Machine Learning for All: A More Robust Federated Learning
Chamatidis Ilias
and Spathoulas Georgios
Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly, Greece
Center for Cyber and Information Security, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjovik, Norway
Deep Learning, Federated Learning, Blockchain, Security, Privacy, Integrity, Incentives.
Machine learning and especially deep learning are appropriate for solving multiple problems in various do-
mains. Training such models though, demands significant processing power and requires large data-sets.
Federated learning is an approach that merely solves these problems, as multiple users constitute a distributed
network and each one of them trains a model locally with his data. This network can cumulatively sum up
significant processing power to conduct training efficiently, while it is easier to preserve privacy, as data does
not leave its owner. Nevertheless, it has been proven that federated learning also faces privacy and integrity
issues. In this paper a general enhanced federated learning framework is presented. Users may provide data
or the required processing power or participate just in order to train their models. Homomorphic encryption
algorithms are employed to enable model training on encrypted data. Blockchain technology is used as smart
contracts coordinate the work-flow and the commitments made between all participating nodes, while at the
same time, tokens exchanges between nodes provide the required incentives for users to participate in the
scheme and to act legitimately.
Machine learning field has recently attracted a lot of
interest. Advancements in hardware and algorithmic
breakthroughs have made it easier and faster to pro-
cess large volumes of data. In particular deep learn-
ing scheme, trains neural networks with a large num-
ber of nodes and multiple hidden layers. Taking ad-
vantage of the parallel processing capabilities of mod-
ern graphic cards, deep learning became quickly the
main option for training large machine learning mod-
els upon big data data-sets.
Another relevant advancement, federated learning
refers to multiple nodes which train models locally
and then fuse these partial models into a single one.
The resulting distributed network has a lot more pro-
cessing power than a single machine, so it can per-
form faster and cope with larger volumes of data. An-
other critical issue is the collection of data to train
the model. Traditionally data is gathered at a single
host and training is carried out locally, but in feder-
ated learning the training happens at users’ devices,
so data does not need to be sent to a central server and
thus privacy of the data holder is preserved. Although
federated learning seems very interesting, it still has
problems such as coordination of the whole process,
privacy of the users data and performance issues.
Personal data are being gathered and used for
training machine learning models. This happens with
or without users’ consent and usually gives them no
control over the resulting models. For example, data
such as biometrics, text input and location coordinates
are private personal data, but are required in order
to train models for biometric authentication, text pre-
diction or navigation services respectively. Federated
learning offers a solution to the problem mentioned
above, because no central server gathers the users’
data. In this scheme, models are trained locally at
the users devices, without any third parties accessing
their data and users only share the resulting trained
In this paper we present an approach for enhanc-
ing federated learning model in terms of privacy, man-
agement and integrity. Specifically we discuss the
use of homomorphic encryption, blockchain technol-
ogy and integrity mechanisms, in order to construct a
more robust scheme for federated learning. Specifi-
cally Section 2 discusses deep learning and federated
learning in more detail, Section 3 presents some of
the most serious threats for the current model of fed-
Ilias, C. and Georgios, S.
Machine Learning for All: A More Robust Federated Learning Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0007571705440551
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 544-551
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
erated learning, Section 4 discusses the main points
of the proposed methodology and Section 5 discusses
related research efforts through recent years. In Sec-
tion 6 our future plans are presented and Section 7
discusses our conclusions.
In this Section both deep learning and federated learn-
ing paradigms are presented.
2.1 Deep Learning
Deep learning is a rapidly growing field of machine
learning. Because of the breakthrough in algorithms
and also of the fact that hardware has recently become
more efficient and less expensive to build, deep learn-
ing models have recently been massively employed in
various applications. Deep learning is essentially the
paradigm of training very large neural networks, with
multiple hidden layers consisting of numerous nodes,
by the use of very large data-sets (Deng et al., 2014).
