An Approach for Workflow Improvement based on Outcome and Time
Remaining Prediction
Luis Galdo Seara and Renata Medeiros de Carvalho
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Outcome Prediction, Time Remaining Prediction, Transition Systems, Process Mining, Data Mining.
Some business processes are critical to organizations. The efficiency at which involved tasks are performed
define the quality of the organization. Detecting where bottlenecks occur during the process and predicting
when to dedicate more resources to a specific case can help to distribute the work load in a better way. In this
paper we propose an approach to analyze a business process, predict the outcome of new cases and the time for
its completion. The approach is based on a transition system. Two models are then developed for each state of
the transition system, one to predict the outcome and another to predict the time remaining until completion.
We experimented with a real life dataset from a financial department to demonstrate our approach.
Some business processes are critical to organizations.
The speed and the efficiency at which the involved
tasks are performed define the quality of the organi-
zation. Detecting where bottlenecks occur during the
process, as well as predicting when to dedicate more
resources to a specific case, can help to distribute the
work load in a better way.
High costs and long response times are mainly due
to lack of information and/or due to a non-optimal dis-
tribution of resources. In order to reduce them, it is
critical for such an organization to classify the pro-
cess instances that take longer than expected. Even
more important is to be able to determine the reasons
why this happens. With these extra insights about the
process flow, it is possible to redistribute in a better
way the workload of the organization and/or allocate
more resources to activities that cause the bottlenecks.
In addition, it would be equally important to pre-
dict (in real time) how long each process instance will
take to be classified, as well as to know its outcome in
advance. If the system can predict cases’ outcomes
before they are over, the involved parties can take
action to accelerate the process and avoid the bottle-
neck, which for some cases could save a considerable
amount of time.
Based on the aforementioned problems, this paper
proposes an approach to represent the flow of activ-
ities of a business process in order to take into ac-
count the current state of the execution, i.e. the per-
formed activities can influence the outcome and the
time remaining until completion. In addition, we dis-
cuss which models can be considered appropriate to
predict, in real time, the final outcome of a case and
its time remaining until completion.
Extracting insights from the business process and
implementing prediction methods should allow the
organization to improve their coordination of tasks.
For instance, it could allow the creation of alerts for
cases with unexpected outcomes or when the esti-
mated time until completion goes over a certain limit.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses related research done in this domain. Section 3
describes the approach proposed in this paper. A case
study from a financial department is then explained
in Section 4 and the results achieved are presented in
Section 5. Finally, our conclusions and some future
perspectives are discussed in Section 6.
Process mining together with data mining is used
in (Aalst, van der et al., 2011) to predict the remain-
ing processing time of an insurance claim. To do so,
they build an annotated transition system and then ap-
ply different mathematical formulas in order to esti-
mate the remaining time. The system is implemented
in ProM
, a process mining tool developed at Eind-
Galdo Seara, L. and Medeiros de Carvalho, R.
An Approach for Workflow Improvement based on Outcome and Time Remaining Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0007577504730480
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2019), pages 473-480
ISBN: 978-989-758-358-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
hoven University of Technology. In (van der Aalst
et al., 2008), they also propose the use of transition
systems to represent process data, since they offer a
great balance between under-fitting and over-fitting
the model. As transition systems showed to be a good
approach for the same purpose of this project, the
same idea will be used and we will create an anno-
tated transition system. This transition system will
then be used to apply machine learning to predict the
status and the time until completion.
Regarding the prediction of the final status of a
case, (Zeng et al., 2008) demonstrates how supervised
learning can be used to build models for predicting the
payment outcomes of new invoices. They predict how
long a customer will take to pay (5 different classes).
They tested different algorithms (PART, C4.5, Boost-
ing, Logistic and Naive Bayes) and they compare the
accuracy obtained against a baseline approach (pre-
dicting the mayor class). With some configurations
they obtained better results than with the baseline ap-
proach. In this project, similar algorithms are used,
but the approach is different since there are less at-
tributes and they are mainly categorical. Furthermore,
given that the data is imbalanced, to measure the per-
formance of the model different metrics are used (e.g.
AUROC, true positive rate, false negative rate).
As previously mentioned, (Aalst, van der et al.,
2011) uses annotated transition systems to predict the
time remaining until a claim is processed. In (van
Dongen et al., 2008), they propose the use of non-
parametric regression to predict the time until a case
is finished. (Antonio et al., 2017) compares advanced
regression techniques for predicting ship CO2 emis-
sions. Even though the data is different, the methods
used were found interesting, so some of them were
implemented (Multi Linear Regression, Super Vector
Regression, Random Forest, LASSO, Boosting). As
their data was linearly related, their best results were
obtained with LASSO and Multi Linear Regression.
In this project, there is not a linear relation in the data,
so other methods performed better.
In this section we explain how we represent and store
information about activities and cases in order to be
able to predict the outcome of each case and the ex-
pected time for the case to be finished. For that, we
use transition systems to represent the current state
of the case and to store the information about similar
cases in the training phase. The transition system and
the additional attributes present in the log are used in
the prediction phases. In one hand we are able to pre-
dict the outcome of the case, and on the other hand
we can estimate the time the case will take to finish.
Figure 1 gives an overview of this approach.
Figure 1: Overview: the information stored in the transition
system and additional attributes in the log serve as input to
final status and time remaining prediction phases.
3.1 Transition Systems
Transition systems can be built following different
configurations, and each one can provide a com-
pletely different outcome. Therefore, it is important
to choose the right configuration to the system that
will be modeled. van der Aalst (Aalst, van der et al.,
2011) refers to the configuration as abstractions. This
is because different abstractions are applied to the
cases to obtain a system at the end without many
states. He recommends using three abstractions:
1. Maximal Horizon: The basis of the state calcula-
tion can be the complete case or just a part of it.
In the latter, only a subset of a trace is considered.
This is called the horizon (also known as sliding
2. Filter: This abstraction consists on removing cer-
tain events from the event log because they are not
considered important.
3. Sequence, bag or set: For a sequence, the order
of activities is recorded in each state. For the
bag, the number of times each activity happens
is recorded, but not their order. And for the set, it
does not keep neither the order nor the number of
occurrences of each activity
Note that the order in which the abstractions are ap-
plied can change the final results.
When analyzing real life logs, the number of
traces present are incredibly high. So, one of the main
challenges of building a transition system is to build
it fast and for it to occupy the least memory possible.
For every case that is in a state, the elapsed time until
the case got to that state is kept, as well as the remain-
ing time since the case enters that state until the case
is finished. This will be used later on in the predic-
tion phase. In Figure 2, it is possible to see that keep-
ing the elapsed and remaining times make the number
MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Figure 2: An illustration of how the transition system is stored. On the left, a transition system with 5 states. On the right, the
table that records whether a case have visited (V) the state, the elapsed time (ET), and the remaining time (RT).
of columns bigger (three times the number of states).
We have one column that contains if the case went
through that state or not (0 and 1 as values, respec-
tively) and the other two to keep the times elapsed
and remaining (in seconds).
3.2 Final Status Prediction
Status prediction is one of the most common tech-
niques within Data Science. In most of the cases,
there is data that leads to an outcome and the main
objective is to classify each case in a group or predict
its outcome/final status. Most of machine learning al-
gorithms developed until now accept similar inputs to
what there is available in the process used in this re-
search and they can give as an outcome a status.
In this paper, the objective is to predict the out-
come of each trace in real time. For that, one new
prediction will be made every time an activity occurs
(the case moves from one state to another in the tran-
sition system).
The objective is to predict the outcome in each ac-
tivity with the intention of improving it as the case
progresses since the state in which it is will be consid-
ered. To take into account the state of the transition
system for the prediction, one model will be built in
each state, taking as training data only the cases that
have been through that state. This model, apart from
the additional attributes, will also take into account
the elapsed time of the cases. In Section 5 we com-
pare different existent machine learning techniques
that can be used for the prediction of final outcome.
3.3 Time Remaining Prediction
As specified before, (Aalst, van der et al., 2011) rec-
ommends building a transition system, storing infor-
mation on it, and later on using that information to
predict the time remaining. Their first proposition
consists on, given a case that is in a state, the time
remaining for that case to finish is the average time of
the time remaining for the cases that were previously
in that state. Also, they give other options such as tak-
ing the minimum or maximum value of the past cases
that were in that state. In some situations they pro-
pose to calculate the standard deviation and instead of
returning a value, returning a range.
This might not the best approach, because one
could face with more information available apart from
the time remaining. For instance, in Section 4, the in-
voice data from a financial department also contains
information about billing amount of the line item,
vendor etc. and these attributes probably have an in-
fluence in the total duration of a case.
Based on the literature analysis, in Section 5, dif-
ferent methods are tested and the results are com-
pared using Mean Squared Error (MSE) (as recom-
mended in (van Dongen et al., 2008) and (Antonio
et al., 2017)) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE).
The methods tested can be divided into the fol-
lowing groups: ensembling models (Random- Forest,
boosting and bagging), linear models (LASSO and
MLR) and K-NN.
The proposed approach was applied in a log from a
financial department, an Invoice Approval flow. Usu-
ally, each item of an invoice follows an independent
approval process, but in some cases the whole invoice
(even if it has several items) follows an approval pro-
cess. Depending on the case, the case ID might refer
to an item or an invoice (this fact will be represented
in a variable in the system).
Each case ID is composed by several fields. If it is
an invoice, the case ID will adopt the following pat-
tern: ”PM02-17-6362100959”, composed by a plant
identifier (”PM02”), a year (17) and a document num-
ber (6362100959). If it is a line item, the case ID will
adopt the following pattern: ”8185652-2310187277-
1”, composed by a purchase order number (8185652),
a document number (2310187277), and a purchase or-
der item (1).
Each case goes through one or more activities,
each with a starting and finishing timestamp. Fur-
thermore, the user that did every activity is present on
the dataset. Apart from the data required for process
mining, there are other attributes available: billing
amount, vendor ID, currency of the invoice, company
code, and status. In order to get these attributes some
preprocessing was done.
An Approach for Workflow Improvement based on Outcome and Time Remaining Prediction
Table 1: Most common activities in the process.
Activity Name Occurrences
Invoice Approval Task
Confirmation of receipt
Invoice Approval Task
Invoice Approval
Invoice Rejection Handling
Invoice Rejection AP WFT
Technical Error
Table 2: Distribution of activities per case.
Number of activities Number of cases
1 activity 143858
2 activities 23400
3 activities 9132
4 activities 2473
5 or more activities 4121
There are 23 different activities that can happen
during the invoice approval process. Some examples
are: InvoiceApprovalTask - Confirmation of receipt;
InvoiceApprovalTask - Invoice approval; InvoiceAp-
provalTask - Budget variance; InvoiceRejectionHan-
dling - Invoice Rejection AP WFT; ManageBuyerRe-
jection - Missing Goods Receipt; Error - Error; Error
- Technical Error; and RequestforAdditionalInforma-
tion - Request for Information. If a case is only com-
posed by activities starting with ”InvoiceApproval...
it is considered that the case follows the ”happy” path.
In total, there are 182.984 cases and 270.921 ac-
tivities (23 unique ones), which means that, on av-
erage, a case is composed by 1,48 activities. Table
1 summarizes the most common activities and their
number of occurrences. The average time of a case
is 7,7 days, while the median time is 2,9 days. This
means that there are some outliers that have a high
influence on the average time.
It is also important to analyze the distribution of
activities in cases, in order to know what kind of pro-
cess is being analyzed. Table 2 shows this distribu-
tion. Most of the main variants in the process are com-
posed of one single activity, which proves that cases
are likely to be short. This information is useful to
explain the insights found in section 4.1 and the con-
figuration chosen to build a transition system in 5.1.
4.1 Data Analysis
In this section a deeper analysis about the data is per-
formed. Firstly, in section 4.1.1, the preprocessing
Table 3: Columns of the final table and their meanings after
Column Explanation
case id Identifier of a case
activity Activity of the process
start time Starting time of the activity
finish time Finish time of the activity
user id User that did the activity
company code Place to where the item was shipped
vendor id Identifier of a vendor
vendor summarized Attribute to reduce the number of vendors
currency Currency of the invoice
price Price of the line item
status Final status of the invoice
approved 1 if approved, 0 if cancelled or reversed
purchase order 1 if related to a purchase order, 0 otherwise
Figure 3: Initial image shown by Disco.
needed to train the models and to understand the pro-
cess is explained. Then, in section 4.1.2, the insights
obtained using process mining are presented. Disco
was used to do so.
4.1.1 Preprocessing
Data were provided in four CSV files: general info,
invoice, invoice item and status. These files were
loaded in a MySQL database. A new table with all
the connections between the initial files was created
using MySQL scripts. Table 3 shows the columns
(with their meaning) of this new table, it also includes
some (not real for confidentiality reasons) examples.
The first 5 columns are related to the process, while
the rest are attributes related to the case. All columns
except activity, start time and finish time are repeated
so that the data can be correctly interpreted by the ap-
plication when they are loaded in the program.
4.1.2 Process Mining Analysis
The tool used for this task was Disco. The table cre-
ated in the previous section was exported into a CSV
file and used as input for these tools.
When the data is loaded, an image of the process
like the one of figure 3. This is just showing some of
the connections that exist, and it can be observed that
it is a complex process.
MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
The initial approach consisted on analysing which
activities where the slowest ones. In order to not
be influenced by outliers, the median was taken, in-
stead of the average. The slowest activities are: Price
Variance, Invoice Approval Group task and Estimated
price. The last one does not occur too often, but the
other two do.
After this initial analysis, the cases were split in
two groups: those that followed the ”happy” path and
those that did not. In the case of the first ones, they
wanted to analyse where the bottlenecks were. It was
found that the main bottlenecks are in the same activ-
ities mentioned above, but also in the connection be-
tween some activities: Invoice Approval and Budget
Variance; and Invoice Approval and Confirmation of
Receipt. In theory, the cases should move between ac-
tivities without time delay, so this was a non expected
Then, the analysis of the cases that did not follow
the ”happy” path was done. These cases were those
that contained, at least, one of the following activi-
ties (defined by experts): Approve Block Removal,
Decide to Wait for Answer or Withdraw, Invoice Re-
jection Handling, Manage Buyer Rejection, Manual
Approver Entry, Manual Approver Selection, Request
for Additional Information, Select Approver and Wait
for Credit. These cases were 6% of the total (11.655).
5 Results
5.1 Transition System
As explained in 3.1, to build a transition system some
choices need to be made. There are three different ab-
stractions and the chosen values were the following.
Maximal Horizon: To choose this value it is im-
portant to know that there are in total more than
180.000 cases, and a lot of them follow different
paths. The key point is to find a good balance
between enough information kept and an efficient
system. The following values were analysed: 1
(current activity), 2, 3 and 4. In the case of 1, there
were 23 states, as many as different activities. In
the case of 2, there were 218 different states, in the
case of 3, 785 and in the case of 4, 1.617. The best
results were achieved with horizon 1, so it was the
chosen one.
Filter: Activities were not filtered, since there are
not many in total (23) and all of them are consid-
ered important.
Sequence, Bag or Set: After analysing the cases
and talking to experts from the finance department
Table 4: Recarray containing the transition system.
ID Case ID State 1
State 1
State 1
State 23
0 1384571... 1 0 150 ... 240
1 3189485... 1 120313 1450 ... 120
182573 EI01-17... 1 0 150000 ... 1000
the decision was to take into account the order of
the activities in every case, since the final outcome
is influenced by this fact. This abstraction does
not influence the transition system because the we
use horizon 1.
This transition system only focuses on past activ-
ities since the intention is to use it for prediction in
real time, when future activities are not available.
One of the main challenges of building a transi-
tion system having more than 180.000 cases and 23
different states is to build it fast and for it to occupy
the least memory possible. For every case that is in a
state, the elapsed time until the case got to that state
is kept, as well as the remaining time since the case
enters that state until the case is finished. This data,
together with the attributes related to the line items,
are used later on in the prediction phase. There is
a column that contains if the case went through that
state or not (0 and 1 as values) and the other two to
keep the times elapsed and remaining (in seconds).
To avoid having a bigger transition system, only
cases with 15 activities or less were taken into ac-
count. There are only 310 cases that have more than
15 activities, and most of them were classified as not
relevant cases by experts from the finance department.
The transition system was stored in a numpy re-
, due to its high speed when iterating through
it. This kind of array is known because its columns
can have names. In this case, apart from the columns
related to the states we have a column that contains
the case IDs.
As explained above, the outcome is an array with
two dimensions, so it can be seen as a matrix whose
rows represent the cases, and the columns are: the
case ID (string), the states and the elapsed and re-
maining times for the states. When a case has been
through a state, there is a 1 in the corresponding cell,
and the cells related to the elapsed and remaining
times contain the time in seconds. Table 4 shows an
extract of how the recarray looks.
An Approach for Workflow Improvement based on Outcome and Time Remaining Prediction
5.2 Final Status Prediction
The objective is to predict the outcome of each invoice
(Approved, Reversed, Cancelled) in real time. One
new prediction will be made every time an activity
occurs (the case moves from one state to another in
the transition system). Vendor, company code, price,
if the invoice is related to a purchase order or not,
currency and time elapsed were taken into account in
order to do the prediction.
As the data is so imbalanced (91% of the cases
are approved, 6% cancelled, and 3% reversed) and,
from the business and flow point of view, cancelled
and reversed cases are really similar, both of them are
unified under the class NotApproved. This way, the
problem is less imbalanced and the classification has
to be done only between two classes, which should
help improving the performance.
The objective is to predict the outcome in each ac-
tivity with the intention of improving it as the case
progresses since the state in which it is will be consid-
ered. To take into account the state of the transition
system for the prediction, one model will be built in
each state, taking as training data only the cases that
have been through that state. This model, apart from
the initial attributes, will also take into account the
elapsed time of the cases. This is the way Data Min-
ing and Process Mining are combined in this project.
In order to train the models, 80% of the data is
used in cross validation (to find the best configura-
tion of each model) and the 20% remaining is used to
test which model is the best. Cross validation is set
up with 5 splits and it is stratified, this means each
split has the same distribution of Approved and No-
tApproved as the initial dataset.
The following techniques are compared: SVM,
random forest, K-NN and Naive Bayes. Different
configurations of the models are compared using the
ROC curve, since data is imbalanced and using ac-
curacy would not be a correct approach (classifying
everything as approved would return a 91% of accu-
racy). The final comparison between the best config-
urations of the models is done using the ROC Curve,
F1 score, recall and precision, taking as the main class
the NotApproved cases (Cancelled and Rejected).
As more than 90% of the cases are ’Approved’, an
up-sampling and down-sampling technique was ap-
plied with the intention of improving the balance of
the dataset. The function used was SMOTETTomek
(Batista et al., 2003), which consists in a mix of down-
sampling the major classes and up-sampling the mi-
nor classes.
A summary of the different attributes available for
each case and activity is shown:
Vendor id: There are 4.766 different vendors, each
of them with an ID. More than 2.000 appear only
3 times or less.
