optics are discussed and a TIR based
optic is presented and characterized. The design
example proofs that composite ray mapping is an
efficient tool for shaping homogenous emission
profiles. For the receiver, the designer should tailor the
optic precisely to the PD. A Fresnel lens based on
refraction and TIR is proposed and it is shown that the
optical gain is about 2.6 dB higher compared to a
conventional spherical lens for the considered PD.
We show that the proposed freeform optics provide
a minimum signal level which is 5.9 dB higher than a
optic setup with spherical lenses. The signal level has
an excellent homogeneity within the FOV and
fluctuates only by 1.3 dB. This is about 6.2 dB less
compared to the proposed spherical lenses. This high
homogeneity maximizes the dynamic range and the
sharp cut-off at the edge of the FOV effectively reduces
inter-channel interference and noise.
Our next steps will include the fabrication and
experimental characterization of the designs. Finally,
transmitter and receiver optics should be combined to
one hybrid optic module for size and cost reduction.
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PHOTOPTICS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology