the number of samples and the visual and temporal
complexity of the generated novel dataset, the per-
formance of the presented system is close to that of
(Molchanov et al., 2015), in which they achieved
77.5% using a visually segmented dataset for the
recognition of hand gestures.
Taking into account the present results, the pro-
posed method could stand as a starting point for a fu-
ture work in the field of human-robot interaction with
gestures. In a real world scenario, an adaptation phase
of the user to the constrains of our system would be
required. Also, a high level configuration of the neu-
ral network could be carried out to increase the confi-
dence of the outputs. As a benefit, during online ex-
ecution, the system would have several opportunities
to identify the same gesture as the temporal window
In the future, we plan to test the possibility of us-
ing an already trained network in a similar visual task
and transfer its features to our problem. In addition,
checking the performance of a mixed architecture us-
ing ConvLSMT and 3DCNN would be an interesting
experiment. Finally, in order to generate more sam-
ples we would like to experiment with methods that
produce synthetic data realistic enough for learning.
This work was funded by the Ministry of Economy,
Industry and Competitiveness from the Spanish Gov-
ernment through the DPI2015-68087-R and the pre-
doctoral grant BES-2016-078290, by the European
Commission and FEDER funds through the project
COMMANDIA (SOE2/P1/F0638), action supported
by Interreg-V Sudoe.
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ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods