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annotated source model in an SPLE scenario. It al-
lows for reusing arbitrary single-variant transforma-
tions and defining the propagation of annotations in
its execution component. The following evaluation
abstracts from all remaining evaluation steps. It is
possible to interchange the kind of feature model and
thus, how all feature configurations are determined, as
well as how the products are filtered and finally com-
To the best of our knowledge, it is the first realiza-
tion not specifically trimmed for evaluating one ap-
proach but abstracting from different possibilities to
create the target model. In this way it offers the pos-
sibility to evaluate different reuse-based MVMT pro-
posals. Furthermore, by making violations to com-
mutativity available to the user, the user is able to fix
erroneous parts in the resulting model or to improve
the transformation approach.
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large case studies on different MVMT approaches
based on varying (real-world) transformation scenar-
ios. The findings may provide deeper insights in the
strengths and weaknesses of the single solutions and
allow to find optimizations.
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