
[4, 11, 12]. These paths cover only 3% of the possi-
ble paths followed by the agent: this means the agent
does not follow a single optimal path or even cou-
ple of paths, but instead uses a wide variety of paths
depending on breath phenomena detected during the
We have presented a unique application of reinforce-
ment learning for lung sounds auscultation, with the
objective of designing an agent being able to perform
the procedure interactively in the shortest time possi-
Our interactive agent is able to perform an intelli-
gent selection of auscultation points. It performs the
auscultation using only 3 points out of a total of 12,
reducing fourfold the examination time. In addition
to this, no significant decrease in diagnosis accuracy
is observed, since the interactive agent gets only 2.5
percent points lower accuracy than its static counter-
part that performs an exhaustive auscultation using all
available points.
Considering the research we have conducted, we
believe that further improvements can be done in the
solution proposed. In the near future, we would like
to extend this work to show that the interactive solu-
tion can completely outperform any static approach to
the problem. We believe that this can be achieved by
increasing the size of the dataset or by more advanced
algorithmic solutions, whose investigation and imple-
mentation was out of the scope of this publication.
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Interactive Lungs Auscultation with Reinforcement Learning Agent