Table 5: CPU time for 25 jobs, two machines.
α = 0.1 α = 0.5 α = 0.9
Instance Avg. CPU(s) Avg. CPU(s) Avg. CPU(s)
Tao1R1 130.69 89.78 122.66
Tao1R3 120.01 146.64 148.64
Tao1R5 94.19 123.81 259.42
Tao1R7 114.16 174.75 568.06
Tao1R9 134.41 172.25 461.29
Tao3R1 112.58 160.54 358.55
Tao3R3 97.51 142.8 492.49
Tao3R5 141.19 163.15 330.12
Tao3R7 117.34 160.33 189.83
Tao3R9 100.38 68.21 78.84
Tao5R1 89.53 88.82 281.69
Tao5R3 93.56 86.06 259.5
Tao5R5 70.34 112.47 158.87
Tao5R7 89.2 89.77 188.48
Tao5R9 125.8 115.44 440.91
Tao7R1 73.28 91.76 159.64
Tao7R3 80.9 85.39 322.09
Tao7R5 116.16 123.9 243.05
Tao7R7 110.08 193.51 322.81
Tao7R9 88.09 158.97 281.59
Tao9R1 101.87 138.27 255.47
Tao9R3 147.58 185.53 255.07
Tao9R5 112.69 88.8 74.32
Tao9R7 100.9 135.96 279.13
Tao9R9 77.43 148.42 84.86
Avg. 105.59 129.81 264.7
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the set of small and moderate sized instances. For the
biggest instances the computational effort increases,
calling for the development of a tailored heuristic ap-
proach, that could be a promising avenue for future
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