Towards Controlled Transformation of Sentiment in Sentences
Wouter Leeftink and Gerasimos Spanakis
Department of Data Science and Knowlednge Engineering, Maastricht University,
Sentiment Transformation, Deep Learning, Autoencoders.
An obstacle to the development of many natural language processing products is the vast amount of training
examples necessary to get satisfactory results. The generation of these examples is often a tedious and time-
consuming task. This paper this paper proposes a method to transform the sentiment of sentences in order
to limit the work necessary to generate more training data. This means that one sentence can be transformed
to an opposite sentiment sentence and should reduce by half the work required in the generation of text.
The proposed pipeline consists of a sentiment classifier with an attention mechanism to highlight the short
phrases that determine the sentiment of a sentence. Then, these phrases are changed to phrases of the opposite
sentiment using a baseline model and an autoencoder approach. Experiments are run on both the separate
parts of the pipeline as well as on the end-to-end model. The sentiment classifier is tested on its accuracy
and is found to perform adequately. The autoencoder is tested on how well it is able to change the sentiment
of an encoded phrase and it was found that such a task is possible. We use human evaluation to judge the
performance of the full (end-to-end) pipeline and that reveals that a model using word vectors outperforms the
encoder model. Numerical evaluation shows that a success rate of 54.7% is achieved on the sentiment change.
In its current state text generation is not able to cap-
ture the complexities of human language, making the
generated text often of poor quality. (Hu et al., 2017)
suggested a method to control the generation of text
combining variational autoencoders and holistic attri-
bute discriminators. Although the sentiment genera-
ted by their method was quite accurate, the generated
sentences were still far from perfect. The short sen-
tences generated by their model seem adequate, but
the longer the sentence, the more the quality drops.
Most research tries to generate sentences comple-
tely from scratch and while this is one way to generate
text, it might also be a possibility to only change parts
of a sentence to transform the sentiment. In longer
sentences, not every word is important for determi-
ning the sentiment of the sentence, so most words can
be left unchanged while trying to transform the senti-
The model proposed in this work tries to deter-
mine the critical part of a sentence and transforms
only this to a different sentiment. This method should
change the sentiment of the sentence while keeping
the grammatical structure and semantic meaning of
the sentence intact. To find the critical part of a sen-
tence the model uses an attention mechanism on a
sentiment classifier. The phrases that are deemed im-
portant by the sentiment classifier are then encoded
in an encoder-decoder network and transformed to a
new phrase. This phrase is then inserted in the origi-
nal sentence to create the new sentence with the op-
posite sentiment.
Word embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington
et al., 2014) are often used in Natural language pro-
cessing tasks as they capture the semantic informa-
tion of words. Both the glove and word2vec algo-
rithm for word embeddings are based on the old idea
of distribution hypothesis (Firth, 1957), (Harris and
Jones, 2016) which states that words that occur on the
same place in a sentence are likely to have a similar
meaning and has been re-discovered recently (Ben-
gio et al., 2009). Word2vec can be trained using the
skip-gram or the continuous bag of words (CBOW)
approach. The CBOW approach aims to maximize
the probability that a word occurs given its context
words, whereas the skip-gram approach tries to pre-
Leeftink, W. and Spanakis, G.
Towards Controlled Transformation of Sentiment in Sentences.
DOI: 10.5220/0007569608090816
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 809-816
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dict surrounding words given a single word. Glove
builds a co-occurence matrix of words which is then
used to find which words are similar to eachother.
Sentiment analysis is a task in NLP that aims to
predict the sentiment of a sentence (Liu, 2012). The
task can range from a binary classification task where
the aim is to predict whether a document is posi-
tive or negative to a fine-grained task with multiple
classes. In sentiment analysis, state-of-the-art results
have been achieved using neural network architec-
tures such as convolutional neural networks (Kim,
2014) and recurrent neural networks (Tang et al.,
2015). Variants of RNNs; LSTMs and GRUs, have
also been used to great success(Cho et al., 2014).
The attention mechanism was first proposed for
the task of machine translation (Bahdanau et al.,
2014). Attention allows a network to ’focus’ on one
part of the sentence at a time. This is done through
keeping another vector which contains information on
the impact of individual words. Attention has also
been used in other tasks within NLP area such as do-
cument classification (Yang et al., 2016), sentiment
analysis (Wang et al., 2016) and teaching machines to
read (Hermann et al., 2015)
Encoder-decoder networks (Sutskever et al., 2014;
Cho et al., 2014) are often used in neural machine
translation to translate a sequence from one language
to another. These networks use RNNs or other types
of neural networks to encode the information in the
sentence and the another network to decode this se-
quence to the target language. Since RNNs do not
perform well on longer sequences, the LSTM (Sut-
skever et al., 2014) unit is often used for their memory
component. Gated Recurrent Units (Cho et al., 2014)
are simpler variants on the LSTM, as they do not have
an output gate.
Transforming the sentiment of sentences has not
been systematically attempted, however there are
some previous pieces of research into this particular
topic. (Li et al., 2018) propose a method where a sen-
tence or phrase with the target attribute, in this case
sentiment, is extracted and either inserted in the new
sentence or completely replacing the previous sen-
tence. Their approach finds phrases based on how of-
ten they appear in text with a certain attribute and not
in text with the other attribute. However, this appro-
ach can not take phrases into account that by themsel-
ves are not necessarily strongly leaning towards one
sentiment, but still essential to the sentiment of the
(Larsson and Nilsson, 2017) propose a method
that uses manifold traversal to move the sentiment of
a sentence from one sentiment to another. Their ap-
proach does not keep any of the initial sequence in-
tact and often produces output that is of low quality.
The model uses a encoder-decoder architecture with
a CNN as encoder and RNN as decoder, optimizing
towards the sentiment of the text.
In this paper two different pipelines are considered.
Both pipelines contain a sentiment classifier with an
attention mechanism to extract phrases from the input
documents. The difference is that pipeline 1 (which
can be seen in Figure 1) uses an encoder to encode the
extracted phrases and find the closest phrase with the
opposite sentiment in the vector space. This phrase
is then either inserted into the sentence or the vector
representation of this phrase is decoded and the re-
sulting phrase is inserted into the sentence. Pipeline
2 (as seen in Figure 2) finds the words in the extrac-
ted phrases that are most likely to determine the sen-
timent and replaces these words with similar words
of the opposite sentiment using word vectors. In the
next sections all individual parts of the pipeline will
be explained.
3.1 Sentiment Classification with
To find the phrases that determine the sentiment of
a sentence a sentiment classification model with at-
tention is used. The network used is the network de-
fined by (Yang et al., 2016). This model is chosen
because in sequence modeling recurrent neural net-
works have shown to give better classification results
than other models, such as convolutional neural net-
works (Yin et al., 2017). Recurrent neural networks
have the added benefit of easily allowing for imple-
mentation of attention mechanisms, which are able to
focus on small parts of a sequence at a time. The at-
tention mechanism is used to extract the sequences
that determine the sentiment.
This classifier consists of a word- and sentence en-
coder and both a word and sentence level attention
layer. The word encoder is a bidirectional GRU that
encodes information about the whole sentence cente-
red around word w
with t [1, T ]. The sentence en-
coder does the same thing, but for a sentence s
is constructed by taking an aggregate of the word vec-
tors and the attention values composing the sentence.
The sentence is then encoded by another bidirectional
GRU and another attention layer to compose a docu-
ment vector. This document vector can then be used
to determine the sentiment of the document through
the fully-connected layer.
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The model using the closest phrase approach including an example.
3.1.1 Attention for Phrase Extraction
The attention proposed by (Yang et al., 2016) is used
to find the contribution to the sentiment that each indi-
vidual word brings. The attention they propose feeds
the word representation obtained from the word-level
encoder through a one-layer MLP to get a hidden
representation of the word. This hidden represen-
tation is then, together with a word context vec-
tor, fed to a softmax function to get the normalized
attention weight. After the attention weights have
been computed, words with a sufficiently high atten-
tion weight are extracted and passed to the encoder-
decoder model.
In the first step of the examples in Figure 1 and 2
the attention mechanism is highlighting a few phrases
in a movie review. These are the phrases that are then
later passed on to either the encoder or to the word
changing part of the pipeline.