The main advantage of deep neural networks is
the large number of neurons allowing them to learn a
great depth of detail of the data, used as input. Be-
cause of their ability to efficiently adapt to any data-
set, deep learning networks are called universal ap-
proximators, for their ability to efficiently solve di-
verse problems. Thus deep learning is used in differ-
ent domains, such as computer vision (Zeiler, 2013),
speech recognition (Deng et al., 2013), natural lan-
guage processing (Collobert and Weston, 2008), au-
dio recognition (Noda et al., 2015), social network
filtering (Liu et al., 2013), machine translation (Na,
2015), bioinformatics (Min et al., 2017), drug de-
sign (Jing et al., 2018) and biometric authentication
(Chamatidis et al., 2017). Learning in deep networks
can be supervised or unsupervised. Also there is an
hierarchical relation between the nodes of the hidden
layers, so each layer learns to a different abstraction
of the data outputted by the previous layer, thus re-
sulting into higher accuracy.
2.2 Federated Learning
As deep learning became more popular, researchers
started experimenting on different problems, an im-
portant conclusion was quickly evident; the accuracy
of the results of deep learning networks is highly cou-
pled with the size of the training data-set. Larger net-
works are characterized by higher degree of freedom
and thus more data is required for their training. The
Figure 1: Architecture of a federated deep learning network.
need for larger data-sets and consequently more com-
puting power is an important issue. Also the form of
the computing power required (GPU clusters) made
it harder for individual users, to utilize proposed al-
gorithms. The previous factors practically made deep
learning available only to large corporations and orga-
nizations with the required resources for researching
and developing systems under the aforementioned re-
Additionally several issues have recently emerged
regarding the collection of data required for the train-
ing of deep networks. Training of such networks re-
quires real-world data, which in most of the cases is
personal data. Such data are usually captured by ser-
vices that interact with multiple users, with or without
the consent of the latter. Most data that is created by
people is considered as personal information and it is
protected by law, so a difficult legislative process is
needed to collect and use this data.
Even if the data used is anonymous, it has
been proved that significant privacy leaks may oc-
cur through various linking attacks (Backes et al.,
2016). Recently Netfix released a data-set (Netflix
prize (Bennett et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2008)) con-
sisting of 500,000 anonymous movie ratings, in an
attempt to optimize their predictions algorithms. Au-
thors in (Narayanan and Shmatikov, 2008) success-
fully demonstrated that it is possible to find a Netflix
subscribers records in this data-set and furthermore
uncover their political preferences along with other
sensitive information about them.
As private information leaks become common,
users become more concerned about the personal data
they share. Also these collected data-sets may be too
large to be processed or saved locally, while the train-
ing of the network is a resources demanding task, and
requires large training times even for simple tasks.
A proposed architecture that aims to solve the prob-
lem of data collection and concurrently make required
computing resources available to more users is feder-
ated learning, also referred to as collaborative learn-
ing or distributed learning.
Machine Learning for All: A More Robust Federated Learning Framework
Federated learning architecture is usually based on
the assumption that a node needs to train a machine
learning model and that this training is partially com-
mitted in multiple other nodes. The main node, also
identified as coordinator collects the trained models
and combines those into a single model. The rest of
the nodes train the partial models upon data that reside
locally and send the trained models to the coordinator
to be fused into a single final model.
Federated learning architecture is characterized by
two significant changes with respect to the traditional
model, where a single node has to collect all data
and then conduct the required training of the model.
Firstly there is no need for a single node to collect
and store all the data locally. Secondly the process-
ing power required is split among different parties,
so it is easier to concentrate the required resources.
This characteristic enables any node with no signif-
icant computing power available to participate into
the scheme. In an example Google applied federated
learning, using a mobile light version of Tensorflow
(Abadi et al., 2015) and conducted text prediction
tasks across its mobile platforms. Deep learning mod-
els were trained locally in mobile devices of users and
then the results were fused in the Google cloud AI.
During training of the model first the coordina-
tor node notifies the other nodes of a specific initial
model to be used. Then the all other nodes train the
same initial mode locally with data-sets they own.
