ture is proposed. To evaluate those dynamics, a set
of trajectories is evaluated based on a cost function in
each time step. The longitudinal component is com-
posed of a five-part section-wise defined function, to
accelerate to the target velocity of each gap. All so-
lutions outside the drivable area are discarded. The
lateral planning for potentially changing lane is exe-
cuted, dependent on the situation, at a point in the fu-
ture, considering safety distances. The cost function
evaluates the longitudinal and lateral jerk, the num-
ber of parts and the distance to the target point at the
end of the longitudinal component of the trajectory.
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ver, executing the same planning algorithm in every
time step, assuming constant behaviour of surround-
ing traffic. Moreover, a first evaluation of the compu-
tational costs of the algorithm is made.
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step, the proposed algorithm can easily be paral-
lelised. Also, the gap prediction model can be ex-
tended to consider interactions between road users.
Moreover, for use in real traffic, the model could be
extended to deal with uncertainties in prediction or
perception, to reward driving in less uncertain spaces.
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VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems