City of the Future: Urban Monitoring based on Smart Sensors and Open
Robert Schima
, Mathias Paschen
, Peter Dietrich
, Jan Bumberger
and Tobias Goblirsch
Chair of Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology,
University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Straße 2, Rostock, Germany
Department Monitoring and Exploration Technologies, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ,
Leipzig, Germany
Chair of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Center for Applied Geoscience,
Eberhard-Karls-University of T
ubingen, T
ubigen, Germany
Chair of Information Management, Information Systems Institute, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Citizen Science, Urban Monitoring, Mobile Sensing, Smart City.
Developments in the field of microelectronics and the increasing willingness to use open technologies offer a
variety of opportunities to significantly increase both understanding and public participation in the sustainable
design of our cities and living spaces. Urban environmental monitoring on the basis of smart sensors and open
technologies with the participation of citizens and local actors not only allows a better understanding of urban
transformation processes but also increases the acceptance and resilience of a sustainable urban development
towards the city of the future. What will the cities of the future look like? What is certain is that the future
of cities will become more digital, with sensors, apps and citizens networking. So, how can smart sensors
and open technologies help us better understand our environment? What do we need to know about our
environment and the city we live in? Based on the developments of recent years, it is now a matter of course to
book tickets for buses and trains with your smart phone or to look for the best restaurant. But what if citizens
and local actors want to play an active role in urban development or monitoring?
1.1 The City as a System: A Global
Global changes, climate change or a constantly grow-
ing world population living in growing cities and ur-
ban agglomerations have an impact on regional and
natural spaces as well as economic, political and
social structures. Figures from the German Fed-
eral Initiative for National Urban Development Pol-
icy (BMVBS, 2008) and the German Federal Min-
istry of Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Research
(Milbert and BBSR, 2015) show that in Germany
about 40% of all inhabitants already live in small and
medium-sized towns and 30% in large cities. In addi-
tion, about 80% of all working people work in cities,
and the trend continues to rise.
Today’s cities are undoubtedly undergoing
change, but are also competing for citizens and
investors, so that not all cities are recording posi-
tive growth rates. This transformation of cities is
influenced by a multitude of specific location factors
and the decision for or against moving is often made
dependent on the prospect of an improvement in one’s
own life situation. The trend toward urbanization is
by no means a phenomenon of industrialized nations.
In a global comparison and especially in developing
countries, the proportion of the population living
in cities is increasing, even though the reasons for
urbanization may differ. In the meantime more than
half of the world’s population lives in cities (see
Figure 1), with far-reaching consequences for people
and the environment.
In view of the increasing number of people liv-
ing in cities and the associated social, economic and
ecological impacts, the demands placed on the city
of the future will be different from the previous ones.
Public health care, in particular, will become increas-
ingly important. This also includes the recording and
analysis of environmental conditions with the aid of
spatial data. The transformation into the city of the
future will therefore be accompanied by a small-scale
Schima, R., Paschen, M., Dietrich, P., Bumberger, J. and Goblirsch, T.
City of the Future: Urban Monitoring based on Smart Sensors and Open Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0007484501160120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2019), pages 116-120
ISBN: 978-989-758-355-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Population in %
North America
Figure 1: Share of the population living in cities in the total population. It should be particularly emphasized that since 2008
more people worldwide live in cities than in rural areas (The World Bank, 2015).
monitoring of microclimatic characteristics of urban
space. Last but not least, a context-related assess-
ment will be increasingly carried out by citizens and
local actors and will be shared, discussed and val-
ued with specific context knowledge via social net-
works and digital platforms. This process will be de-
cisively influenced by the already high willingness to
share information and content digitally. Examples in-
clude Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap or
The digitalization of everyday processes and the high
availability of networked devices as well as the inno-
vations and services derived from them will meet with
acceptance in broad sections of the population similar
to the introduction of smart phones.
2.1 Risks and Opportunities
The changes and challenges that arise when more and
more people live in cities can already be seen today
in modern metropolitan regions. What is certain is
that urbanization does not only bring disadvantages.
Cities and urban agglomerations are centers of inno-
vative developments that permeate society as a whole.
The initiators of these social, cultural, technical or
economic developments are often those actors who
shape their respective environment at the local level
through individual action. Increasing digitalization
in almost all spheres of life opens up new possibili-
ties for the acquisition and provision of information
as well as for social participation. Specialized ser-
vices and a multitude of mobile sensors will change
urban life in the future. The cities of the future will
1, which offers an open platform
where users can share locations of freely accessible fruit
trees via an integrated map service. More than 30,000 ac-
tive users are now registered.
be networked, and their citizens will be able to access
the information they need as Digital Natives.
