Pre-Modelled Flexibility for Business Processes
Thomas Bauer
Hochschule Neu-Ulm, University of Applied Sciences, Wileystr. 1, 89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany
Keywords: Business Process, Process Modelling, Build-Time, Process Execution, Flexibility.
Abstract: At process-aware information systems (PAIS), sometimes, a flexible deviation from the rigidly designed
process becomes necessary. Otherwise the users would be restricted too much. This paper presents an ap-
proach that allows to define the expected flexibility requirements only once already at build-time and apply
them at run-time in the PAIS. Compared to dynamic changes during run-time, this has the advantage that
the usage of the pre-defined information reduces the effort for the end users at each deviation. In addition,
applying flexibility becomes saver; e.g., since user rights can be defined. This paper presents the corre-
sponding requirements, with a special focus on the kind of information that has to be pre-defined at build-
time. Thereby, all relevant process aspects were respected and the necessity of the requirements is illustrated
with examples from practice.
An advantage of PAIS (Reichert and Weber 2012),
compared to traditional IT systems, is that the pro-
cess management system (PMS) guarantees the
adherence of the defined business process (BP).
Additionally, end users are unburdened from non-
productive tasks as searching the right function of
the application or the data required in the current
process step. With a PAIS, this is performed auto-
matically. PAIS, however, also have disadvantages:
Some users dislike their reduced freedom caused by
the active and automatic process control. Further-
more, in exceptional cases, restricting the possible
execution orders of the process activities may result
in situations where sequences are not possible which
would be advantageous for the business. This results
in disadvantages for the organization.
To avoid such disadvantages, it must be possible
to deviate flexibly from the rigidly modelled BP
(Schonenberg et al. 2007, Redding et al. 2009, Da-
dam et al. 2011). A special case of flexibility are
deviations that are pre-modelled already at build-
time in order to apply them at run-time of the pro-
cess instances (Pre-Designed Flexibility (Kumar and
Narasipuram 2006), Flexibility by Design (Scho-
nenberg et al. 2007)). Scientific literature, however,
only discusses this categorization. Details of the
corresponding requirements and approaches for their
realization are hardly content of existing research.
This aspect is the focus of the project CoPMoF
(Controllable Pre-Modelled Flexibility). Flexibility
of PMS shall be increased, but deviations shall not
be defined arbitrary (i.e. completely dynamic) by the
users. Instead, predictable flexibility (i.e. deviations
eventually required at run-time) is pre-modelled
already at build-time. Then, the BP-designer and the
BP-owner can evaluate such deviations with respect
to their consequences. Furthermore, the required
process reliability is guaranteed since only intended
deviations are possible and they may only be per-
formed by users with the required rights.
The main advantage of the presented approach,
however, is that performing a deviation causes less
effort for the end user compared to a dynamic
change (eventually it would be even too complicated
to define such a change dynamically). Assume, a
concept shall be normally controlled by a software
developer. But in difficult cases developers are over-
challenged with this task. Then, this process activity
shall be performed by a software architect of the
same project. For this purpose, an alternative actor
assignment for this activity was already pre-defined
at build-time. Furthermore, it was defined who is al-
lowed to activate this alternative actor assignment.
Dynamic changes (Reichert and Weber 2012) al-
low to insert new activities into a process instance.
Such a functionality is indispensable for the realiza-
tion of not predictable modifications. For predictable
exceptional situations, however, dynamic changes
are not well suited since they cause much effort for
the user at each single deviation. In the example
Bauer, T.
Pre-Modelled Flexibility for Business Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0007524605470555
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 547-555
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
explained above, the user would have to create a
correct actor assignment which uses (existing) ob-
jects of the organizational model. Here, it is more
meaningful to expend the effort only once already at
build-time; i.e., to pre-model the eventually required
actor assignment.
As already mentioned, with respect to pre-mod-
elled flexibility, scientific literature only defines the
corresponding category. Until now, this category
was not examined in detail. The sole exception is the
process aspect control flow. For this aspect, (Bauer
2017) and (Bauer 2018) discuss pre-modelling of
flexibility. That means, there exists no answer to the
following research question: Which scenarios (i.e.
requirements) exist for the other process aspects
(Jablonski 1997), where it is advantageous to pre-
model flexibility of a BP at build-time, and which
information must be provided for this purpose?
In the project CoPMoF, an approach with the fol-
lowing properties is developed:
The requirements shall cover as many sce-
narios as possible. However, because of the re-
search design, completeness, cannot be
reached. In order to identify a large number of
requirements, several BP are analysed with re-
spect to their flexibility requirements. These
BP are known by the author because of his
long-term work in industry and research. Addi-
tionally, generally known processes and BP de-
scribed in scientific literature (e.g. credit appli-
cations) were respected.
The resulting process templates are “enriched
with pre-modelled flexibility. However, they
shall stay easy to understand for BP-designers
and “normal users”. This is especially im-
portant for semantic process models (the busi-
ness view), but also for technical models (pro-
cess implementation); e.g., to enable users to
detect errors in the process models.
Despite the desired simplicity, the execution
semantics of the building blocks for pre-
modelled flexibility must be clear, since an
easy to understand but vague modelling tech-
nique would prevent the execution of process
instances by a process engine.
Finally, only very little effort must result for
the end users to trigger a flexible deviation at
process execution (run-time).
To close the whole research gap, an approach has to
be developed that fulfils all these requirements. This
paper addresses the following part of the problem:
BP of different domains are presented and examined
with respect to the question, which scenarios of
predictable flexibility are contained (case studies).
Thereby, several requirements and facets are ex-
plained, in order to present the scenarios in an ex-
haustive and understandable manner. That means,
the necessity of the requirements is proven with
examples from practice. In this paper, the control
flow aspect is only mentioned shortly; i.e., the main
content are the other process aspects (Jablonski
1997). Detailed solution concepts for the realization
of the requirements are not covered in this paper.
Section 2 introduces basic principles of PAIS
and explains the challenges. The sections 3 to 5
describe the requirements for the different process
aspects. Section 6 discusses related work. The paper
concludes with a summary and an outlook.
The first subsection describes pre-modelled flexibil-
ity that is typically supported by most approaches
and commercial systems for process execution. In
Section 2.2 some problem statements are explained
at an example scenario from practice.
2.1 Modelling and Execution of
Business Processes
PMS consist of a build-time and a run-time compo-
nent. At build-time, a process template is created
that describes the BP. For this purpose, a process
graph is modelled which contains activities. Their
execution order is determined by edges and condi-
tions. This process template is used at run-time to
create process instances. A process engine controls
the execution of these process instances. For each
currently executable activity instance (often named
short: activity) it inserts corresponding items into the
worklists of the potential actors. One of these end
users selects the item and becomes able to perform
this activity (instance). For activity execution, often,
the actor has simply to fill a form.
The process aspect control-flow defines the exe-
cution order by means of a process graph (cf. Figure
1). Its nodes represent the activities (human tasks
performed by users), automatically executed pro-
gram code, or whole sub-processes. In addition, the
process graph contains gateways (rhombuses),
which represent Split and Join nodes. Commercial
PMS typically offer Split and Join nodes with XOR-
(one branch is selected because of its condition),
OR- (several branches), and AND-Semantics (all
branches are executed). Additionally, loops are sup-
ported. Branches as well as loops represent a simple
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Change Management Process (CMP) for Product Modifications.
form of pre-modelled flexibility, since they have the
effect that the set of executed activities and their
execution order may differ at each process instance.
Often, process variables are used to realize the
data flow. They are connected with the input and
output parameters of activities (cf. NeighbourParts
in Figure 1). When starting an activity, the contents
of the variables are passed to the activity. After
completion of the activity, its results are stored in
process variables. Even complex data types may be
used. Typically, objects that are composed of (ele-
mentary) data types and lists (arrays) are supported.
Since the latter one have a variable length, they may
build a basis for flexible process execution.
There exist many requirements for the organiza-
tional aspect (Russell et al. 2005). Commercial PMS
typically allow to create organizational objects (e.g.
groups, roles, departments), but some PMS do not
distinguish between different types. Organizational
objects can be assigned to users. For each activity,
an actor assignment has to be defined. This is a
“formula” that uses organizational objects (e.g. “role
= software developer”). It is used by the process en-
gine to calculate the potential actors of this activity.
A corresponding entry is inserted into their worklists
or they are informed with an e-mail. One of these
persons selects this activity and performs it. Depend-
ent actor assignments offer some type of flexibility,
since the corresponding activity is not offered to the
same persons at each process instance. Assume, a
further inquiry in a business trip application process
shall be answered by that person, that has created
this application. This results in the dependent actor
assignment “same actor as previous Activity X”.
In addition, some PMS offer escalation mecha-
nisms. Whenever a pre-defined processing time is
reached for a specific activity, for instance, an e-
mail is sent automatically to a supervisor or the actor
of this activity is modified (automatic delegation).
Often, activities are executed using forms. Some
PMS allow to generate such forms automatically
based on the input and output parameters of activi-
ties. Afterwards they may be adapted manually. It is
also possible to realize self-implemented web forms
or rich client applications that use an application
programming interface (API) of the process engine.
Some process engines use web service calls to real-
ize the execution of automatic process steps. For the
integration of legacy applications, adapters may be
provided. Thereby, flexibility results only from the
variety of supported application types and the possi-
bility to use a powerful enterprise service bus (ESB)
at service calls.
2.2 Challenges Concerning
Pre-Modelled Flexibility
This subsection demonstrates the need for flexibility
at an example from practice. As mentioned in Sec-
tion 1, the focus of this paper is not on dynamic
changes used to react to unexpected events. Instead,
situations are inspected, which represent exceptional
cases, but are predicable. This allows to pre-model
an appropriate behaviour already at build-time.
Figure 1 shows a simplified Change Manage-
ment Process (CMP) as used to request product
changes in the automotive domain. The notation is
similar to BPMN 2.0 (but extended). With Act. A,
an arbitrary employee of the automobile manufac-
turer may request a change of a vehicle part (e.g. the
shape of the engine bonnet). Since the execution of a
CMP-instance causes much effort, it can be stopped
Pre-Modelled Flexibility for Business Processes
with Act. B by a manager. Act. C determines the
owner of the concerned part automatically by send-
ing a query to the product data management (PDM)
system. In Act. D, this owner rates the effort and the
benefits of the change from the viewpoint of the
development domain. Then, in Act. E he identifies
neighbour parts (e.g. car wing, radiator) that have to
be adapted because of the modified shape of the
engine bonnet as well. Act. F queries the corre-
sponding part details and part owners and stores
these data in the list NeighbourParts (the other pro-
cess variables were omitted to increase readability).
The rating from the viewpoint of the neighbour
parts happens in Act. G by the respective part owner.
This activity is instantiated multiple times (once for
each neighbour part). The same applies to the check
of the rating by another developer in Act. H. With
Act. I to K, clerks of several domains are rating (in
parallel) whether the change can be realized and
estimate the resulting costs. Act. L decides on the
approval of the change request and perhaps the parts
are changed in Act. M.
The execution of the CMP requires flexibility at
several points: The Act. G and H are included within
a Multi-Instance-Parallelism. That means, the -
Split creates a number of branches that corresponds
to the length of the list NeighbourParts. This list was
filled by Act. E and F with the required input data
and the intended actors. Afterwards, this list may be
extended by a user action performed at an arbitrary
point in time. However, this does only make sense
before the Multi-Instance-Parallelism is finished (i.e.
before the -Join). Later on, additional neighbour
parts cannot be respected by additional instances of
Act. K and L any more.
If the part owner detects during the identification
of the neighbour parts (Act. E) that he has made a
mistake earlier in Act. D, he may want to correct its
output data. For this purpose, he modifies the pro-
cess variable Rating despite this is not an output
parameter of the current Act. E. To allow this, for
this variable Rating, it has to be pre-defined with
which form or tool it can be modified.
