Table 3 illustrates semantic synergies based on
semantic mapping of the IDLs based on functional
traits such as interface Method behaviour
specification, Record specification used for attributes
specification and Service (Service Provider or
Receiver) Interface connection point.
Table 3: Static semantic mapping of FW IDLs based on
functional traits.
Primitive types in Table 3 includes (Un)signed
integers, floats, Strings, bytes, Booleans, double.
The paper proposes a manual static semantic analysis
approach specifically tailored to explore the synergies
in semantics of interface models for vehicle app
components of heterogeneous FWs. With the
proposed approach, we have defined the abstract
functional and non-functional traits as the basic
features for a FW component’s interface model. We
have tried to simplify the semantic comparisons based
on the traits, for the various IDL alternatives by using
a common case study. Semantic synergies were
successfully explored to find the correlation between
the IDL models. In the absence of semantic synergy
exploration among the IDL models, the translation of
the interface semantics of an app SWC model of a
given FW to SWC model of another FW is not
possible. With the growing demands for services, the
functional and non-functional traits considered in the
current scope for vehicle FW IDLs, could be further
extended for semantic analysis in future. As a
proposal for future work, the correlation explored
between the different FW IDL models using semantic
mappings can be used for any kind of automotive
domain specific general software solution such as
Meta IDL model. To deal with this, we plan to extend
our work of semantic mapping of interface traits in
this direction.
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