Cities offer an attractive infrastructure and guaran-
tee a better education, health and energy supply com-
pared to rural areas. Assuming an environmentally
conscious urban development, the city of the future
can make a significant contribution to environmen-
tal and climate protection (Dosch and BMUB, 2015;
United Nations, 2012). On the basis of this progno-
sis, the transformation to a livable, sustainable and
resource-efficient city could also succeed, which in
future will meet social, ecological and economic re-
quirements in the same way (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: City of the future: Transformation into an attrac-
tive, sustainable and resource-efficient city. The digitization
of cities can make a significant contribution to meeting the
growing demands of increasing urbanization.
2.2 The Citizen of the Future: Smart
Sensors and Digital Health
The inhabitants of the cities of the future differ from
today’s city dwellers not so much in their character-
istics as in the amount of opportunities they have to
obtain information and actively shape both the city in
which they live and social processes. The increased
demand for information can already be seen today in
the widespread use of smart phones and the mobile
Internet. Today it is an everyday picture that weather
information is retrieved using a smart phone or the
City of the Future: Urban Monitoring based on Smart Sensors and Open Technologies
ticket for public transport including the connection is
obtained via an app.
Examples such as fitness apps, wearable sensors
for monitoring body functions or smart weather sta-
tions show not only the willingness but also the need
to measure oneself and one’s environment. This will-
ingness is primarily based on the need to understand
one’s own body and environment and is a rather in-
dividual motivation. The technical measurement of
body functions or the individual measurement of e.g.
air pollution help to better understand and optimize
oneself and one’s own actions, but also to prevent
health risks in general.
Mobile sensors and smart phone apps that pro-
vide these services are already commercially avail-
able, but have not yet penetrated the mass market.
Therefore, the recording of personal (individualized)
environmental impacts has not yet been established
Figure 3: Schematic representation of a provision of en-
vironmental information based on mobile technologies for
mobile and individualized monitoring.
The organism as a living system reacts directly to
changing environmental conditions. In order to be
able to correctly assess a threatening (health) risk, it
is necessary to also record the prevailing environmen-
tal conditions and their effects, which is still a chal-
lenge from the point of view of environmental mea-
surement technology, especially in cities. This is not
least due to the fact that the (local) climate in urban
areas is characterized by a high degree of heterogene-
ity and dynamics due to different buildings, different
forms of use or varying emission properties of the sur-
faces. As a result, even within a small area, differ-
ent environmental conditions have a complex effect
on human well-being and important vital functions.
In addition, the feeling of comfort and the health bur-
den differ from person to person and are influenced
by numerous boundary conditions. From a scientific
point of view, the question arises as to how this expe-
rienced situation can be measured and what needs to
be measured to form a reliable database. From a mete-
orological point of view, it must be considered which
parameters can be measured with sufficient accuracy
and which methodical and financial effort is required.
Due to their low spatial resolution, conventional ap-
proaches in the field of environmental monitoring are
not able to map the dynamics and local characteris-
tics of urban space in all their complexity. For exam-
ple, in Leipzig, the largest city in Saxony (Germany)
with 297.6 km
, three stations are available for the
collection of fine dust measure PM2.5, whereby there
are significantly more polarizing fine dust sources in
the city. However, this relatively low compression of
measuring stations reflects the current state of the art
in the field of environmental monitoring, which is not
least due to the cost- and maintenance-intensive mea-
suring technology.
Although measurement technology should not be
discussed here in detail, it should be noted that polit-
ical decision-makers, municipal companies and ser-
vice providers, as well as scientists and committed
citizens, are confronted with the challenge of cor-
rectly interpreting the special features and problems
of a city, their city, and developing sustainable solu-
tions on the basis of the resources available to them.
The overarching question is therefore how such com-
plex (eco-) systems in their entirety and heterogeneity
can be recorded, evaluated and better understood and
therefore protected (Mead et al., 2013; Duyzer et al.,
2015). This requires new strategies and monitoring
concepts for the holistic consideration of processes
that take place in the environment and are related to
each other.