Vendor id summarised: To reduce the number
of vendors some IDs were modified. Vendors
whose invoices have always been approved were
assigned ID 1, those whose invoices have al-
ways been reversed were assigned ID 2; and those
whose invoices have always been been cancelled
were assigned ID 3. All the other vendors were
assigned their own IDs. The number of vendors
was reduced from 4.700s to 1.600s.
Company code: It identifies to which part of the
company the ordered item belongs to.
Price of the line item.
Currency: There are more than 10 different cur-
rencies, and it is considered an important variable
at the moment of approving or not approving a
line item (together with the price).
Purchase order related: Identifies items related to
a Purchase Order Number (1) or unrelated (0).
Time elapsed until the case reached the current
Vendor id, vendor summarised, company code,
currency are categorical attributes, and it is neces-
sary to apply one hot encoding (Vasudev, 2017). It
consists on converting categorical attributes into bi-
nary variables. It is important to remark that due to
this, the number of attributes increases exponentially,
from 7-8 to almost 5000, which slows down the train-
ing of the models. This is why vendor summarised
was created, with the intention of reducing the final
number of attributes (by more than 3000). Vendor
summarised was used instead of vendor id because
it improved the results and the execution time.
5.2.1 Comparison
This section compares different configurations of the
algorithm, sampling and not sampling training data.
The ones with the best Area under the ROC curve
(AUROC) are kept. A model is trained individually
in every state of the transition system, and sampling
is applied individually to the data from each state.
The performance between these two approaches
(without and with sampling) is compared using the
area under the ROC curve. The thresholds used are
set up manually, from 0 to 1 every 0,01, there be-
ing in total 101 thresholds. As mentioned before,
each state has its own model, but to compare two ap-
proaches it is easier if the results of all the states are
summarised into one single result. Knowing that to
MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Table 5: Comparison for final status prediction using the
best configurations from several models.
Algorithm Configuration AUROC
Random Forest
Not sampling
100 estimators
Class weight ”None”
Not sampling
Loss function ”Hinge”
Class weigth ”None
50 neighbours
Manhattan Distance
Naive Bayes
Not sampling
Default Configuration
Table 6: Comparison between Random Forest and K-NN.
F1 Score Precision Recall AUROC
Random Forest 0,09 30,92 22,45 50,94 0,6869
K-NN 0,47 23,06 15,64 56,40 0,6461
generate a ROC curve the True Positive Rate (TPR)
and False Positive Rate (FPR) with different thresh-
olds are needed, their values obtained in each state
are averaged taking into account the number of cases
that are part of each state (weighted average).
Initially, in every state of the transition system, the
TPR and FPR are calculated for each different thresh-
old taking into account the number of cases that are in
the state. Then, for each threshold, the TPR and FPR
are obtained by adding the values specified in the pre-
vious step. These values can be used to draw a ROC
curve and obtain the area under it. The models with
their best configurations are shown in table 5.
The best configurations of the best algorithms pre-
sented (the bold ones) are compared using the testing
data (20% not used before). The Naive Bayes and
LinearSVC approaches are discarded because of their
low AUROC value. This leaves two different algo-
rithms to compare: Random Forest and K-NN.
Random Forest has a better AUROC, but in this
section other metrics such as the F1 score, the pre-
cision and the recall are also compared. To compare
the F1 score, the precision and the recall it is neces-
sary to choose a threshold. The threshold is chosen
using the Youden’s index (Ruopp et al., 2008). This
comparison is made in table 6. The conclusion is that
Random Forest performs better since it has a better F1
score (even though the recall is lower than in K-NN).
5.3 Time Remaining Prediction
This section presents the different approaches that
were followed to predict the time left of a case un-
til completion. The methods tested were regression
methods: bagging, boosting, random forest, MLR,
Table 7: Comparison for time remaining prediction using
the best configurations from several models.
Method Configuration
Hours ˆ2
Hours ˆ2
Time (sec.)
Average - 103.324 171,2 27
50 estimators 118.929 172,6 10.257
50 neighbours
Manhattan Distance
106.267 174,0 290
Gradient Method
Learning Rate 0,08
50 estimators
98.227 166,0 1.348
122.226 174,7 1.079
LASSO and K-NN, as specified in 3.3. To test the
different configurations, cross validation was used, as
recommended in (Sharma et al., 2013).
The time elapsed and the time remaining are kept
in every state of the transition system. This makes
possible predicting remaining time of a case in every
state. The time is kept in seconds. The attributes used
for this section are the same as the ones in section 5.2.
In order to train the models, 80% of the data is
used in cross validation (to find the best configuration
of each model) and the 20% remaining is used to test
which model is the best. Cross validation is set up
with 5 splits.
5.3.1 Comparison
To compare the different configurations of each model
the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute
Error (MAE) are the used metrics. To better under-
stand the results obtained, the Mean Squared Error
and the Mean Absolute Error are converted into hours.
The procedure followed to obtain the MSE and the
MAE of a method is the following. For each state,
cross validation is applied (5 splits). In each itera-
tion, 4 splits are used for training and one for valida-
tion. The MSE and MAE are stored for each case that
is validated, then, the average of both metrics is ob-
tained, and it is used to compare the different configu-
rations. The best configurations for the tested models
are presented in table 7. MLR and LASSO are not
shown since the results obtained were extremely bad.
The best configurations of the best algorithms pre-
sented (in bold) are compared using the testing data
(20% not used before). These algorithms are: av-
erage, K-NN and Gradient Boosting. In table 8, it
can be observed that the best results are obtained with
Gradient Boosting, regarding MSE and MAE.
The time of training might be important since the
model needs to be updated when new cases are over.
In this case, the fastest methods are average and K-
NN, but Gradient is also fast.
It can be observed that, on average, the models
are around 160 hours off in each prediction. Cases
An Approach for Workflow Improvement based on Outcome and Time Remaining Prediction
Table 8: Performance analysis for time remaining predic-
Method MSE Hours
MAE Hours
Execution Time
(in seconds)
Average 98.498,91 171,34 7
K-NN 96.481,01 166,89 79
Gradient Boosting 85.460,92 159,48 381
last, on average, 184,8 hours. The median duration of
a case is 70,2 hours. This means that the predictions
are bad given the median and average duration, but it
is important to take into consideration how much the
duration of a case can vary and the number of activ-
ities of a case. Usually, a short case is composed of
one activity, while longer cases can be composed of
3 or more activities. The short ones, easy to predict,
go just through one state; while the others go through
more states and are harder to predict. This means that
the long cases, which go through more states, are pre-
dicted more times, and they are more likely to be miss
predicted (since they are so far from normal values).
This leads to the ”high” errors shown above. There
are over 10.000 cases that last 30 days or more, and
they appear, on average, in 3 states. These cases will
have more weight than short cases on the MSE and
MAE shown above.
In this paper we presented an approach to have in-
sights about a business process. The approach is
mainly divided into three parts: 1) a transition system;
2) a final status prediction; and 3) a time remaining
prediction. For that, Process Mining and Data Mining
techniques were used. Several data mining algorithms
were built over the different states of a transition sys-
tem. This way, the path that a case followed was taken
into account.
To validate our approach, we used a case study
from a financial department with real life data. The
transition system allowed to take into account the path
that a case followed by just using the cases that are
in the same state to train the data mining model (for
status and time remaining prediction).
The case study used to test classification al-
gorithms had two main problems: 1) imbalanced
dataset, with more than 90% of the cases being ap-
proved, and 2) some cases have similar attributes and
similar paths, but they have different final status. For
this scenario, as explained in Section 5, to predict the
final status of a case Random Forest was the algorithm
with the best performance.
Regarding the time remaining prediction, interest-
ing results were achieved with different algorithms.
The poor performance of the linear models proved
that there is no linear relation between the attributes
and the time until completion. The best results were
achieved with Gradient Boosting.
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MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development