The part owner requires a substitute for Act. D
and E, since for each part there exists only one part
owner. Without such a substitute, the whole process
may be delayed unacceptably if this person is on
holiday, for instance. This substitute, however, is not
the department leader as for other activities of the
part owner. This would not be appropriate since Act.
D and E are project tasks. Therefore, dependent on
the concerned vehicle project (respecting process
variable VehicleProject, e.g. contains Golf) a devel-
oper of the same project has to act as substitute.
The application program that is used for the rat-
ing by a production clerk (Act. I), has to be selected
in a flexible manner: Dependent on the person who
performs this activity and the software that is in-
stalled on his computer, different application pro-
grams shall be used. For instance, some users pos-
sess a viewer for CAD models, others use the rich
client of the production domain with a special visu-
alization of CAD models, some a web form with
part pictures, and others an “App” on a mobile de-
vice since they often are on the way in production
halls. When modelling this activity, it has to be
defined (at build-time), therefore, in which cases
which application program shall be used.
As described in Section 2.1, PMS typically support
lists with a variable length that may be used within a
Multi-Instance-Parallelism to assign application data
and actors to the branches. Furthermore, the follow-
ing flexibility is required.
3.1 Modify Process Variables (DF-1)
Sometimes, a user shall be able to modify the con-
tent of a process variable despite there currently
does not exist a corresponding activity in the pro-
cess. This may be useful; e.g., to correct, supple-
ment, or provide data afterwards.
DF-1a: At build-time it has to be defined wheth-
er it is allowed to modify a specific process variable
at all and who is allowed to do this. Additionally, it
may be necessary to restrict the process area within
which such a modification is allowed. Assume that
the rating resulting from Act. D of the CMP (cf.
Figure 1) contains errors and the execution is pro-
ceeded until Act. F in the meantime. A backward
jump to Act. D and repeating the activities between
D and F would cause unnecessary effort. Instead, the
part owner may directly correct (i.e. modify) the
rating data. This, however, is only allowed before
the ratings of the other domains (Act. I to K) have
started since they use this rating as input data.
DF-1b: The change request created in Act. A
contains a sketch of the changed part; e.g., a Power-
Point figure or a CAD model. If such a sketch is
erroneous it is not sufficient to simply modify text
with a form. Instead, an appropriate application pro-
gram is required. It is necessary to define for each
(modifiable) process variable, which application
shall be used for subsequent modifications.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.2 Modify Assignments of Activity
Parameters to Variables (DF-2)
The assignment of activity input and output parame-
ter data to process variables shall be changeable as
well. Assume that in the CMP currently no part
owner is defined for the part that has to be changed
(e.g., since he has left the company). The part own-
er, however, is absolutely necessary as input data for
Act. D and E. Otherwise, they cannot be assigned to
an actor. In order to solve this problem, for instance,
the activity input parameter TaskActorID shall get
its content from the process variable Department-
LeaderID instead from the variable PartOwnerID.
For this purpose, it has to be defined at build-time
who is allowed to perform such a modification.
Additionally, the set of process variables that may be
used as a specific input resp. output parameter of
this activity may be restricted.
The PMS uses actor assignments to calculate the
potential actors of activities. Thereby, it shall be
possible to define powerful expressions. Addition-
ally, a PMS repeats this calculation periodically (re-
fresh) in order to respect changed or new member-
ships of persons in roles, groups, departments, etc.
If the functionality offered by a specific PMS is
insufficient to realize the actor assignment required
for an Act. X, the following work-around may be
used: The potential actors are calculated by an auto-
matically executed preceding Act. X'. Its output is a
list of UserIDs that is stored in a process variable.
This variable serves as input parameter of Act. X
and the task is offered to these users. A drawback of
this work-around is that, after completion of Act. X',
this list is not refreshed anymore. Therefore, the
following requirements shall be supported directly
by the PMS.
