Fake News Detection via NLP is Vulnerable to Adversarial Attacks
Zhixuan Zhou
, Huankang Guan
, Meghana Moorthy Bhat
and Justin Hsu
Hongyi Honor College, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Department of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, U.S.A.
Fake News Detection, NLP, Attack, Fact Checking, Outsourced Knowledge Graph.
News plays a significant role in shaping people’s beliefs and opinions. Fake news has always been a problem,
which wasn’t exposed to the mass public until the past election cycle for the 45th President of the United States.
While quite a few detection methods have been proposed to combat fake news since 2015, they focus mainly
on linguistic aspects of an article without any fact checking. In this paper, we argue that these models have the
potential to misclassify fact-tampering fake news as well as under-written real news. Through experiments on
Fakebox, a state-of-the-art fake news detector, we show that fact tampering attacks can be effective. To address
these weaknesses, we argue that fact checking should be adopted in conjunction with linguistic characteristics
analysis, so as to truly separate fake news from real news. A crowdsourced knowledge graph is proposed as a
straw man solution to collecting timely facts about news events.
Fake news is an increasingly common feature of to-
day’s political landscape. To help address this issue,
researchers and media experts have proposed fake
news detectors adopting natural language processing
(NLP) to analyze word patterns and statistical corre-
lations of news articles. While these detectors achieve
impressive accuracy on existing examples of manip-
ulated news, the analysis is typically quite shallow—
roughly, models check whether news articles conform
to standard norms and styles used by professional
journalists. This leads to two drawbacks.
First, these models can detect fake news only
when they are under-written, for instance when the
content is totally unrelated to the headline (so-called
“clickbait”) or when the article includes words con-
sidered to be biased or inflammatory. While this cri-
teria suffices to detect many existing examples of fake
news, more sophisticated rumor disseminators can
craft more subtle attacks, for instance taking a well-
written real news article and tampering the article in
a targeted way. By preserving the original subject
matter and relating the content tightly to the headline
without using biased phrases, an adversarial article
can easily evade detection. To demonstrate this kind
of attack, we evaluate a state-of-the-art model called
Fakebox. We introduce three classes of attacks: fact
distortion, subject-object exchange and cause con-
founding. We generate adversarial versions of real
news from a dataset by McIntire (2018), and show
that Fakebox achieves low accuracy when classifying
these examples.
At the same time, requirements posed by current
detectors are often too strict. Real news which is
under-written or talks about certain political and re-
ligious topics is likely to be mistakenly rejected, re-
gardless of its accuracy. This is a particularly seri-
ous problem for open platforms, such as Twitter in
the United States and TouTiao in China, where much
of the news is contributed by users with diverse back-
grounds. To prevent frustrating false positives, plat-
forms are still heavily relying on manual work for
separating fake news from real news. We provide ex-
perimental evidence for Fakebox’s potential of mis-
classifying real news.
Taken together, our experiments highlight vulner-
able aspects of fake news detection methods based
purely on NLP. Without deeper semantic knowledge,
such detectors are easily fooled by fact-tampering at-
tacks and can suffer from a high rate of false pos-
itives, mistakenly classifying under-written yet real
news which may not be written in a journalistic style.
To address these problems, we argue that some form
of fact-based knowledge must be adopted alongside
NLP-based models. What this knowledge is remains
to be seen, but we consider a straw man solution: a
crowdsourced knowledge graph that aggregates infor-
Zhou, Z., Guan, H., Bhat, M. and Hsu, J.
Fake News Detection via NLP is Vulnerable to Adversarial Attacks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007566307940800
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 794-800
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mation about news events and helps judge whether
information extracted from news articles is reliable.
The rest of our paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we introduce three kinds of attacks tar-
geting fake news detectors. Section 3 introduces the
dataset from which we generate adversarial examples
and our target model Fakebox. We evaluate Fakebox’s
performance under attacks in Section 4. In Section 5,
we discuss weaknesses of NLP-based detectors and
propose augmenting detectors with knowledge infor-
mation, such as a crowdsourced knowledge graph, as
a step towards making fake news detection more ro-
bust. Finally, we discuss related work in Section 6
and conclude in Section 7.