In the field of environmental research, this results
in the necessity to develop cross-scale and above all
adaptive measurement and monitoring strategies. It
can also be stated that, in addition to the classical
approach of institutionalised or official environmen-
tal monitoring, numerous social activities and initia-
tives will also make a significant contribution to en-
vironmental monitoring in the future. This will open
up new approaches for proactively shaping the urban
transformation process (Banzhaf et al., 2014). Citi-
zen Science (Bonn et al., 2016; Kolok and Schoen-
fuss, 2011) and the increasing use of mobile tech-
nologies in the urban context (Smart City) are ex-
amples that show the high potential for further de-
velopments in this area. For the sustainable design
of cities and urban spaces, location-based monitoring
data in the sense of an advanced urban development at
local, regional and international level therefore form
an important basis for decision making (Eltges and
Hamann, 2010), in short: the city of the future.
SENSORNETS 2019 - 8th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Figure 4: Environmentally related parameters of a city can be of different interest depending on the issue and the user. The
challenge is to make the right information available for specific users.
2.3 Surveying the City: How Sensors
Can Help Improve Quality of Life
The transformation of grown urban development
structures towards a sustainable management and an
increased interest in the individualized recording of
environmental influences for personal health purposes
are evidence of the need of different user groups for
intelligent and service-oriented environmental moni-
toring (Su et al., 2015; Reis et al., 2015).
Digital change is increasingly changing the ap-
proach to social and ecological issues and at the same
time pushing the boundaries of what is informally
feasible. Driven by buzzwords such as Industry 4.0,
Smart City or the Internet of Things, the digitaliza-
tion of our everyday lives continues to progress. The
constantly increasing number of sensors in almost all
areas of life and ever more powerful computers will
offer the possibility in the future to create an un-
precedented image of the environment and the com-
plex system interrelationships that take place within
it. Due to the large number of people who use smart
phones on a daily basis, innovative services can al-
ready be offered today that transmit location-, time-
and context-specific information to hundreds of users
according to their needs. The evaluation and analy-
sis of spatial data is used, for example, in the field
of traffic planning, including minute-by-minute infor-
mation in the event of traffic delays or in the planning
of people movements during major events. The high
information content is based in particular on the high
number of users within the research area and the fact
that the measuring object, here the geographical loca-
tion, as well as the measuring device (mobile phone
with GPS receiver and mobile Internet) can be clearly
described at the time of data collection. The processes
and algorithms for evaluation based on these data can
thus access a consistent amount of data and provide
the desired information with low latency.
When recording environmental and health risks,
the context-related evaluation and analysis includes
not only the location and time but also other influenc-
ing factors, local characteristics and historical data.
With the help of this context information, complex
systems can also be recorded and environmental risks
can be derived with regard to the individual person
and his or her individual burden. Despite official mea-
suring systems and a considerable amount of installed
sensors and available sensor information, it is difficult
to determine a user-specific, individual burden. This
can not least be attributed to the fact that classical
approaches are based on equipping the test persons
with different sensors and measuring systems, but the
data obtained are not sufficiently related to the pre-
vailing environmental conditions. In addition, com-
mercially available systems usually represent isolated
solutions and complicate an integrated monitoring ap-
proach across several scales. Often the measuring
systems themselves are limiting factors. For example,
due to the necessity that the test persons have to carry
corresponding measurement systems with them at all
times in order to be able to determine an individual
load. It would therefore be logical to equip each per-
son with an appropriate sensor in order to be able to
record the individual stress of a person. However, this
approach will not become established in the future ei-
ther, since reliable environmental measurement tech-
nology does not fit in size on the one hand and, on the
other hand, an increased technical and methodologi-
cal knowledge of the user would have to be assumed.
City of the Future: Urban Monitoring based on Smart Sensors and Open Technologies
For the city of the future, the question arises as to how
it can be possible to link official measurement systems
with sensor information from the population. The
main issue here is the integration of innovative sensor
technology into existing structures and approaches for
environmental monitoring, which is particularly im-
portant for urban areas. A major challenge here is
the greater involvement of different actors and so-
cial groups. In addition to public authorities and re-
search institutions, social initiatives and committed
citizens will be increasingly involved in answering
environmental and social science questions and will
play a decisive role in shaping the city of the future.
The linking of sensor data with increasingly impor-
tant context and meta information as well as the spe-
cific provision are therefore central tasks to be solved.
This is the only way to capture the complexity and
heterogeneity of a city holistically and ultimately to
make a general contribution to improving the quality
of life in urban areas.
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ronmental quality and quality of life. Ecological Indi-
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SENSORNETS 2019 - 8th International Conference on Sensor Networks