4.1 Flexible Mechanisms for Actor
Calculation (Org-1)
Org-1a (Calculate Actors using Process Data): It
shall be possible to use process variables in an actor
assignment. An example for this is Act. D of the
CMP (cf. Figure 1): The UserID of the part owner is
calculated by the automatically executed Act. C and
stored in a process variable. Its content is used to
assign Act. D to the right actor. Additionally to such
UserIDs, other data may be relevant for actor assign-
ments: The first activity of a credit application pro-
cess may store the concerned bank branch in the pro-
cess variable BranchID. The activity “tell decision to
customer” shall be performed by a clerk of the same
bank branch. This results in the actor assignment
“Role=Clerk AND OrgUnit=VALUE(BranchID)”.
At Multi-Instance-Parallelisms it may be neces-
sary to respect the sequential number i of the cur-
rently executed branch. Each rating by a part owner
(Act. G) has to be performed by that person, that
was determined by Act. F in the PDM system and
stored in the list NeighbourParts at index position i
(if currently the branch number i is executed). But
the determination of UserIDs by the automatically
executed Act. C and F has a disadvantage: Changes
of part owners that occur later than the execution of
these activities are not respected any more. There-
fore, service calls that determine UserIDs should be
triggered directly by the actor assignments of the
Act. D, E, and G; i.e., it shall be possible that an
actor assignment contains such a service call. These
actor assignments are re-calculated (refreshed) peri-
odically by the process engine. This, again, triggers
the service call with the result that the currently
valid potential actors are determined.
Org-1b (Alternative Actor Assignment): It
may be predicable that the regular actor assignment
is not appropriate for an activity in all exceptional
cases. For instance, the regular potential actors may
be overburdened sometimes, what shall be compen-
sated by involving additional actors from other busi-
ness domains. Another example is that an activity
shall be performed by different actors in special
cases; e.g., since the “regular actors” would be over-
challenged with this task (cf. Section 1). For such
activities, it shall be possible to define alternative
actor assignments already at build-time.
Additionally, it has to be defined who is allowed
to activate such an alternative. This may be the actu-
al actors of preceding activities, all potential actors
of the concerned activity, or the process owner (ad-
ministrator). Switching to an alternative actor as-
signment shall be even possible after the process
engine has inserted the corresponding items (that are
based on the original actor assignment) into the
worklists. Then, switching to the alternative actor
assignment automatically triggers a re-calculation
(refresh) of the potential actors. Therefore, it be-
comes effective immediately.
4.2 Substitutes (Org-2)
Only one single person (the part owner) is allowed
to perform Act. D, E, and G of the CMP. If he is ill,
Pre-Modelled Flexibility for Business Processes
on holidays, or on a business trip the whole process
execution will be delayed. Therefore, substitution
rules have to be defined for these activities.
Org-2a (Definition with Rules): Rules for the
calculation of substitutes are pre-modelled at build-
time. They shall offer the same powerful functional-
ity as actor assignments and may use organizational
objects (e.g. roles, departments). Therefore, changes
in the organizational model automatically result in
updated substitutes. The actor (i.e. the part owner) of
Act. D, for instance, may be substituted by all per-
sons with “Role = Developer AND member of the
same project as the regular actor”. It is not sufficient
that one single person can be defined as substitute,
since multiple substitutes may be required to distrib-
ute the work load. In case of a substitution, they all
become potential actors and one of these persons can
decide to perform the activity.
Org-2b (Substitution Dependent on Activity):
The substitutes of a person may Depend on the con-
cerned activity or activity type. The part owner is
substituted by a colleague of the same project (see
above). At project-independent tasks (e.g. ordering
of office supplies) his supervisor acts as substitute.
Therefore, the substitution rules have to be defined
at build-time as part of the process template; i.e., as
rule valid for a single activity (type) or the whole
process template. It is not sufficient to tell the pro-
cess engine (independent from the process context)
who are the substitutes of a person.
Org-2c (Configurable Behaviour): It shall be
possible to configure the behaviour of the substitu-
tion rules. This concerns the following topics:
The process designer defines when a substition
shall be acitivated. This may happen i) if a
single regular actor is absent, ii) if all regular
actors are absent, or iii) if a given number or
quota of absent actors is reached. Here exists a
conflict of aims between the avoidance of
extrem work-loads for the remaining regular
actors and the requirement that the regular
actors shall perform their activities if this is
possible someway.
It can be defined that a substitute may be
substituted himself. Then, multiple stagesof
substitutions are applied by the PMS.
It may be meaningful that a substitute is no
longer allowed to perform a specific activity if
the original (i.e. substituted) actor returns. This
may concern only not started or even already
running activities.
Many of these requirements cannot be fulfilled by
current commercial PMS (if they offer substitutions
at all).
4.3 User Actions (Org-3)
Users must be able to perform unplanned actions
that concern the organizational aspect. For instance,
the set of the potential actors of an activity has to be
modified. Such actions are partially described in
(Russell et al. 2005) as well. In the following, how-
ever, the focus is on the question, what has to be pre-
modelled for such a user action.
Org-3a (Delegation): With a delegation, the
regular actor transfers the activity to another person.
Thus, it appears in a different worklist. A PMS has
to offer powerful mechanisms for delegations: It
shall be possible to delegate a task to multiple per-
sons. For this purpose, some kind of “actor assign-
ment” may be used. Assume, for instance, that a
team leader wants to delegate an activity to some
team members which are very skilled in the given
context. Alternatively, he may delegate the activity
to all team members. The latter case causes only lit-
tle effort if a corresponding rule was already pre-de-
fined at build-time (“Role = Clerk AND same team
as regular actor”) that may be used for delegations.
At least, it must be possible to define at build-
time, whether a delegation for a specific activity is
allowed at all. Whenever this is necessary for pro-
cess safety (e.g. to respect compliance rules), the set
of target persons of the delegation may be restricted.
This restriction may be realized by an organizational
expression similar to an actor assignment.
Org-3b (Modification of Actor Set): The set of
potential actors of an activity may be modified by
adding or removing persons. All other potential
actors keep this function. Such a modification may
even occur, before the concerned activity is ready to
At least, it has to be defined who is allowed to
perform such a modification. Similar as at Org-3a,
the set of persons that may be added can be restrict-
ed. Again, the usage of this function becomes very
comfortable if rules were pre-defined at build-time,
which may be used to add or remove persons at run-
time. Assume, a chief physician detects at a prior
interview with the patient that this is a very compli-
cated case. Therefore, for instance, he wants to re-
move all assistant physicians as potential actors of a
later treatment activity. Since such cases occur fre-
quently, the modification-rule “remove actors with
role Assistant-Physicianwas pre-defined already at
build-time. At run-time, the chief physician simply
has to activate this rule.
Org-3c (Deallocation): Users select activities
(items) from their worklists for execution. Such an
actor may detect afterwards, that he does not want or
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is not able to perform this activity. Then, he de-
allocates the activity; i.e., it can be selected by the
other potential actors from their worklists again.
For each activity it may be defined whether such
a deallocation is allowed at all. Furthermore, the
point in time, until that a deallocation is possible,
shall be configurable. The following activity states
are meaningful for this purpose:
A deallocation is only possible before the exe-
cution of that activity starts.
A deallocation is allowed after starting the
activity, but only before intermediate results
were created (and stored within the PMS). This
allows the actor to look at the activity input
data (the details) in order to decide whether he
wants to perform this activity. After starting
work on this activity and storing intermediate
results, a reallocation is no longer allowed.
A reallocation is even allowed after partial
execution of the activity and transmission of
intermediate results to the PMS. In this case, it
has to be defined additionally i) whether these
intermediate results shall be discarded or ii)
whether the next actor may use the results as
input data of the activity; i.e., he may continue
the (already performed) work.
(Commercial) PMS normally contain a client imple-
mentation that displays the worklists of the users.
Additionally, this client displays the forms that are
used to perform the activities. Often, web clients as
well as rich clients are supported. It is also possible
to develop own clients that use the application pro-
gramming interface (API) of the process engine.
With respect to activity execution, the following
requirements are not fulfilled by many PMS.
5.1 Application Types (App-1)
Arbitrary types of applications shall be useable for
activity execution. Connecting them with the PMS
should cause only little effort. For this purpose, it
may offer adapters. Then, the only remaining effort
is to configure these adapters appropriately at build-
App-1a: It may be necessary that a specific ap-
plication is usable for the execution of an activity.
Therefore, no type of application shall be excluded.
For instance, a specific document type must be pro-
cessed with a specific text processing program (e.g.
MS Word) or CAD tool. Normally, such “stand-
alone applications” cannot be integrated into the
given PMS client. Nevertheless, the stand-alone
application must be usable at activity execution. It
shall be started automatically (after selection of the
corresponding worklist item) and its input data are
transferred to the program. Finally, the results (out-
put data) have to be transferred back to the process
App-1b: Functions that belong to an external
server system with separate data management (e.g.
SAP ERP) shall be usable as activity implementa-
tions as well. For this purpose, the process engine
sends a message with the input data to the external
server. Then, this server offers the task to the appro-
priate users; e.g., by notifying them with e-mails or
by realizing its own worklists. Additionally, an inte-
gration with the worklists of the PMS may be re-
quired. After completion of the activity, the external
server transmits the output data back to the process
App-1c: A PMS shall support mobile clients as
well. Mobile devices differ very much from each
other (compared to PCs). Therefore, the properties
of their mobile devices may influence the set of the
potential actors of an activity. These actors shall be
selected, for instance, based on the type of their
mobile device (smart phone, tablet computer, or
laptop), the size of the display, the current location,
or the state of charge. That means, the set of all
possible potential actors is restricted based on such
criteria. Therefore, for each activity, the required
properties of the mobile devices must be definable at
5.2 Different Applications for the Same
Activity (App-2)
App-2a: It shall be possible to use multiple different
applications as implementation of one activity. All
of them have the same interface (i.e. input and out-
put data) but they differ in their behaviour (i.e. user
front end). The application program, that is used in
fact, shall be selected in a flexible manner, for in-
stance based on the skills of the current user, his
preferred or used client type (web or rich client), the
software installed on his computer (e.g. MS Word or
Open Office Writer), or his type of device (PC or
smart phone, cf. App-1c). The selection of this ap-
plication program shall be performed with rules
(expressions) that were pre-defined at build-time. At
The Program Execution Client of IBM MQ Series Workflow
(IBM 1996) proofs that this is possible in general.
Pre-Modelled Flexibility for Business Processes
run-time, they use process instance data and data
concerning the current actor.
App-2b: Even after deployment of the process
template, it shall be possible to create further imple-
mentations of an activity. Again, rules define their
usage; i.e., their connection with the process tem-
plate. Such implementations and rules shall be use-
able even for already running process instances
(Late Binding). Therefore, the deployment of the
activity implementations and the corresponding
selection rules must happen independently from the
business process (template). At build-time, it must
be possible to determine that they shall be deployed
immediately and shall be valid for an already de-
ployed process template as well.
App-2c: A special case of an activity is a com-
posed activity (subprocess). Even for composed
activities it shall be possible to select the subprocess
with rules at run-time (cf. App-2a), instead of as-
signing a fixed subprocess at build-time. Again, it
may be necessary that additional subprocesses are
created (i.e. modelled) after the deployment of the
(father) process and after the creation of process
instances (cf. App-2b). The corresponding selection
rules are defined afterwards and these rules and the
new subprocess must be deployed separately from
the father process template.
(Kumar and Narasipuram 2006) present different
categories of flexibility for BP. The category that
corresponds to the CoPMoF approach is called “Pre-
Designed Flexibility”. The categories are refined in
(Schonenberg et al. 2007) with the resulting catego-
ries “Flexibility by Design” and “Flexibility by
Underspecification”. A literature review
has shown
that, until now, it was hardly examined what shall be
pre-modelled at build-time in order to reach much
flexibility and low effort for the users at run-time.