Adversarial Machine Learning is an emerging field
of applied machine learning that seeks to understand
how machine learning classifiers can be attacked by
malicious users. To see how well existing fake news
detectors perform against adversarial inputs, we ex-
plored three kinds of adversarial examples with tam-
pering focusing on different aspects of an article:
Fact distortion: exaggerating or modifying on
some words. Character, time, location, relation,
extent and any other element can be distorted;
Subject-object exchange: with this attack readers
will be confused as to who is the performer and
who is the receiver of an action. It can be per-
formed on sentence level;
Cause confounding: either building non-existent
causal relationship between two independent
events, or cutting off some parts of a story, leaving
only the parts that an adversarial wants to present
to his readers.
Examples of these attacks are shown in Table 1. By
repeating these modifications, we can significantly
change the semantic content of a news article without
distorting the “writing style” of the original one—the
modified article is still presented in a seemingly logi-
cal and sound way.
3.1 Dataset
We generate adversarial examples from articles in
McIntire’s fake-real-news-dataset, an open-source
dataset extensively used in misinformation research.
The dataset contains 6,335 articles. 3,171 of them are
labeled as real and 3,164 of them are labeled as fake.
The ratio of real and fake news articles is roughly 1:1.
Titles, contents and veracity labels are provided. The
dataset does not include URLs, but we are primarily
concerned with the textual content rather than exter-
nal links, which can be manipulated in many other
ways. We manually check veracity of the news by
comparing them with reputable sources to increase
our confidence that the labels are reasonable.
3.2 Fakebox
Fakebox analyzes linguistic characteristics of news
articles to assess whether they are likely to be real
news or not. By looking at different aspects of an ar-
ticle (title, content and URL), using NLP models and
training on a manually curated database, Fakebox can
successfully identify fake news. Edell (2018) reports
achieving classification accuracy upwards of 95%.
Fakebox checks several aspects of each article:
Title or headline: checked for clickbait;
Content: analyzed to determine whether it’s writ-
ten like real news;
Domain: some websites are known for hosting
certain types of content, like hoaxes and satires.
If an article is written like a real one, Fakebox labels it
as impartial and gives it a score between 60 and 100.
If an article is not written like a real one, Fakebox
labels it as biased and gives it a score between 0 and
40. Otherwise, Fakebox labels it as unsure and gives
it a score between 40 and 60. It labels and assigns
quantitative scores for titles, contents and domains,
respectively. Higher-scoring articles are likely to be
more reliable.
The main focus of Fakebox is on linguistic charac-
teristics of a news article without any fact checking,
which potentially makes it vulnerable when facing
news which is written in a similar style to real news
but is not factual. To test this hypothesis, we per-
formed an experimental evaluation of Fakebox. We
establish a baseline by testing Fakebox with unmodi-
fied examples from McIntire’s dataset. Then, we ap-
ply our attacks described in Section 2. All experi-
ments are conducted on an Intel machine equipped
with quad-core 1.80 GHz CPU, 8GB RAM, 256GB
SSD and running Windows 10.
Fake News Detection via NLP is Vulnerable to Adversarial Attacks
Table 1: Examples of fact tampering attacks.
Attack type Original Adversarial
Fact distortion 12 people were injured in the shooting. 24 people were killed in the shooting.
Subject-object exchange A gangster was shot by the police. A policeman was shot by the gangster.
Cause confounding
The condom policy originated in
1992 . . . The Boy Scouts have de-
cided to accept people who identify
as gay and lesbian. (unrelated events)
The inclusion of gays, lesbians and
girls in the Boy Scouts led to the con-
dom policy.
Table 2: Normal-time output of Fakebox.
Labels Impartial Biased Unsure
Real news 1159 1477 535
Fake news 537 2184 443
Table 3: Normal-time accuracy of Fakebox with unsure cases excluded.
News type Number of articles Correctly classified Classification accuracy
Real 2636 1159 43.97%
Fake 2721 2184 80.26%
Total 5357 3343 62.40%
4.1 Baseline Performance
We first test baseline performance of Fakebox with
McIntire’s dataset. We feed 6,335 headlines and arti-
cles into Fakebox and get back corresponding labels.
We take special care of its output labels for content
veracity. Output of Fakebox is shown in Table 2.
Real and Fake are actual attributes of news articles
while Impartial, Biased and Unsure are labels given
by Fakebox. We use true positive (TP) to denote cor-
rectly classified fake news, true negative (TN) to de-
note correctly classified real news, false positive (FP)
to denote misclassified real news and false negative
(FN) to denote misclassified fake news. False positive
rate (FPR) and false negative rate (FNR) are defined
as below:
FPR = FP/(FP +T N)
FNR = FN/(FN + TP)
Fakebox’s accuracy on McIntire’s dataset is
52.77%, false rate is 31.79% and for the other 15.44%
samples, Fakebox is unsure about their veracity.
While it is acceptable for fake news detectors to be
unsure for some articles and leave the hard tasks to
field experts, which is what happens in news plat-
forms moderation nowadays, its accuracy in our ex-
periment is still unsatisfactory even if we don’t take
unsure labels into consideration. It performs well
when dealing with fake news where false negative rate
is only 19.74%. But on the other hand, it labels more
real news as biased than as impartial. Quantitatively,
its false positive rate is 56.03%. Its overall accuracy
when excluding unsure cases is 62.40%. The result is
shown in Table 3.
We observe that in false positive cases, words that
tend to be regarded as “fake” include “anti”, “prison”,
“terror”, “Islamism” and “Trump”. This focus on sen-
sitive terms leads to a crude analysis. Though much
fake news emerges around these topics, it is not ap-
propriate to give a large “bias weight” to these words,
which is implemented in many state-of-the-art mod-
els. After all, there are equally many real news arti-
cles talking about these issues.
We also observe that many of the real articles mis-
clasified as fake can be regarded as under-written, i.e.,
they are not written in a journalistic style. They are
likely to be written by grass-root writers from Twitter
who are interested in social issues and are willing to
share their opinions instead of professional journal-
4.2 Attack-time Performance
We generate adversarial examples by hand from real
news that are also labeled as impartial by Fakebox.
This process can be seen as an adversary selecting real
news from authority sources like New York Times and
performing considerable tampering by himself.
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
For fact distortion, we simply substitute people,
places or actions without much effort. For exam-
ple, for the article titled “Is the GOP losing Wal-
mart?”, we substitute each “Walmart” in the content
with Apple”. The veracity score given by Fake-
box drops down by only 0.0073, which is negligi-
ble for its judgement. Tampering to other articles
as well doesn’t cause the veracity score to drop by
much. This kind of tiny tampering can have an out-
sized impact—imagine that company A is involved in
an information breach scandal but company B is re-
ported to be responsible by fake news.
For subject-object exchange tampering, the verac-
ity score doesn’t change at all, since term frequency
stays the same. This can be quite misleading: “a
gangster was shot by the police” and “a policeman
was shot by the gangster” are totally different and the
latter will cause public panic.
Cause checking is probably the most vulnerable
part of NLP-based detectors. For instance, there are
two real and unrelated articles labeled as impartial
by Fakebox, one about Walmart scoring 0.7151 for
veracity and the other about local politics in Cleve-
land scoring 0.7652. When we simply mix the two
articles together, the generated article is still labeled
as impartial and even reaches a much higher score
(0.8585). We further try to mix an article labeled as
impartial with an article labeled as biased and the ve-
racity score for the generated article is between the
scores of two original articles, which indicates that
only linguistic characteristics are inspected and facts
are never checked. As long as an adversary keeps ar-
ticles in a classical manner, he can mix totally unre-
lated events together, build non-existent causal rela-
tionships and evade detection.
As we can see in experiments, simply looking into
linguistic aspects is not enough for fake news detec-
tion. Two main defects of this method are its vulner-
ability to fact tampering attacks and its bias towards
under-written articles and certain topics. Given that
one of the essences of fake news is fact tampering,
fact checking could be quite helpful. However, it is
largely missing in current fake news detection mod-
5.1 A Straw Man Solution
There is urgent need to compare information ex-
tracted from news articles with “fact”, and source of
the fact is another key issue. Media and specialists
have delicate skills yet limited time and energy to col-
lect various fact from all sources. Fake news usually
comes on early stage after events happen and thus re-
quires early detecting, worsening the situation. One
possible solution to stopping fake news is to extract
key information from articles including causal rela-
tionships and compare it with a dynamically-updated
news fact knowledge graph. Such an approach was
also proposed by Pan et al. (2018).