Finally, when they finish training, only the trained
model is shared to the coordinator so that the final
model can be calculated by aggregating all partial
Personal users’ data are of great interest to compa-
nies, as they can use those to train models for targeted
advertisement or product suggestion. At the same
time, users tend to share personal information online
in increasing rates with out thinking that their data
might be used by someone else with out their con-
sent. As technology and the internet progressed per-
sonal users’ data have become a commodity for com-
panies that is sold between them. Federated learning
seems to be a reasonable solution to that issue. To be-
gin with, there is no central entity that collects all the
data. Instead, data is processed locally from its origi-
nal owner and it is not required to be handled by any
third party.
Federated learning seems to be the next big ad-
vancement in the deep learning research field, al-
though there are many issues that need to be ad-
dressed, in order to be used in a real world use cases.
Privacy and security problems still exist, despite the
fact that the users share the minimum required data
for the training process. In the following sections,
these threats are analyzed.
3.1 Data Leak with Adversarial Attack
In federated learning environment, users train their
own deep learning models locally. After training their
model they sent the local gradients to the coordina-
tor, in order to fuse those into a global model. As
it is demonstrated in (Melis et al., 2018), through an
adversarial attack it is possible to extract information
about users’ data set just by having access to the local
gradients they sent to the coordinator.
3.2 General Adversarial Network
This kind of attack is also executed by a malicious
adversary node that pretends to be honest. This node
tries to extract information about data classes he does
not own by influencing the learning process to deceive
the victim into releasing further information about the
targeted data.
The adversary node has a General Adversarial
Network(GAN) (Hitaj et al., 2017) generating data
samples that look similar to the class of the victim.
Then these fake classes are injected into the federated
learning network, which then needs to work harder to
distinguish between the real and the fake classes and
thus reveals more information about the real data set
than initially designed. The adversary node by forc-
ing the victim to train between the real data and the
generated fake data, can learn the distribution of the
data, without accessing to the actual data points.
3.3 User Linkability Attacks
Another type of attack, as demonstrated in (Orekondy
et al., 2018), is user linkability attack. In a federated
learning environment, users share only the gradient to
the central node, but it is possible to link these param-
eters to the users they belong to and extract informa-
tion about them.
In this attack the malicious adversary node knows
a set of gradient updates and the corresponding train-
ing data of the user. The adversary can learn to iden-
tify the user based on the produced gradient updates.
In this kind of attack even adding random noise to the
data doesn’t seem to mitigate it. This type of attack
proves that every communication during the training
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
process has to be protected from privacy related at-
3.4 Data Poisoning
Another technique, as shown in (Bagdasaryan et al.,
2018), aims to make a federated learning system com-
posed of Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) clas-
sifying images, to under-achieve in terms of classifi-
cation accuracy. The attacker forces the CNN to miss-
classify certain car images by feeding ”poisoned” im-
ages to the CNN.
Another experiment is also described, in a fed-
erated learning word predictor, where multiple cell-
phones share text predictions that were trained locally
in their devices, to update the text predictor of the ser-
vice in a server. Authors showed that the attacker can
force the text predictor to show a desired word as it’s
prediction. In fact with less than 1% of the total nodes
being malicious the attacker can achieve 100% accu-
racy in the task. This attack can be mitigated by ap-
plying differential privacy to the individual nodes.
We propose a general framework that will enable
users to construct machine learning work-flows by
sharing data, processing power and problems’ defi-
Each user of the system may have :
A problem to solve by using machine learning
Data that can be used to solve such problems
Processing power to conduct the required training
In practice each one of the users may posses one of
the aforementioned assets/issues or even two of them.
If a user has a problem, data to solve it and the re-
quired processing power then he can produce the so-
lution on his own. In every other case he may take
advantage of the proposed system. There are mainly
three different scenarios to take into account :
A user has a problem to solve, without data or re-
quired processing power
A user has a problem to solve, has the required
data but lacks processing power
A user has a problem to solve has the required
processing power but lacks required data
To tackle the problems of federated learning, we
propose a general framework that will protect privacy
of personal data, orchestrate the procedure and offer
incentives for users to participate and also provide in-
tegrity and quality checking mechanisms for the re-
sulting trained model. Data exchanged between nodes
have to be encrypted, nodes that participate by pro-
viding data or processing power have to be rewarded,
while in order for the produced models to be useful
the integrity of the procedure has to be crosschecked.
The design of the system is going to be based on
three main pillars, which are homomorphic encryp-
tion, blockchain technology and integrity checking
4.1 Privacy
4.1.1 Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic encryption algorithms allow for oper-
ations on the ciphertext, that correspond to actual op-
erations on the original plain text. There are multiple
algorithms that differ with regards to the level of pro-
cessing allowed and to their efficiency. In general,
data is decrypted with the private key and it is pos-
sible for a node that does not posses this private key
to conduct specific processing on encrypted data and
produce an encrypted result. This result is then re-
turned to the initial data owner and he can decrypt
that to get the result of the processing conducted in
plain text form.
Homomorphic encryption has been studied as a
mechanism for achieving privacy preserving machine
learning. The model trainer can use sensitive pri-
vate data in encrypted form, to train an encrypted ma-
chine learning model. Then he can return the trained
model to the data owner to decrypt that. There is a
lot of ongoing research in this field, as it could even-
tually enable outsourcing the training procedure of
machine learning models to cloud services. Recently
homomorphic encryption has been successfully used
in deep learning and machine learning tasks (Takabi
et al., 2016; Li et al., 2017; Rouhani et al., 2018;
Aono et al., 2017).
4.1.2 Proposed Encryption Scheme
A proposed encryption scheme is depicted in Fig-
ure 2. In this example there are five different nodes
Node A has a problem to solve
Nodes B,C have the appropriate data
Nodes D,E have processing power
Hypothesizing that node A needs to train a ma-
chine learning model, to solve his problem, he will
utilize the resources offered by other nodes to do so.
Machine Learning for All: A More Robust Federated Learning Framework
Figure 2: The system architecture with 3 kinds of nodes.
The procedure that the nodes need to go through is as
1. Node A creates a pair of public and private keys
and distributes the public one to other nodes
2. Nodes B and C encrypt their data with the com-
mon public encryption key
3. Nodes B and C distribute their encrypted data to
nodes D and E
4. Node A defines a training model and encrypts its
5. Node A sends the model to nodes D and E
6. Nodes D and E train the model with the data they
hold and then return the encrypted model param-
eters to node A
7. Node A checks if the model has been successfully
8. If not, node A updates model parameters and steps
5 to 7 are repeated
9. If yes, the model is decrypted and used by node
Through the aforementioned steps and given the
fact that no nodes are maliciously colluding, no node
gets to know the personal data of nodes B and C. At
the end of the procedure, node A has received the re-
quired trained machine learning model, with conduct-
ing minimal processing on its side.
Adding an encryption layer to federated learning
approach in order to ensure privacy of participating
nodes will of course create a processing overhead. On
the other the proposed scheme will enable the par-
ticipation of numerous additional, privacy conscious,
processing nodes that would not take part in a sim-
ple federated learning collaboration. The processing
overhead will be shared among multiple nodes and
thus it will be more feasible to conduct large scale
machine learning projects. Homomorphic encryption
will have a minimal effect on the classification ratio
of the produced models. The encrypted models pro-
duced by homomorphic approaches are characterized
by a bearable reduction of classification ratio with re-
spect to that of normally trained models.
4.2 Management
4.2.1 Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is an emerging technology that was made
widely known to the research community through Bit-
coin in 2008 (Nakamoto, 2008). Blockchain is a
immutable, distributed and transparent shared ledger.
This ledger is stored in every node of a peer to peer
network of similar nodes. The action to append infor-
mation to the ledger is called a transaction, and such
transactions are stored into structures called blocks.
The latter contain the transactions and a reference
to the previous block (i.e, the hash of the previous
block), thus forming a chain of blocks that cannot be
altered under normal circumstances. For a transaction
to be stored in the blockchain, it needs to be first val-
idated by miners who compute a complex math func-
tion which is called proof-of-work and then add the
new block to the chain. The miners gain a reward
when they calculate the block and respectively the
users who commit transactions pay a small transac-
tion fee.
Blockchain technology has been used in many in-
dustrial and research applications, mainly through the
use of smart contracts. Smart contracts are computer
programs that can be executed on a virtual machine
based on blockchain. The integrity of both the state
and the execution of such programs is guaranteed by
blockchain technology. In this sense, smart contracts
are ideal for orchestrating the collaboration between
parties that do not trust each other.
4.2.2 Procedure Orchestration
A user announces that he needs to solve a specific
problem by training a model. He has to collaborate
with a number of data owners and data processors to
do so.
He instantiates a smart contract, through which he
sets all the required details. He defines the network
initial parameters and the data structure for each data
point. He also sets a specific number of data points to
be used as input and also the maximum time that each
training epoch shall last and the maximum number
of epochs allowed. Additionally he sets a maximum
budget (in terms of tokens) he is willing to spent on
both data owners and data processors. During the cre-
ation of the contract, he is obliged to send to the con-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tract the sum of the two maximum budget amounts of
tokens he has set. Finally he sets the expiration time
for the bidding procedure.
Nodes that hold compatible data points may bid
with the number of data points they can provide. They
also set the number of tokens per data point they re-
quire for providing their data. Nodes that are able to
provide the required processing power bid with the
number of data points they are able to process in the
specified epoch maximum time duration. Addition-
ally they set the number of tokens per data point pro-
cessing they require.
When the biding ends the contract automatically
checks all submitted offers and resolves the bidding.
In practice it selects the most profitable set of data
owners and data processors for the user and publishes
the results.
After the successful end of the procedure the con-
tract pays the proper amount of tokens to the data
owners and data processors and returns the rest of the
tokens to the user. If a data processor fails to submit
training results in the pre-set maximum time, then a
penalty is activated and the final amount of tokens that
is finally sent to that node gets reduced.
User is given the opportunity to back off from the
procedure at each training epoch. Specifically at the
end of each epoch the user decides to continue or not
with the training procedure. This is done through the
smart contract and in practice continuing to the next
iteration means that every party agrees that the proce-
dure is acceptable as legitimate by this point. If the
user decides to back off before the procedure ends or
because one of the other nodes seems to misbehave,
then the payments go through according to the pro-
cedure up until this specific iteration and the user re-
ceives the partially trained model.
4.3 Integrity
An important factor for the successful training of the
model is data integrity. Any change in data transferred
between data owners and processing nodes and model
parameters transferred between the user and the pro-
cessing nodes may significantly alter the final result.
Additionally, processing nodes shall be monitored in
terms of the results they produce in order to mitigate
abnormal behaviors such as trying to avoid processing
by returning random parameters or even intentionally
training the model with artificial data in order to ma-
liciously alter the final result.
In order to establish an integrity mechanism for
the behavior of the processing nodes, a modification
has to be made to the procedure orchestration, ana-
lyzed in Subsection 4.2.2. Specifically the process-
ing nodes are required to transfer to the contract an
amount of tokens, as a stake, equal to their possible
maximum earnings, during the bid process. Eventu-
ally, if the procedure goes on normally, then at the end
they are getting paid for their service, according to
the commitments made at the bidding phase and they
also have their stake returned. If they are detected
to act maliciously or abnormally during the process,
then they do not get paid, while their stake is paid out
evenly to all other participating nodes.
A mechanism to validate if processor nodes are
malicious and trying to corrode the process by pro-
viding false results or detect they not doing any work
at all is to compare the gradients that they return at
each training epoch. Individuals processor nodes train
their version of the model locally, upon their share of
training data, and return the resulting error parame-
ters to the user. Given that the training data points
are evenly split among processing nodes, the parame-
ters returned from processing nodes should converge
to similar values for all nodes, after some training it-
erations. Additionally the values returned for these
parameters should gradually stabilize for each node.
Nodes that return values with high variance, in con-
sequent training epochs, probably misbehave. The
user can monitor the parameters returned from each
processing node, for each training iteration, and de-
cide upon the criteria mentioned for any misbehaving
An alternative mechanism could be applied in
cases where the update of the model is conducted
upon the average of errors for all data points. Specif-
ically the integrity of the procedure carried out in the
data processors side can be tested upon the error re-
sults of distinct data points. If the user is able to do
some processing on his side, then he can test the ini-
tial epoch model with random data points out of the
ones distributed to processors and then calculate the
hash of the data point along with the produced error.
Finally he has to require from the processors to submit
which are these random data points. There is no other
way for the processor than to do the actual training
with all data points until he picks the ones the user has
selected. In the case where the user cannot conduct
any processing then an alternative approach would be
to have partial overlapping of data points distributed
to users and utilize the results received from other
nodes to test the integrity of each processing node.
Data processors are obliged to transfer to the con-
tract a stake equal to their maximum earnings accord-
ing to their bid. If they do not act according to the
protocol then the stake is lost, so economic loss is a
strong incentive for nodes, to perform a valid training
Machine Learning for All: A More Robust Federated Learning Framework
There are some recent research efforts in the lit-
erature that combine federated learning with either
blockchain or privacy preserving methods.
In (Weng et al., 2018) a privacy preserving
deep learning distributed network is presented, where
blockchain is used for the orchestration of the pro-
cess. The participating parties do computations lo-
cally without exposing their data and then upload the
local gradients to a central node to in order to combine
those. Blockchain is utilized to offer a direct incentive
to users to be behave trustfully and non-maliciously.
The system is tested in a local Corda network and in-
teresting results are obtained.
Also in (Mendis et al., 2018) a theoretical decen-
tralized model is presented, in which there are three
kinds of nodes. First one is the initiator who pro-
poses the deep learning model and the profit that each
node will earn. Apart from that there is the contrib-
utor which does the computations and gets tokens as
a reward and the verificator who verifies the correct-
ness of the results. No practical implementation is
In (Kurtulmus and Daniel, 2018) a trust less ma-
chine learning distributed network is presented where
the orchestration of the whole process is done exclu-
sively through Ethereum smart contracts. Nodes com-
pute the models and upload the results to smart con-
tracts for verification. Smart contracts automatically
verify the results and pay the required rewards. That
creates a machine learning market where users utilize
available GPU power to solve machine learning tasks
and get profit instead of mining cryptocurrencies.
Our approach, while still in early stages, combines
privacy preserving techniques, blockchain technology
and integrity checking mechanisms, in order to pro-
vide a flexible infrastructure that will enable all users
to engage with modern machine learning. We envi-
sion an open system where end users can either train
machine learning models or offer processing power
and data to others. Such a system is not described in
any of the previous research efforts.
Regarding future work, a detailed privacy and security
threat model has to be defined for federated learning
schemes. The main actors that may interfere with per-
sonal data privacy and the procedure’s security are go-
ing to identified along with the probable attacks that
may be executed by each one of them.
According to this threat model the general archi-
tecture of the proposed system will be designed. This
will include the definition of nodes taxonomies the
collaboration protocol between such nodes along with
the main building blocks of the proposed system.
Homomorphic encryption techniques perfor-
mance will be tested with regards to machine
learning models training requirements. Also a
large scale federated learning network incorporating
blockchain will be developed to test if any scalability
issues may arise.
Blockchain technology will also be tested in the
context of the proposed system’s requirements. It
must be seamlessly integrated to the system in order
not to hinder the adoption of required users due to
usability issues or limited familiarity with blockchain
Lastly integrity violations is a great threat to such
an ecosystem. A detailed analysis of the attack vec-
tors is going to be applied, in order to research on all
probable issues and design specific counter-measures
that can be enforced.
In conclusion, federated learning is a powerful tool
for deploying machine learning in distributed net-
works. Meanwhile, combining blockchain in this ar-
chitecture makes it even more robust and creates an
ecosystem where users can share their data or pro-
cessing power for monetary reward, which is a great
incentive for engaging more users. Also security and
privacy measures need to be applied because during
the training sensitive and personal data are shared.
In general this is a promising approach that could
make recent machine learning technology advance-
ments available to more users. In order for it to be
effective, a lot of effort is required for designing and
implementing all the required building blocks.
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Machine Learning for All: A More Robust Federated Learning Framework