3.2 Sentiment Transformation
For the sentiment transformation two approaches are
proposed. The first approach is based on an encoder
which encodes the extracted phrases into fixed-length
vectors. The second approach transforms words from
the extracted phrases using word embeddings and an
emotion lexicon.
3.2.1 Encoder-Decoder Approach
The encoder is the first technique used to transform a
sentence to one with a different sentiment. This va-
riant uses an encoder model and a transformation ba-
sed on the distance between two phrases in the latent
space. The first part of this model is to encode the
phrases extracted by the attention in the latent space.
The encoder used is similar to that proposed by (Cho
et al., 2014).
The difference is that this model is not trained on
two separate datasets, but on one set of phrases both
as input and output, where the goal is that the model
can echo the sequence. Both the encoder and the de-
coder are one-directional GRUs that are trained toget-
her to echo the sequence. First, the encoder encodes a
sequence to a fixed-length vector representation. The
decoder should then reconstruct the original sequence
from this fixed-length vector representation. This is
trained through maximizing the log-likelihood
| x
where θ is the set of model parameters and (x
) is
a pair of input and output sequences from the training
set. In our case x
and y
are the same as we want
the encoder-decoder to echo the initial sequence. On
top of this we also store a sentiment label with the
encoded sequences to use them in the next step of the
Afterwards these phrases are encoded into a fixed-
length vector. The model then selects the vector clo-
sest to the current latent, fixed-length representation
(but taking the one with a different sentiment label)
using the cosine distance:
x · y
||x|| · ||y||
,y Y
where x is the encoded input phrase and Y is the
set of all encoded vectors in the latent space with the
Towards Controlled Transformation of Sentiment in Sentences
Figure 2: The model using the word vector approach including an example.
opposite label from x. The closest vector is then de-
coded into a new phrase, which is inserted into the
sentence to replace the old phrase. Obviously, the de-
coder model used here is the same model which is
trained to encode the selected phrases.
3.2.2 Word Vector Approach
The word vector approach also starts by extracting
the relevant phrases from the document using the at-
tention mechanism explained in the attention section.
However, while the encoder approach uses an encoder
to encode the phrases into the latent space, this appro-
ach is based on word vectors (Mikolov et al., 2013).
First off, the words that are important to the sentiment
are selected using the following formulas:
x X : p(neg|x) > 0.65 p(pos|x) > 0.65
where neg means the sentiment of the sentence is ne-
gative, pos means the sentiment of the sentence is po-
sitive, x is the current word and X is the set of all the
words selected to be replaced. Threshold 0.65 was
chosen empirically by inspecting different values.
The replacement word is selected using the clo-
sest word in the latent space using the cosine distance.
The candidates to replace the word are found using
the EmoLex emotion lexicon (Mohammad and Tur-
ney, 2013). A negative and a positive word list are
created based on this lexicon using the annotations.
The negative list contains all words marked as nega-
tive and the positive list contains all words marked as
positive. When a phrase is positive the closest word
in the negative list is chosen and vice-versa when the
phrase is negative. The chosen words are then repla-
ced and the new phrase is inserted into the original
sentence. Combining both the attention mechanism
and the word embeddings was done because it was
much faster than going through the whole sequence
and replacing words according to the same formula.
The data used come from the large movie review da-
taset (Maas et al., 2011). This dataset consists of a
training set containing 50000 unlabeled, 12500 posi-
tive and 125000 negative reviews and a test set contai-
ning 12500 positive and 12500 negative reviews. The
experiments in this paper were performed only using
the positive and negative reviews, which meant the
training set contained 25000 reviews and the test set
also contained 25000 reviews.
In terms of preprocessing the text was converted
to lower case and any punctuation was removed. Lo-
wercasing was done to avoid the same words being
treated differently because they were at the beginning
of the sentence and punctuation was removed so that
the punctuation would not be included in tokens or
treated as its own token.
To see if the model would transfer well to another
dataset the experiments were repeated on the Rotten
tomato review dataset (Pang and Lee, 2005). This da-
taset was limited to only full sentences and the labels
were changed to binary classification labels. Only the
instances that were negative and positive were inclu-
ded and the instances that were somewhat negative or
somewhat positive (labels 1, 2 and 3) were ignored.
In order to properly test the proposed method, experi-
ments were ran on both the individual parts of the ap-
proach and on the whole (end-to-end) pipeline. Eva-
luating the full pipeline was difficult as different exis-
ting metrics seemed insufficient because of the nature
of the project. For example the BLEU-score would
always be high since most of the original sequence is
left intact and it has been criticized in the past (Novi-
kova et al., 2017). The percentage of sentences that
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
changed sentiment according to the sentiment classi-
fier was used as a metric, but as sentiment classifiers
do not have an accuracy of 100%, this number is a
rough estimate. Lastly, a random subset of 15 senten-
ces was given to a test group of 4 people and asked
whether they deemed the sentences correct and consi-
dered the sentiment changed.
5.1 Sentiment Classifier
To test the performance of the sentiment classifier in-
dividually, the proposed attention RNN model was
trained on the 25000 training reviews of the imdb da-
taset. The sentiment classifier was then used to pre-
dict the sentiment on 2000 test reviews of the same
dataset. These 2000 reviews were randomly selected.
The accuracy of the sentiment classifier was tested be-
cause the classifier will later be used in testing the full
model and the performance of the encoder-decoder,
which makes the performance of the sentiment classi-
fier important to report.
The attention component, for which this sentiment
classification model was chosen is more difficult to
test. The performance in the attention will be tested
by the experiments with the full model. The higher
the score for sentiment change is, the better the atten-
tion mechanism will have functioned as for a perfect
score the attention mechanism will need to have pic-
ked out all phrases that contribute towards the senti-
The parameters we use consist of an embedding
dimension of 300, a size of the hidden layer of 150,
an attention vector of size 50 and a batch size of 256.
The network makes use of randomly initialized word
vectors that are updated during training. The net-
work is trained on the positive and negative training
reviews of the imdb dataset and the accuracy is mea-
sured using the test reviews. Loss is determined using
cross entropy and the optimizer is the Adam opimizer
(Kingma and Ba, 2014).
The proposed sentiment classifier was tested in
terms of accuracy on the imdb dataset and in com-
parison to state of the art models. The numbers used
to compare the results are reported by (McCann et al.,
Table 1 shows that the result of the sentiment clas-
sifier used in this paper is slightly below the state of
the art. On the imdb dataset we achieve an accuracy
(on a binary sentiment classification task) of 89.6 per-
cent, a bit lower than the state of the art on the same
dataset. However, the reason this algorithm is used is
its ability to highlight the parts of the sentence that
contribute most towards the sentiment, which only
the bmLSTM algorithm does. Still, the performance
Table 1: Accuracy of the sentiment classifier compared to
the state of the art.
Model Accuracy
This Model 89.6
SA-LSTM (Dai and Le, 2015) 92.8
bmLSTM (Radford et al., 2017) 92.9
TRNN (Dieng et al., 2016) 93.8
oh-LSTM (Johnson and Zhang, 2016) 94.1
Virtual (Miyato et al., 2016) 94.1
Table 2: Success rate of the autoencoder in changing the
sentiment of phrases.
Model Ratio changed
All phrases 50.8
Phrases longer than two words 52.5
Phrases longer than five words 53.0
of the classifier is satisfactory enough for being de-
ployed into the full model.
5.2 Autoencoder
The autoencoder’s purpose is to encode short phrases
in the latent space so that the closest phrase of the
opposite class (sentiment) can be found. To test the
performance of the autoencoder for the task presen-
ted in this paper, phrases were extracted from the test
reviews of the imdb dataset and were then encoded
using the autoencoder. The closest vector was then
decoded and the sentiment of the resulting sequence
was determined using the sentiment classifier descri-
bed in this paper. In the results section the percentage
of phrases that changed sentiment is reported. This
experiment which assesses the the performance of the
autoencoder is conducted to better interpret the results
of the full model.
For training, an embedding dimension of 100 and
a size of the hidden layer of 250 are used. The word
vectors used are pretrained GloVe embedding vectors
from the GloVe vector set. The network is trained on
the training set of phrases acquired by the attention
network, using a negative log likelihood loss function
and as an optimizer a stochastic gradient optimizer
with a learning rate of 0.01 is used. The training ob-
jective is to echo the phrases in the training set. After
encoding the sentiment label of the phrase is saved to-
gether with the fixed-length vector. This allows later
to find the closest vector of the opposite sentiment.
Table 2 shows the success rate of the autoenco-
der in terms of changing the sentiment of the phrases
extracted by the attention mechanism. After being de-
coded, 50.8 percent of the phrases are classified as a
different sentiment from the one they originally were
classified. The number reported is the ratio of sen-
tences that got assigned a different sentiment by the
Towards Controlled Transformation of Sentiment in Sentences
Table 3: Examples of transformed sentences generated by the encoder-decoder model.
Original sequence Generated sequence Sentiment change
no movement , no yuks , not much of anything no movement , no yuks , not much of anything no
this is one of polanski ’s best films this is one of polanski ’s lowest films yes
most new movies have a bright sheen most new movies a unhappy moments yes w/error
gollum ’s ‘ performance ’ is incredible gollum ’s ‘ performance ’ not well received ! yes
as a singular character study , it ’s perfect as a give study , it ’s perfect no w/error
Table 4: Examples of transformed sentences (same as Table 3) using the word vectors approach.
Original sequence Generated sequence Sentiment change
no movement , no yuks , not much of anything obvious movement, obvious yuks, much of kind no w/error
this is one of polanski ’s best films this is one of polanski ’s worst films yes
most new movies have a bright sheen most new movies have a bleak ooze yes w/error
gollum ’s ‘ performance ’ is incredible gollum ’s ‘ performance ’ is unbelievable undefined
as a singular character study , it ’s perfect as a singular character examination it ’s crisp yes w/error
sentiment classifier after the transformation. Further-
more, some of the phrases in the extracted set had a
length of only one or two words for which it is hard
to predict the sentiment. These short sequences were
included because in the final model they would also
be extracted, so they do have an impact on the perfor-
mance. The model was also tested while leaving out
the shorter phrases, both on phrases longer than two
and longer than five words, which slightly increases
the success rate.
5.3 Full Model
The full pipeline was tested in two ways. First, sen-
tences were evaluated using a group of human eva-
luators to determine whether the sentences generated
were grammatically and semantically correct on top
of the change in sentiment. Next, the change in senti-
ment was tested using the sentiment classifier descri-
bed by (Yang et al., 2016).
To find how well the full pipeline performed in
changing the sentiment of sequences, a basic human
evaluation was performed (as a first experiment) on
a subset of generated sequences based on senten-
ces from the rotten tomatoes dataset (Pang and Lee,
2005). The reason for choosing this dataset is that the
sentences were shorter, so the readability was better
than using the imdb dataset. The setup was as follows:
Reviewers were shown the original sentence and the
two variants generated by two versions of the algo-
rithm, the encoder-decoder model and the word vector
model. Reviewers were then asked to rate the gene-
rated sentence on a scale from 1 to 5, both in terms
of grammatical and semantic correctness and the ex-
tent to which the sentiment had changed. The rating
of grammatical and semantic correctness was so that
the reviewers could indicate whether a sentence was
still intelligible after the change was performed. The
rating of the sentiment change was an indication of
how much the sentiment changed towards the oppo-
site sentiment. In this case, a perfect change of senti-
ment from positive to negative (or vice-versa) would
be rated as 5 and the sentiment remaining exactly the
same would be rated as 1. Reviewers also had the op-
tion to mark that a sentence hadn’t changed, as that
would not change the sentiment but give a perfect
score in correctness. After all reviewers had reviewed
all sentences, the average score for both correctness
and sentiment change was calculated for both appro-
aches. The number of times a sentence hadn’t chan-
ged was also reported. The two approaches were then
compared to see which approach performed better.
Tables 3 and 4 show how some sentences are
transformed using the encoder-decoder and the word
vectors approach respectively, along with information
on whether the sentiment was changed (and if that
happened with introducing some grammatical or se-
mantic error). The word vectors approach seems to
do a better job at replacing words correctly, however
in both cases there are some errors which are being
Table 5 shows the results obtained by the human
evaluation. The numbers at grammatical correctness
and sentiment change are the average ratings that sen-
tences got by the evaluation panel. Last row shows
the percentage of sentences that did not change at all.
The test group indicated that the encoder approach
changed the sentence in slightly more than 60% the
cases, while the word vectors approach did change
the sentence in more than 90% of the cases. This is
possibly caused by the number of unknown tokens in
the sentences, which caused problems for the enco-
der, but not for the word vector approach, as it would
just ignore the unknown tokens and move on. Anot-
her explanation for this result is that the attention me-
chanism only highlights single words and without the
help of an emotion lexicon these single replacements
often do not change the sentiment of the sentence, as
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
can be seen in Table 3.
Table 5 also shows that the grammatical quality of
the sentences and the sentiment change as performed
by the word vectors approach was evaluated to be hig-
her than the ones generated by the encoder approach.
Observing the changes made to sentences shows that
the replacements in the word vector approach were
more sensible when it comes to word type and senti-
ment. The cause of this is that the word vector appro-
ach makes use of an emotion lexicon, which ensures
that each word inserted is of the desired sentiment.
The encoder approach makes use of the fixed-word
vector and the sentiment as determined by the senti-
ment classifier of the whole encoded phrase, allowing
for less control on the exact sentiment of the inserted
Table 5: Average score one a scale from 1 to 5 for correct-
ness and sentiment change reviewers assigned to the senten-
ces and ratio of sentences that remained unchanged.
Question Encoder Word vectors
Grammatical correctness 2.7/5 4.4/5
Sentiment change 3.5/5 4.3/5
Unchanged 36.67% 6.67%
The second experiment conducted had the goal
to test the ratio of sentences that changed sentiment
compared to the original one. This model is also bet-
ter able to give an objective measure on how well the
model does what it is supposed to do, namely chan-
ging the sentiment.
Table 6: Percentage of sentences that changed sentiment.
Model Rotten Tomatoes IMDB
Decoder 53.6 53.7
Word vectors 49.1 53.3
Table 6 shows that the accuracy in changing the
sentiment is by around 5% higher on the rotten toma-
toes coprus (Pang and Lee, 2005) but similar for the
imdb corpus (Maas et al., 2011). It should be noted
that the performance of the encoder-decoder is almost
identical for both datasets.
The model proposed in this paper transforms the sen-
timent of a sentence by replacing short phrases that
determine the sentiment. Extraction of these phrases
is done using a sentiment classifier with an attention
mechanism. These phrases are then encoded using
an encoder-decoder network that is trained on these
phrases. After the phrases are encoded, the closest
phrase of the opposite sentiment is found and replaced
into the original sentence. Alternatively, the extracted
phrase is transformed by finding the closest word of
the opposite sentiment using an emotion lexicon to
assign sentiment to words.
The model was evaluated on both its individual
parts and end-to-end. We used both automatic metrics
and human evaluation. Testing the success rate (of
changing the sentiment), best results were achieved
with the encoder-decoder method, which score more
than 50 % on both datasets. Human evaluation on the
model gave the best scores to the word vector based
model, both in terms of the change of sentiment and
in terms of the grammatical and semantic correctness.
Results raise the issue of language interpretability
by humans and machines. Our method seems to cre-
ate samples that are sufficiently changing the senti-
ment for the classifier (thus the goal of creating new
data points is successful), however this is not confir-
med by the human evaluators who judge the actual
content of the sentence. However, it should be noted
here that human evaluation experiments need to be
extended once the approach is more robust to confirm
the results.
As for future work, we plan to introduce a more
carefully assembled dataset for the encoder-decoder
approach, since that might improve the quality of
the decoder output. The prominence of unknown to-
kens in the data suggests that experimenting with a
character-level implementation might improve the re-
sults, as such algorithms can often infer the meaning
of all words, regardless of how often they appear in
the data. This could solve the problem of not all words
being present in the vocabulary which results in many
unknown tokens in the generated sentences.
Finally, another way to improve the model is to
have the encoder-decoder better caption the phrases
in the latent space. We based our model on (Cho
et al., 2014) but used less hidden units (due to har-
dware limitations) which may have caused learning a
worse representation of the phrases in the latent space.
Using more hidden units (or a different architecture
for the encoder/decoder model) is a way to further ex-
plore how reuslts could be improved.
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