A knowledge graph is a graph with entities of dif-
ferent types as nodes and various relations among
them as edges (Jia et al., 2016). Typical examples
include WordNet (Miller, 1995) and OpenKN (Jia
et al., 2014) and realistic applications include docu-
ment understanding (Wu et al., 2012) and link predic-
tion (Liu et al., 2014). Knowledge Graph is also used
by Google to enhance its search engine’s results with
information gathered from a variety of sources. The
information is presented to users in an infobox next
to the search results. An example Google knowledge
graph is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example knowledge graph.
Crowdsourcing is a distributed problem-solving
model in which a crowd of undefined size is en-
gaged to solve a complex problem through open calls
(Chatzimilioudis et al., 2012). It divides work be-
tween participants to achieve a cumulative result. It
is possible that a large crowd of non-experts can
collaborate well on a task that otherwise would re-
quire extensive efforts of a small group of experts
(Howe, 2006). The news aggregation site Reddit.com
(Mieghem, 2011) is another example of this method’s
application other than Wikipedia. While crowdsourc-
ing tends to result in high disagreement among con-
tributors, Dumitrache et al. (2018) showed that dis-
agreement is not noise but signal, and that in fact
crowdsourcing can not only be cheaper and scalable,
it can be higher quality and more informative as well,
for disagreement representation can be used to detect
low quality workers.
A crowdsourced generation of knowledge graphs
Fake News Detection via NLP is Vulnerable to Adversarial Attacks
may be efficient and timely in the context of news
propagation. While fake news usually floods on the
early stage after an event happens, local or well-
informed people hear about the events faster and more
accurately. They can either be journalists or by-
standers who are equally responsible for fact main-
taining and fake news combating. If we can create a
structured visualized interface for building and edit-
ing knowledge graphs, where users only need to fill
in the “subject”, “action”, “object”, “time” and “loca-
tion” entities, they can easily fill in facts they are sure
of without much professional expertise. The design
could be visually similar to the Google knowledge
graph shown in Figure 1—which is friendly to non-
expert users—but it could work in a crowdsourced
manner. As the knowledge graph is updated dynami-
cally, timely fact information can be utilized to detect
fact tampering attacks in news articles.
The main drawback of our straw man solution is
the difficulty of collecting high-quality information.
While the crowdsourcing way of updating the knowl-
edge graph does ensure high efficiency, attackers with
special intentions have equal access to creating and
editing. If the fact entries collected with the knowl-
edge graph are not fact but “accomplices” created by
attackers, they cannot be utilized to help detect fake
news. How to address this issue is a serious challenge
when it comes to crowdsourcing.
5.2 What is a Fact?
It is highly difficult to give a clear and flexible def-
inition of “fact requirement” for different informa-
tion propagation contexts. In this work, we see “fact”
from a conventional, qualitative perspective and un-
derstand it as a statement that generally conforms to
a certain event or a piece of knowledge. Wikipedia
defines a fact as something that is consistent with ob-
jective reality or that can be proven with evidence—if
a statement can be demonstrated to correspond to ex-
perience, it’s a fact. However, we recognize that this
is by no means the end of the story and significantly
more research is needed to make the idea of a fact
more concrete.
Fake news detection became a hot research field in
2015. Since then, a number of methods have been put
forward. We list early, foundational works including
categorization of tasks and methods as well as build-
ing of platforms and datasets. We also list fake new
detection methods in three main categories.
6.1 Foundational Works
Rubin et al. (2015) separated the task of fake news
detection by type of fake: serious fabrications, large-
scale hoaxes and humorous fakes.
Conroy et al. (2015) provided a typology of ve-
racity assessment methods emerging from two major
categories—linguistic cue approaches and network
analysis approaches. They saw promise in an innova-
tive hybrid approach that combined the two methods.
Shao et al. (2016)) introduced Hoaxy, a platform
for the collection, detection, and analysis of online
misinformation, which had the potential to help peo-
ple understand the dynamics of real and fake news
sharing. Wang (2017) presented LIAR, a publicly
available dataset for fake news detection.
6.2 Linguistic Approaches
These models look simply at linguistic characteristics
such as grammar feature, word pattern, term count
and appearance of certain expressions. Defects of the
models are discussed in detail in our paper.
Chen et al. (2015) examined potential methods
for the automatic detection of clickbait. Methods for
recognizing both textual clickbaiting cues and non-
textual ones including image and user behavior were
Bourgonje et al. (2017) presented a system for de-
tecting the stance of headlines with regard to their cor-
responding article bodies. The approach could be ap-
plied in fake news, especially clickbait detection sce-
Granik and Mesyura (2017) showed a simple ap-
proach for fake news detection using naive Bayes
classifier and achieved decent result considering the
relative simplicity of their model.
Horne and Adali (2017) analyzed difference of
fake and real news in title features, complexity and
style of content. Elaboration Likelihood Model was
considered as a theory to explain the spread and per-
suasion of fake news.
Rashkin et al. (2017) compared language of real
news with that of satire, hoaxes, and propaganda to
find linguistic characteristics of untrustworthy text.
Their experiments adopted stylistic cues to help de-
termine the truthfulness of text.
6.3 Network Approaches
Models based on network analysis realize the impor-
tance of taking various background information into
account, instead of inspecting solely the articles them-
selves. They perform generally well at most times,
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
but when related information is missing or little, their
performance will drop.
Jin et al. (2016) improved news verification by
mining conflicting viewpoints in microblogs.
Long et al. (2017) proved that speaker profiles
such as party affiliation, speaker title, location and
credit history provided valuable information to vali-
date the credibility of news articles.
Farajtabar et al. (2017) proposed a multi-stage in-
tervention framework that tackled fake news in social
networks by combining reinforcement learning with a
point process network activity model.
Volkova et al. (2017) found social interaction fea-
tures were more informative for finer-grained sepa-
ration between four types of suspicious news (satire,
hoaxes, clickbait and propaganda) compared to syn-
tax and grammar features.
Tacchini et al. (2017) classified Facebook posts as
hoaxes or non-hoaxes with high accuracy on the basis
of the users who liked them.
6.4 Hybrid Approaches
Hybrid approaches combine the advantage of linguis-
tic models and network models, which intuitively out-
perform either of them.
Ruchansky et al. (2017) proposed a model that
combined the text of an article, the user response it
receives, and the source users promoting it for a more
accurate and automated prediction.
As far as we know, no other hybrid approaches are
available and fact-checking is absent from all existing
models. We also survey on commercial fake news de-
tectors and find that the majority of them take only
linguistic features into consideration.
In this paper, we evaluate a fake news detector Fake-
box on adversarial attacks, including fact-distortion,
subject-object exchange and cause confounding at-
tacks. Experiments show that our attack subverts the
model significantly. We believe that similar models
based solely on linguistic characteristics will perform
much less effectively in the real world and are espe-
cially vulnerable to tampering attacks. This kind of
attack is much more subtle, since it doesn’t change
the overall writing style of news articles and thus has
the potential to evade similarity detection. We argue
that multi-source fact comparing and checking must
be integrated into fake news detection models to truly
detect misinformation.
At the same time we find false positive rate rises
when it comes to either under-written real articles
or certain topics around which there is supposed to
be more fake news. The potential of misclassifying
under-written yet real news will hurt amateur news
writers’ enthusiasm. Thus we further suggest using
fact-checking as a helpful supplement so as to smooth
the negative effect of false positive judges.
One possible way to collect fact about news events
is to use a crowdsourced knowledge graph, which is
dynamically updated by local and well-informed peo-
ple. The timely information collected can then be
used to compare to that extracted from news articles
and help generate a label of veracity.
Our future work includes building a visualized in-
terface for news knowledge graph crowdsourcing, so
as to make work as easy as possible for non-experts
and stop fact-tampering fake news on early stage. We
also want to look at the issue of fake news propaga-
tion from a different angle, i.e., putting it in a social
context and examining human factors in order to bet-
ter understand the problem.
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence