3DCNN Performance in Hand Gesture Recognition Applied to Robot
Arm Interaction
J. A. Castro-Vargas
, B. S. Zapata-Impata
, P. Gil
, J. Garcia-Rodriguez
and F. Torres
Dept. of Physics, Systems Engineering and Signal Theory, University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain
Dept. of Computer Technology, University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain
Computer Science Research Institute, University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain
Gesture Recognition from Video, 3D Convolutional Neural Network.
In the past, methods for hand sign recognition have been successfully tested in Human Robot Interaction
(HRI) using traditional methodologies based on static image features and machine learning. However, the
recognition of gestures in video sequences is a problem still open, because current detection methods achieve
low scores when the background is undefined or in unstructured scenarios. Deep learning techniques are being
applied to approach a solution for this problem in recent years. In this paper, we present a study in which we
analyse the performance of a 3DCNN architecture for hand gesture recognition in an unstructured scenario.
The system yields a score of 73% in both accuracy and F
. The aim of the work is the implementation of a
system for commanding robots with gestures recorded by video in real scenarios.
Interaction with robots is often carried out in indus-
trial environments with control panels. However, con-
trol panels are not often user-friendly. Ideally, in
service tasks, their use for interacting with people
should be intuitive and user-friendly through the use
of voice and gestures. The use of voice is usually con-
strained by the environmental noise. Therefore, visual
methods are interesting for human-robot interaction,
specifically, in the recognition of hand gestures to in-
dicate actions to the robot.
In most of the works in human-robot interaction,
hand gestures are performed at close ranges from the
camera in order to capture more details (Luo and
Wu, 2012), (Malima et al., 2006) and (Ionescu et al.,
2005), but sometimes this can be dangerous if the user
has to invade the workspace of the robot to reach that
distance with respect to the camera. Other approaches
are constrained to work in structured scenarios, i.e.
scenes with a previously defined background or easily
segmentable as in (Chen et al., 2010). As a result, the
classification of gestures for operating robots is more
reliable but requires modifying the environment.
Besides, it is possible to find methods oriented to
the detection of static gestures by pose as in (Luo and
Wu, 2012) and (Malima et al., 2006) and dynamic
gestures carried out in a temporal band as in (Ionescu
et al., 2005), (Abid et al., 2014) and (Strobel et al.,
2002). However, pose-based methods limit the move-
ments that the user can perform in front of the robot,
because some gesture could trigger the system and re-
sult in a high number of false positives. For this rea-
son, we propose the use of temporal hand gestures, in
order to have more security when interacting with the
robot, minimizing the risk of false positives.
Recently, deep learning techniques as shown in
(Schmidhuber, 2015) are being applied to find a so-
lution for this problem. In this line, methods based on
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) trained with
sequences are interesting because of their robustness
at learning visual features. Previously, CNN (Barros
et al., 2014) and ConvLSTM (Tsironi et al., 2016)
have been used in robotic applications.
The main contributions of this work are two
folded. First, we propose and evaluate the use of a
3DCNN (Molchanov et al., 2015) to classify hand
gestures. Secondly, in order to evaluate its perfor-
mance, we have generated a novel dataset
of four
complex gestures performed at a distance between 1.5
and 2.5m from a RGB-D camera in an unstrctured en-
The document is organised as follows: Section 2
Castro-Vargas, J., Zapata-Impata, B., Gil, P., Garcia-Rodriguez, J. and Torres, F.
3DCNN Performance in Hand Gesture Recognition Applied to Robot Arm Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0007570208020806
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2019), pages 802-806
ISBN: 978-989-758-351-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Architecture implemented in this work. Top pipeline (NFraNet) and bottom pipeline (CubeFraNet) represent the
two configurations tested.
presents the evaluated neural network and describes
the dataset used in the experimentation. Section 3
describes the proposed learning methodology and the
evaluation metrics used to measure the performance
of the recognition system. Section 4 details the exper-
iments and discusses the obtained results. Finally, the
conclusions of this work are presented in section 5.
The 3DCNN architecture implemented in this work
consists of three 3D convolutional layers, each layer
followed by a max pooling layer. This way, the 3D
layer is partitioned and replaced with a downsampling
layer by the activation of its maximally active unit, as
is described in (Giusti et al., 2013). The output of the
last convolutional layer is used as input for two con-
secutive fully connected layers and then one softmax
layer (Figure 1).
The weights of each convolutional layer have
been initialized according to (Molchanov et al.,
2015), from a uniform distribution defined between
] where W
+ n
) , n
are the in-
put neurons and n
the output neurons.
The dataset
contains 624 sequences of RGB-D
images captured from a D435 depth camera, manu-
factured by Intel RealSense, at a distance of 1.5 and
2.5m with two fellows, one male and one female. The
distance was defined taking into account the working
environment of the robot. The images were stored
with a resolution of 640 x 360 pixels.
We changed the two people clothing every 104
samples of the 624 sequences/scenes. Thus, 6 dif-
ferent outfits were used. In addition, the dataset was
Figure 2: Example from our dataset of each gesture classi-
fied in this work, with different distances (from top to bot-
tom, left to right): down, up, right and left movements.
recorded balancing the classes: there are 104 se-
quences for each of the 4 gestures. Finally, in each se-
quence, the recorded gesture was repeated twice. The
figure 2 shows a subset of the gestures.
Initially, we performed a brief evaluation to select an
optimal number of frames from the video sequences,
experimenting with selecting 4, 8, 16 and 32 frames
(Figure 3). We computed the accuracy rate of the
proposed architecture for each test, being 16 the best
number of frames to be used according to the obtained
results (Figure 3).
Besides, for this work, we use a minimum max-
pooling on the depth to adapt the network to the
frames chosen. Later, we modify the kernels and
max-pooling of the network to work with the size of
the selected frames. Additionally, the training sam-
ples are pre-processed to facilitate the learning of the
3DCNN Performance in Hand Gesture Recognition Applied to Robot Arm Interaction
Figure 3: Analysis of accuracy using 4, 8, 16 and 32 frames
with an L2 regularization.
network. We augment the dataset before the training
phase and the images are resized to 320 x 180 pixels.
Afterwards, depending on the number of frames
that we want to use for training, we select N equidis-
tant frames over the total length of the sequence (Fig-
ure 4 illustrates this process). Then, other additional
M sets are selected by taking the next frame of the
sequence, obtaining M+1 sets of N frames per scene.
Moreover, since each sequence holds the same ges-
ture repeated twice, each set of N frames is split in
half to create a group of N/2 frames with the first rep-
etition and another group of N/2 frames with the sec-
ond repetition.
Figure 4: Selection of frames throughout the pre-processing
of scenes.
In Table 1 can be observed the result of applying
the selection of frames over the dataset. Depending
on the number of frames selected for training, the total
number of samples is reduced and the spatiotemporal
information in each sample varies. For example, with
a selection of N=8 frames, after splitting them in half
and selecting the M additional sets, we have a total of
7488 samples of 4 frames.
In order to find that selecting 16 frames yielded
a greater performance, we trained the NFraNet net-
work, defined in Figure 1, with the samples split as
shown in Table 1. This experiment was performed
running 600 epochs on mini batches with a size of
16 samples. Concurrently, while a batch was run-
ning on a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080ti GPU, the fol-
Table 1: Number of samples used for training after applying
both sampling and selection of additional frames. Addit.
stands for the number of additional frame sets.
Frames (N) Addit. (M) Samples S. Split
8 5 3744 7488
16 4 3120 6240
32 1 1248 2496
64 0 624 1248
lowing batch received an extra online pre-processing:
images were rotated with a 50% probability between
[3,3] degrees. Then, a crop was made on the centre
with and offset of -10 pixels in width and -15 pix-
els in height. This crop had a 50% of probability to
undergo random displacements between [2,2] pix-
els in height and [4, 4] pixels in width. This pre-
processing was carried out with the goal of providing
the network with increased online data and improving
its generalization capabilities. In order to avoid over-
fitting the training set, two regularization techniques
were used during training. We applied Dropout (Sri-
vastava et al., 2014) to the units of the network with a
50% of probability and weights were regularized us-
ing L
regularization (Goodfellow et al., 2016), with
beta = 0.01.
We have studied the performance of the NFraNet and
the CubeFraNet during training by applying k-fold
cross-validation (Kohavi, 1995) with k=5 for both of
them. The performance evaluation of our proposal
has been carried out with the following metrics (Pow-
ers, 2011), widely used for this kind of tasks: Accu-
racy (Acc), Precision (P), Recall (R) and F1-measure
). They are defined as follows:
Acc = (T P + T N)/(T P + FP + FN + T N)
P = T P/(T P + FP)
R = T P/(T P + FN)
= 2 (P R)/(P + R)
where TP (True Positives) denote the numbers of cor-
rectly detected instances like the correct gesture; FN
(False Negatives) denote the number of instances that,
although having performed the gesture, it has not been
detected as such; FP (False Positives) indicate the
number of times that a certain gesture has been rec-
ognized as the wanted one, despite having executed
another; TN (True Negatives) indicates the number
of times that the executed gesture has been correctly
identified as not belonging to the wanted one.
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
A cross-validation experiment was made to com-
pare both architectures but they showed a similar per-
formance. Figure 5 shows the accuracy rate in cross
validation of one of them (NFraNet). Since the net-
works showed to suffer from overfitting, we decided
to measure their final performance using a test set af-
ter tuning them using cross-validation on the training
The test set consisted of 20 unknown scenes sam-
ples. These samples were never seen in training, so
with them we evaluated the generalization capability
of the proposed neural network. In this evaluation,
we obtained a 0.728 success rate for the first configu-
ration of the 3DCNN network (NFraNet) and a 0.684
success rate for the second (CubeFraNet) in terms of
Figure 5: Average accuracy obtained with 5-fold cross-
validation with NFraNet.
Table 2 holds the scores achieved by NFraNet for
the recognition task of the four gestures described in
Section 2 on the test set. The table shows that ’Right’
obtained the best score in F
and P (0.85 and 0.78, re-
spectively) and the second best in Acc and therefore,
it is the most reliable prediction of the four gestures
if we would tele-operate a robot. ’Up’ is the best one
considering Acc and R (0.81 in both cases) and the
second best valued gesture by F
, however its P is the
lowest. ’Left’ and ’Down’ have similar values in both
Acc and R (around 0.66). However, between both ges-
tures, ’Left’ predictions are more reliable as indicated
by the P.
A more exhaustive study can be carried out ob-
serving the confusion matrix in figure 6. It indicates
a tendency to confuse ’Left’ and ’Up’ gestures with
’Down’, while ’Right’ shows a certain level of ro-
bustness to be identified, as indicated by its scores.
Besides, the network tends to predict in favor of ’Up’,
affecting even the ’Right’ gesture, which seems to dif-
fer more from the rest of the gestures.
Table 2: The Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F1 score
achieved by NFraNet on the test set.
Gesture Acc. P R F
Down 0.663 0.654 0.663 0.658
Left 0.650 0.754 0.650 0.698
Right 0.788 0.940 0.788 0.857
Up 0.813 0.631 0.813 0.710
Average 0.728 0.745 0.728 0.731
Std 0.073 0.122 0.073 0.075
In relation to the issue of gestures being confused
with ’Down’, we think that this could be due to the
body posture when the gestures were recorded. As
can be seen in the Figure 2, during the execution of the
gestures ’Down’, ’Left’ and ’Up’ the elbow is placed
almost identically. However, in order to perform the
’Right’ gesture, it elbow is raised to a different po-
sition. Owing to this, the network could have given
more importance to spatial features related to the arm
position than to temporal features related to the hand.
Figure 6: Confusion matrix of the NFraNet on the test set.
In this work, two neural network configurations based
on 3DCNN have been tested in order to classify 4
gestures for tele-operating or interacting with robots
at a safe distance. The best proposed configuration
(NFraNet) yielded an average accuracy of 73% and
the resulting confusion matrix showed us that it effec-
tively extracted spatiotemporal features with which
we could classify the gestures with reliability, com-
pared to the state of the art. Taking into account
3DCNN Performance in Hand Gesture Recognition Applied to Robot Arm Interaction
the number of samples and the visual and temporal
complexity of the generated novel dataset, the per-
formance of the presented system is close to that of
(Molchanov et al., 2015), in which they achieved
77.5% using a visually segmented dataset for the
recognition of hand gestures.
Taking into account the present results, the pro-
posed method could stand as a starting point for a fu-
ture work in the field of human-robot interaction with
gestures. In a real world scenario, an adaptation phase
of the user to the constrains of our system would be
required. Also, a high level configuration of the neu-
ral network could be carried out to increase the confi-
dence of the outputs. As a benefit, during online ex-
ecution, the system would have several opportunities
to identify the same gesture as the temporal window
In the future, we plan to test the possibility of us-
ing an already trained network in a similar visual task
and transfer its features to our problem. In addition,
checking the performance of a mixed architecture us-
ing ConvLSMT and 3DCNN would be an interesting
experiment. Finally, in order to generate more sam-
ples we would like to experiment with methods that
produce synthetic data realistic enough for learning.
This work was funded by the Ministry of Economy,
Industry and Competitiveness from the Spanish Gov-
ernment through the DPI2015-68087-R and the pre-
doctoral grant BES-2016-078290, by the European
Commission and FEDER funds through the project
COMMANDIA (SOE2/P1/F0638), action supported
by Interreg-V Sudoe.
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ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods