ous research and presented the requirements for our
new modeling language. Even though the MDSL lan-
guage is not complete yet, we have presented a sim-
plified case study to illustrate the foreseen language
mechanisms. Currently, we are busily working on
an Xtext-based implementation of MDSL and eagerly
waiting for case studies in order to validate the lan-
guage though practical surveys with modeling practi-
tioners. According to our preliminary investigations,
modeling in MDSL is about twice as compact as in
DMLAScript, while at the same time it is much eas-
ier to explain, read, produce or maintain the models.
Due to the different abstraction levels, we expect sim-
ilar ratios in more complex case studies as well. Ob-
viously, MDSL has its own limits: it can be used for
domain engineering, but not for manipulating the un-
derlying Bootstrap.
Finally, as one of our main requirements imposed
on MDSL, we are also working on how to map clas-
sical OOP-like features such as interfaces or inheri-
tance to MDSL in order to increase its productivity
even further. An additional unforeseen benefit of in-
troducing MDSL has been that it has redirected our
focus back to DMLAScript again. It seems that there
are some DMLAScript features we can further opti-
mize towards practicality. Thus, we are also planning
to carry out surveys with domain modelers and devel-
opers in order to classify the most salient features of
MDSL and DMLAScript so that in the future the lan-
guage aspect of feature modularity could characterize
all the DSLs around DMLA.
The project was funded by the European Union, co-
financed by the European Social Fund (EFOP-3.6.2-
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MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development