Construction of Secure Internal Networks
with Communication Classifying System
Yuya Sato
, Hirokazu Hasegawa
and Hiroki Takakura
Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Japan
Information Strategy Office, Nagoya University, Japan
Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Targeted Attacks, Network Separation, Access Control.
Recent sophistication of cyber attacks makes us difficult to protect our networks completely. Because dedi-
cated malwares that targeted cyber attacks use may slip through traditional countermeasures like firewalls or
intrusion detection systems. Separated network (e.g., separating network into several segments and controlling
access among sub-networks.) is one of effective countermeasure against targeted attacks. In order to support
constructing separated networks, we have proposed automated ACL generation system previously. However,
the system may overly permit communication because it focuses on business continuity. In this paper, we
propose a Communication Classifying System for constructing secure internal networks. When a communi-
cation occurs in a section previous system permitted, the proposed system analyzes it. The system evaluates
consistency of communication by comparing communication and reason that previous system permitted such
communication. If a communication which lacks consistency is detected, the system additionally analyzes it.
In this additional analysis, the system checks states of destination terminals. If a destination terminal is liste-
ning port for protocol of occurred communication, the system judges such communication is proper. By using
the result classification, we can prohibit the communication section that previous system overly permitted.
Recently, cyber attacks aimed at organizations, e.g.,
governments or companies, are conducted frequently.
Such attacks, called targeted attacks, use sophistica-
ted method to achieve purposes. For example, they
use targeted e-mail attacks(Information-technology
Promotion Agency, Japan, 2012) or water hole attacks
for intrusion, and such attacks may slip through tra-
ditional countermeasures, e.g. firewall, intrusion de-
tection system, and so on. Because of such situation,
recent countermeasures focus on the mitigation of da-
mages like information leakage after intrusion of mal-
wares(P. Cichonski, T. Miller, T. Grance, and K. Scar-
fone, 2012).
Separated network is one of the effective
countermeasure against targeted attacks(Information-
technology Promotion Agency, Japan, 2011). It is a
network design method for separating internal net-
work into several sub-networks and controlling access
among separated sub-networks. It makes us possi-
ble to restrict unnecessary communication. In other
words, we can prevent malware’s activities in the net-
work. In addition, when malwares try to communi-
cate in prohibited section, we can sense the such acti-
vity and specify suspicious terminal rapidly. Howe-
ver, we need a huge amount of cost to construct sepa-
rated network. In order to construct such network, it
is necessary to gather a lot of information, e.g., human
resource information, business content, flow of infor-
mation, and so on, to decide how to separate network
and which communication to be permitted. This con-
struction cost is an obstacle for organization to adopt
separated network.
To solve such problem, we have proposed a sy-
stem that generates an ACL of internal network au-
tomatically. The system uses directory service infor-
mation to collect user’s access authority against files
in servers. We can prohibit communication between a
user and a server if the user has no access authority to
such server. In addition, the system collects mirrored
traffic to analyze necessity of communication in the
network, and permits communication if it occurs.
This method, e.g., all communication sections are
permitted if communication occurs in it, has two pro-
blems. The first is that it may prohibit necessary com-
Sato, Y., Hasegawa, H. and Takakura, H.
Construction of Secure Internal Networks with Communication Classifying System.
DOI: 10.5220/0007571905520557
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 552-557
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
munication when it does not occur during the system
collects traffic. The second is that it may permits
unintended communication. For example, if malwa-
res perform communication during traffic collection,
such communication section will be permitted.
In this paper, in order to solve above second pro-
blem, we propose communication classifying system
to judge normality of communication. Proposed sy-
stem uses a reason that the previous system permits
communication and a state of destination terminal for
judgement. Result of this judgement makes us pos-
sible to prohibit communication that the previous sy-
stem overly permitted.
There are many researches to construct VLAN for the
internal network. Watanabe et al. proposed automati-
cally VLAN construction method focusing on amount
of traffic volume(T. Watanabe, T. Kitazaki, T. Idegu-
chi, and Y. Murata, 2005). In this method, they use
network traffic data to decide network design. When
a certain amount of communication occurs among ter-
minals, such terminals belong to same VLAN. Howe-
ver, from the viewpoint of security, it may not be able
to prevent the malware activities. A terminal with a
small communication volume belongs default VLAN
in this method. This means that if there are inactive
malwares to hide in the network, such infected termi-
nal may belong default VLAN and it can communi-
cation with all terminals in default VLAN. There are
any other researches to support construction or ma-
nagement VLAN(A.K. Nayak, A. Reimers, N. Feam-
ster, and R. Clark, 2009)(T. Miyamoto, T. Tamura, R.
Suzuki, H. Hiraoka, H. Matsuo, M. Izumi, and K. Fu-
kunaga, 2000), however, it is difficult to construct fine
access controls among VLANs.
In addition, there are several products such as
“VLAN .Config”
to construct VLAN automatically.
Such products make us possible to construct VLAN to
our network, however, it is difficult to generate ACLs
as same as above researches.
3.1 An Automated ACL Generation
System using Directory Service
Information and Network Traffic
In order to support constructing separated network,
we proposed a system which generates ACL automa-
tically by using directory service information and net-
work traffic data(H. HasegawaY. YamaguchiH. Shi-
mada, and H.Takakura, 2017). The system generates
ACL based on access authority. If a user of a host has
access authority to files in a server, the system judges
communication between the host and the server is ne-
cessary. On the other hand, if the access from a host
to server is prohibited, the communication between
them is judged as unnecessary and the system restricts
such communication. Because directory service ser-
vers generally manage access authorities from hosts
to files in servers, the system refers directory service
server in organizations.
In addition, the system confirms the effectiveness
of generated ACL by using network traffic data. Be-
fore applying generated ACL, the system collects mir-
rored packets from the network. When communica-
tion prohibited by the ACL is observed, the system
reevaluates that communication is necessary and re-
writes the ACL. By executing these procedures, the
system can generate an ACL, and we can construct a
separated network easily by applying such ACL.
In this paper, we call this system as Automated
ACL Generation System”.
3.2 Dynamic Access Control Method
with SDN for Practical Network
The previous system makes us possible to construct a
separated network easily, however, it may prohibit ne-
cessary communication under the following scenario.
Since the system uses mirrored traffic in the network
to judge the necessity of the communication section,
it judges necessary communication as unnecessary if
the communication does not occur during the system
collects mirrored packets.
In order to solve such problem, we proposed a
system that dynamically generates ACL using SDN
(Software Defined Networking)(S. Nakamura, H. Ha-
segawa, Y. Tateiwa, H. Takakura, Y Kim and Y. Ka-
tayama, 2017). Firstly, in this paper, we call this sy-
stem as “Dynamic Access Control System”. Automa-
Construction of Secure Internal Networks with Communication Classifying System
ted ACL Generation System generates ACL and ap-
plies it to a network. In this time, we assume that the
network is consist of SDN switches, and Automated
ACL Generation System configures such SDN swit-
ches for applying ACL. In addition, SDN switches
are configured that when a prohibited communication
occurs, they inform to Dynamic Access Control Sy-
stem by sending Packet-In message.
When the prohibited communication occurs, Dyn-
amic Access Control System permits such communi-
cation temporarily, and analyzes them. According to
the result of analysis, the system dynamically chan-
ges ACL, e.g., prohibiting the communication section
again or permitting the communication section per-
3.3 Problems
Our previous researches basically focus on business
continuity. However, this may cause overly permits
of communication. For example, if Automated ACL
Generation System collects mirrored packets which
is caused by malware’s activity and judges the acti-
vity as benign, the system generates ACL that permits
such malicious communication.
In addition, Automated ACL Generation System
system generates ACL that is only based on IP ad-
dress because the system judges necessity of commu-
nication based on “the existence of L3 packets”. If the
system judges that there are any necessary communi-
cation in the communication section, all protocols of
communication is permitted in that section.
4.1 Outline of Proposal
In this paper, we propose a method to generate ACL
that prohibits communication sections our previous
systems overly permitted. The proposed system gat-
hers traffic of internal network to investigate them ca-
refully. In this investigation, the system compares
protocols of mirrored traffic and factors the previous
systems permitted communication. In addition, the
system compares such protocols and listening port of
destination terminals. The system judges the rightful-
ness of communication actually occurred in the net-
work by this investigation.
If the illegal communication is detected, the sy-
stem generates new ACL to prohibit such communi-
cation. By this mechanism, only necessary protocols
are permitted. The system recommends new ACL to
administrators, and administrators apply the ACL if
they judged it necessary. This makes us possible to
make the internal network more secure.
4.2 Assumption
The proposed system complements our previous sy-
stems. The system assumes that the ACL generated
by Automated ACL Generation System is already ap-
plied to the network, and Dynamic Access Control
System monitors such network. We assume that the
internal network is roughly divided into several seg-
ments based on the departments.
To make discussion simple, in this paper, it is as-
sumed that all terminals are statically assigned IP ad-
dress and that IP address assignment information is
managed in directory service server. However our
method can be easily applied to dynamic IP address
environment, e.g., DHCP. For example, by using any
authentication mechanism, e.g., IEEE 802.1X, we can
identify whose device is connected to the network.
In this time, there are several ways to control de-
vice’s communication, e.g., assigning the appropri-
ate VLAN the user should belong, updating ACL by
using assigned IP address, and so on.
When the ACL is generated, it is registered to
ACL DB in Automated ACL Generation System.
This database manages only list of source IP address
and destination IP address. In this paper, we extend
this database to have three new columns. The first is
“Permitted Reason”. The column stores reason why
communication is permitted, e.g., directory service
information or communication analysis. We revise
Automated ACL Generation System to treat the co-
The remaining two columns are “Destination
Port” and “Status”. These columns are used only by
the proposed system. Therefore, Automated ACL Ge-
neration System does not store any value in the co-
4.3 Architecture
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the proposed sy-
stem. The system consists of five modules and the da-
tabase described previously. Details of each module
will be described in below.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Internal Network
List of Packet Information
for Permit
List of Packet
Automated ACL
Generation System
Traffic Collector
Proposed System
Mirrored Packets
Check Listening Ports
Permitted Reason,
Destination Port, Status
Figure 1: Architecture of a Proposed System.
4.3.1 Traffic Collector
This module receives all mirrored packets generated
in the internal network. We assume the period of col-
lecting packets is statically decided in advance, e.g., 1
day. It generates Packet Information including source
IP addresses, destination IP addresses, and destination
ports extracted from collected packets. List of Packet
Information is sent to Consistency Judgement.
4.3.2 Consistency Judgement
After receiving the list of Packet Information, Con-
sistency Judgement searches records of ACL DB for
each communication section which is specified by
each pair of source and destination IP addresses.
When Automated ACL Generation System firstly ge-
nerates ACL, the system registers to ACL DB a record
for permitted communication section with empty sta-
tus field. If there is only one record for the pair and
such record’s status field is empty, it is the first time
for proposed system to analyze the communication
section. Otherwise, one or several records including
destination port are registered.
If a record is registered by proposed system, status
is “analyzed” as discussed in section 4.3.5. When Dy-
namic Access Control System permits several com-
munication protocols in a communication section, it
registers such communication to ACL DB with “not
analyzed” status. When the status of a communica-
tion section is empty, all protocols captured in such
communication section are analyzed. If the status is
not empty, only protocols with “not analyzed” status
are analyzed.
To analyze the consistency of collected communi-
cation protocol, Consistency Judgement finds the re-
ason of communication permission by checking ACL
DB. There are six combinations of collected packet
and permitted reason as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Combinations of Permitted Reason and Collected
Permitted Reason
Collected Packet DSI DSI+CA CA
SMB 1 2 3
Other Port 4 5 6
There are three patterns of permission reason, Di-
rectory Service Information(DSI), DSI and Commu-
nication Analysis(CA), and CA. In addition, we clas-
sify captured protocols to SMB or Other Port be-
cause Automated ACL Generation System uses direc-
tory service information to check the necessity of file
sharing communication. In this paper, we assume the
environment where SMB is used for shared access to
files, printers and so on. SMB uses multiple ports and
protocols, e.g., 445/tcp. This paper uses term “SMB
protocol” to denote the set of all protocols as for sim-
1. DSI and SMB:
If the permission reason of a communication
section is DSI and SMB protocol is observed,
this communication has consistency. In this case,
Consistency Judgement sends this Packet Infor-
mation to Check List Generator module.
2. DSI+CA and SMB:
In this case, communication based on the SMB
protocol can be consistency. Consistency Jud-
gement sends this Packet Information same as
the case 1. However, if any other protocols are
not observed, all communication except for SMB
protocol is prohibited by the proposed system
even if the protocols were captured during ana-
lysis phase performed by Automated ACL Gene-
ration System. Against such situation, Dynamic
Access Control System permits such communica-
tion when it is observed.
3. CA and SMB:
In this case, captured SMB packet lacks con-
sistency. However, because Automated ACL
Generation System ignores protocol of captured
communication, captured packet has consistency
if Automated ACL Generation System captured
SMB packet during analysis phase. For example,
when a user shares file with other person directly,
the directory service server does not take part in
such file sharing and such communication is per-
mitted by communication analysis of Automated
ACL Generation System. Against such situation,
Consistency Judgement sends Packet Information
to DPort Analysis module not to prohibit such
4. DSI and Other Port:
Construction of Secure Internal Networks with Communication Classifying System
If any protocols other than SMB are observed,
Consistency Judgement sends Packet Information
to DPort Analysis in order to analyze precisely.
However, only about this case, such communica-
tion may be unnecessary, e.g., it is sent by mal-
wares. Based on the security policy of organiza-
tion, if administrator want to take safer, Consis-
tency Judgement does not send Packet Informa-
tion. This restricts such communication section,
and Dynamic Access Control System permits the
communication if it is necessary.
In addition, if SMB protocol is not observed and
there is a record of that communication section
with empty destination port field, Consistency
Judgement sends Packet Information including
such communication section and SMB destination
port not to restricts SMB communication.
5. DSI+CA and Other Port:
Because this communication has consistency,
Consistency Judgement sends Packet Information
to DPort Analysis. As same as case 4, it sends
Packet Information concerned with SMB if SMB
communication does not occur.
6. CA and Other Port:
In this case, only Packet Information concerned
with a captured protocol is sent to DPort Analysis.
4.3.3 DPort Analysis
This module analyzes normality of communication
finely by checking the current standing-by states of
destination terminals. We describe about analyzing
method of this module in section 5.
According to the result of analysis, if DPort Ana-
lysis judges the captured packet is proper, it sends
such Packet Information to Checklist Generator. On
the other hand, when the packet is judged as unneces-
sary, such packet’s Packet Information is deleted by
this module.
4.3.4 Check List Generator
This module receives Packet Informations from Con-
sistency Judgement module or DPort Analysis mo-
dule. All communication sections concerned with
such Packet Information are judged as proper by these
modules. Check List Generator combines these Pac-
ket Informations and generates list of Packet Infor-
mation to check by administrator. The generated list
of Packet Information is sent to Management Monitor
4.3.5 Management Monitor
When receiving the list of Packet Information which
requires permission for each communication section,
Management Monitor represents administrators the
list. Administrators check the destination port of each
communication section. If administrators do not want
to permit a port number in the list, they instruct Mana-
gement Monitor to deny the communication section.
On the other hand, if they want to permit an additional
port, the instruction to add the port is sent to Manage-
ment Monitor. Finally, Management Monitor updates
the ACL DB to register each Packet Information chec-
ked by administrators with “analyzed” value of status
field. At this time, if there is a record of that com-
munication section with empty destination port field,
this module deletes such record. After updating ACL
DB, Automated ACL Generation System apply it to
the network.
Different from Automated ACL Generation System
which permits communication every time when it ob-
serves new communication section, proposed system
analyzes its normality by assessing listening ports of
destination terminals.
5.1 Obtain Terminals States
There are several ways to identify listening ports of
terminals. In this paper, we assume two ways to
obtain them.
5.1.1 Depend on Management Information
If we have a server which manages all terminals in the
network, the proposed system can obtain the informa-
tion of listening ports from the server. In case that
a destination terminal is server, this method is work
effectively. For example, if it is identified that a ser-
ver provides http service, the system can understand
that the server listens on 80/tcp. However, if private
ports are listened by any services, the system cannot
specify such port number.
5.1.2 Port Scanning
When there is no information of listening ports, the
system performs port-scanning against destination
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
terminals in the network. The system can gather liste-
ning ports certainly, however, a lot of traffic occurs by
port-scanning. In addition, the system has to be able
to reach all terminals in the network.
5.2 Judgement of Normality
In case of legitimate communication, the destination
terminal has to listen its proper ports of services. Be-
cause of such assumption, if the destination port of
a communication is listened on destination terminal,
proposed system judges the communication is proper.
On the other hand, if the port is blocked, the commu-
nication is judged as unnecessary and to be restricted.
In this paper, we proposed a system to classify com-
munication captured in the internal network. It jud-
ges normality of communication by comparing it and
reason of it is permitted in ACL or states of destina-
tion terminals. By using this classification, we can ex-
clude abnormal or unnecessary communication from
permitted list of access control.
The proposed system is still in a concept level. As
future works, we will implement the proposed system,
and evaluate its effectiveness by applying to real net-
work. In addition, we have to evaluate the accuracy
of classification method this paper proposes.
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Construction of Secure Internal Networks with Communication Classifying System