(Reichert and Weber 2012) suggests to use ex-
ception handling based on events and exception
handlers to treat special cases: An event is assigned
to single activities or whole process regions. If it
occurs at run-time (throw) an exception handler is
executed (catch). This is similar to a try-catch-block
The search was performed with the following terms, all in
combination with business process: flexibility by design,
pre-designed flexibility, flexibility build-time, flexibility
data flow, flexibility organization, flexibility activity. Fur-
thermore, (Reichert and Weber 2012) as overview book
for flexibility in BP” was examined with respect to hints to
relevant approaches.
in programming languages and well suited to handle
technical errors; e.g., the crash of an activity pro-
gram. It may also be used to change a resource as-
signment; e.g., delegation of an activity to a more
appropriate actor (Org-3a) (Russell et al. 2005).
(Bauer 2009) concerns flexibility for the organiza-
tional aspect as well. It presents several require-
ments and concepts concerning substitution rules (cf.
Case Handling (Aalst et al. 2005) is an approach
for knowledge intensive BP, with the focus on data.
The users (Knowledge Workers) know all data and
have the possibility to change them at any time (cf.
DF-1). Changing data is performed with forms. The
state of a process instance results from the content of
its data objects. They determine the activities that
are currently executable; i.e., the control-flow is not
modelled explicitly. The users decide (autono-
mously) to execute, skip, or repeat activities.
Some publications address late binding resp. late
selection (cf. App-2). (Graml et al. 2008) allows to
select a subprocess with rules at run-time (App-2c).
Different pre-modelled subprocesses may contain
different realizations of an application program
(App-2a). (Adams et al. 2006) realizes activities by
“Worklets”. Dependent on the context of the process
instance, they define which activity implementation
shall be used. Worklets may be changed at run-time,
therefore, the application resp. GUI of a process step
may be adapted. A similar technique is used by
commercial PMS with service orientation; e.g. IBM
Business Process Server (IBM 2017): The execution
of an activity results in a service call, which triggers
an ESB flow (Erl 2005, Buchwald et al. 2009). This
flow may contain branches and conditions. There-
fore, it is possible to call different realizations of an
activity with a selection criterion that depends on the
context of the process instance. Since the deploy-
ment of the ESB flow happens independently from
the BP template, it may be substituted at any time
and the change becomes operative immediately.
Therefore, such PMS offer an appropriate basis for
the realization of App-2a to c. (Weber et al. 2008)
presents “Pattern for Predefined Change”. These
pattern allow to model that specific decisions or
definitions shall not happen until run-time. This en-
ables, for instance, late selection and late modelling
of process fragments (App-2c). (Pryss et al. 2016)
offers some flexibility at the selection of actors that
use mobile clients (App-1c). The potential actors of
an activity may be selected based on the type of the
mobile device, its current location, or its charging
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
PMS must allow to deviate from the rigidly mod-
elled process. Otherwise, these systems are not usa-
ble in practice. Dynamic changes are one way to
realize such deviations. For predictable deviations,
however, this results in too much effort for the end
users and may cause errors. To avoid such disad-
vantages, predictable special cases and exceptions
should be pre-modelled already at build-time. This
paper presents corresponding requirements and ex-
amples from practice. An intended impact is to mo-
tivate tool manufacturers to support the described
scenarios in commercial BP modelling tools and
process engines.
The generalisability and relevance of the pre-
sented scenarios has to be verified with further prac-
tical examples from other domains. Furthermore,
they have to be complemented with additional re-
quirements for pre-modelled flexibility. Some of the
presented concepts are not available in today’s pro-
cess modelling languages (e.g. alternative actor
assignments). Therefore, such situations are proba-
bly not captured in existing process models, despite
they exist in reality. This problem may be solved by
the usage of different research methods (e.g. expert
Detailed solution concepts still have to be real-
ized for the identified requirements. Furthermore, a
prototypical realization and a case study concerning
usability may be necessary.
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Pre-Modelled Flexibility for Business Processes