4-aminostilbene (AS) (98%), 4,4'-diaminostilbene
dihydrocloride (DAS) (95%), 4-amino-4'-(N,N-
dimethylamino)stilbene (ADMAS) (98%) and 4,4'-
diaminobibenzyl (DABB) (95%), were purchased
from Sigma-Aldrich. DAS was recrystallized in
MeOH before using. Other compounds were used
without further purification. Methanol solutions of
AS and ADMAS with concentration in the range
from 1×10
to 1×10
M were prepared from stock
solution (1×10
M) by volume dilution method for
SERS measurements. Silver hydrosol was prepared
by reduction of silver nitrate by sodium borohydride
in accordance with the standard procedure. To
decrease pH of solution, nitric acid with appropriate
concentration was used. To provide the halide
anions effect, potassium chloride was added in silver
The SERS spectra were recorded using LabRam
HR800 (Horiba Jobin Yvon) spectrometer with CCD
detector. The incident laser excitation was 488 nm
line from Ar
laser source. Laser power at a sample
was 20 mW. All SERS spectra were registered in the
range of 400-1800 cm
, in four acquisitions, 20 s
accumulations. The images of Ag nanoparticles were
obtained with a Zeiss Libra 200FE transmission
electron microscope (TEM) at an accelerating
voltage of 200 kV. TEM images in scanning mode
(STEM) were taken from at least three random
domains of the sample. In order to prepare samples
for TEM measurements, 10 µl of silver hydrosol
were drop casted on top of carbon films and air
dried. During solvent evaporation the films were
kept in a dark place.
A concentration of organic additives in some cases
has a crucial influence on the properties of metal
hydrosols. Therefore, a wide range of concentrations
has to be considered for firstly applied modifiers.
Two types of concentration dependence of SERS
spectra were found for the studied stilbene
derivatives. As one can see from Fig. 2, the
monotonous growth of SERS signal along with the
concentration is observed for AS. While the non-
monotonic change of SERS intensity together with
the significant transformation of spectral profile can
be seen for ADMAS. The growth of intensity
follows to the increase of ADMAS concentration up
to 1 × 10
M. The drop of SERS signal is further
observed proceeding up to 1 × 10
M. The same
type of SERS spectra dependence on concentration
was obtained for DAS in our previous study
(Solovyeva, 2017).
600 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
1E-7 5E-7 1E-6 5E-6 1E-5
Raman shift (cm
Figure 2: Dependence of SERS spectra on the
concentration (M) of ADMAS and AS in silver hydrosol.
The monotonous increase of SERS intensity in
case of AS corresponds to conventional gradual
filling of surface-solution interface without a
substantial alteration of molecular layers
configuration and surface morphology. The behavior
of ADMAS spectra similar with DAS suggests that
the same adsorption phenomena produce the
observed spectral changes. When the first monolayer
becomes completed, the way of molecules
interaction with surface changed. Obviously, this
happens at 1 × 10
M and, thus, produces the
observed intensity drop and transformations of
spectral profile. At sub-monolayer adsorption,
ADMAS, as a bifunctional molecular linker,
interacts simultaneously with two different
nanoparticles by donation of nitrogens lone pairs. In
such conditions, ADMAS molecules are located in
the hot spots and its Raman scattering undergoes to
higher enhancement. At multilayer adsorption,
linking the nanoparticles via ADMAS becomes
impossible that leads to the ordinary Raman
The proposed hypothesis is consistent with the
data obtained by scanning transmission electron
microscopy for the same systems (fig 3). In the
presence of AS at any concentration, the
nanoparticles size and morphology do not change
PHOTOPTICS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology