these materials should be better prepared for
advanced science study.
However, the results also demonstrated that the
materials need to be improved in order to allow for a
more authentic ability to practice control of variables
and to develop proportional reasoning skills. In
addition, differences in the simulation use between
high and low ability students should be studied in
order to develop better simulation scaffolds. Better
simulation scaffolds could allow all students show
similar gains in reasoning levels across classrooms
that contain students of varying abilities.
In addition, this study did not include cohorts
that used just the simulation or Modelling
Instruction materials without population ecology
simulations in order to tease apart the effects of the
two in terms of scientific reasoning skills. Future
studies should also include an analysis of conceptual
gains as well as that of scientific reasoning.
This research was partially funded by a grant under
the federally funded Math Science Partnership State
Grants Program, under Grant number OH160505
and OH160511. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the funding
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