tifact/ minor cuts and scrapes etc. While, the results
for major knuckle and finger nail are much more con-
sistent. One most important point to mention is that
our network has just been trained over 500 random
images and performs much better than other existing
state-of-the-art ROI extraction algorithm.
In this paper, we have proposed a end-to-end network
for extracting ROIs from any finger knuckle image.
To best of our knowledge, this is the first holistic
architecture proposed so far, segmenting three ROIs
namely major finger knuckle, minor finger knuckle
and finger nail in the image. We have explored the
possibility to extract a complete information from
a finger dorsal region so that it can enumerate the
recognition performance of state-of-art FKI recog-
nition systems. This method provides rotation and
translation error free results and capable of localizing
regions in case of challenging finger kuckle images.
The proposed holistic ROI segmentation network has
been trained with around 500 images and produces
very satisfactory and consistent results. Experimen-
tal results on two FKI data-sets show that our method
outperforms state-of-the-art finger knuckle segmenta-
tion approaches in terms of segmentation accuracy.
This work on holistic finger knuckle segmentation,
opens up the vast opportunities in the field of multi-
biometric authentication systems. In future work, we
will try to compute the recognition performance over
these extracted ROI’s.
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HFDSegNet: Holistic and Generalized Finger Dorsal ROI Segmentation Network