belonging to the same group. Consequently, it is
important to find an adequate mechanism for non-
relational database and provides property to hide ac-
cess control from the database side. However, in
2005, Sahai and Waters proposed attribute-based en-
cryption (ABE)(Sahai and Waters, 2005), which is
a type of public key encryption, that uses user iden-
tity for encrypting and decrypting data to access con-
trol of document data. ABE can further be classi-
fied into two types: key-policy-ABE(KP-ABE) and
ciphertext-policy-ABE(CP-ABE). In 2006, Goyal de-
veloped KP-ABE (Goyal et al., 2006) and stated that
the ciphertext is associated with a set of attributes with
the secret key associated with access policy (AP). A
user can decrypt data only if the corresponding at-
tributes of ciphertext satisfies the AP of a user’s key.
The disadvantage of this type of ABE is that the Data
Owner cannot determine which users can decrypt the
data. Therefore, KP-ABE is not suitable for applica-
tions which share data. However, in 2007, Bethen-
court developed CP-ABE (Bethencourt et al., 2007)
and stated that the cipher-text is associated with ac-
cess policy (AP) with the secret key associated with a
set of attributes to overcome the disadvantage of KP-
ABE and more suitable for applications. Both KP-
ABE and CP-ABE lack user revocation mechanism.
Though previous studies such as in (Pirretti et al.,
2006; Boldyreva et al., 2008; Liang et al., 2013) have
noted that revocation mechanism has been added to
CP-ABE, it requires either key re-distribution or data
re-encryption. In 2012, Jahid and Borisov proposed
the PIRATTE scheme (Jahid and Borisov, 2012) to
address these limitations as explained on background
This paper presents the main idea of Secure Docu-
ment Database (SDDB) scheme satisfying three main
security database requirements, which are confiden-
tiality, flexible access control and querying over en-
crypted data for a document-based store. Future work
will concentrate on the choice of encryption primi-
tives appropriate to construct onions. Then, SDDB
will be implemented on the MongoDB and trade-off
between security and performance will be evaluated.
Maryam Almarwani was supported by Royal Em-
bassy of Saudi Arabia. Alexei Lisitsa was partially
supported by EPSRC funded RAI Hub FAIR-SPACE
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