Distributed Kanban with Limited Geographical Distance: Analyzing
Lean Principles Pull, Work in Progress and Kaizen
Raoul Vallon, Stefan Strobl, Martin Ras, Mario Bernhart and Thomas Grechenig
Research Group for Industrial Software, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Software Development Methodologies, Distributed Software Development, Kanban, Lean, Software Process
Although the software development methodology Kanban, which refers and relates to the concepts and ideas
of Lean Manufacturing originating in the Japanese automobile industry, was initially developed and used
within distributed teams, correlating research is lacking, incomplete and relatively young as a field. This paper
addresses the need for research in this field and investigates three specific aspects of Kanban in distributed
teams: Pull System, Work In Progress Limit and the concept of Kaizen culture (continuous improvement)
narrowed by the distribution, size and life cycle of the team. Our qualitative methodology is based on a case
study where empirical data was collected through the use of semi-structured expert interviews. The evaluative
strategy is qualitative content analysis. The results of this study show that challenges and complications result
from the use of Kanban, but it is effective within distributed teams. The observed challenges are discussed
in detail and we conclude with eight recommendations for practicing Kanban in a distributed team as well as
indicators for future research directions.
In 2001 Kent Beck et al. created the foundations
of today’s agile practices with the ”Agile Manifesto”
(Beck et al., 2001). Scrum is probably the most
prominent representative of this group of approaches.
However, in parallel Poppendieck and Poppendieck
(Poppendieck and Poppendieck, 2003) started bor-
rowing ideas from Lean Manufacturing practices and
adapting them to the field of software engineering.
Based on this work David J. Anderson pioneered the
Kanban (Anderson, 2010) methodology in the mid
In addition to the evolution of software develop-
ment processes the typical consistency of a develop-
ment team also changed fundamentally. Distributed
teams, frequently over multiple locations, are already
a common reality (Ebert, 2001). However, while there
has been significant research on distributed Scrum
with multiple case studies and experience reports
(Jalali and Wohlin, 2010; Paasivaara and Lassenius,
2011; Kajko-Mattsson et al., 2010; Dorairaj and No-
ble, 2013; Smite et al., 2010) on both applicability and
limitations, this is not the case for distributed Kanban.
Vallon et al. have conducted a systematic literature re-
view for the time range of 2010 to 2016 finding only
8 examples of Kanban in a distributed environment,
contrasting with 53 representing Scrum (Vallon et al.,
Based on the identified lack of research in the
field, the main motivation of the work presented in
this paper is exploratory research to find out if and
how Kanban can be applied in a distributed organiza-
tional environment. As a first step towards that end,
the objective of this paper is to analyze lean principles
Pull, Work in Progress (WIP) and Kaizen (continuous
improvement) using Distributed Kanban with teams
working in a limited geographical distance.
The origins of Kanban can be traced back to the lean
production practices implemented at Toyota in the
1940s and 1950s developed by Taiichi Ohno (Ohno,
1988). The basic idea behind the concept is to pro-
duce only exactly what is needed at the time when it is
needed (Leopold and Kaltenecker, 2013). To achieve
this, all forms of waste have to be eliminated.
Based on these foundations and ideas Pop-
pendieck and Poppendieck (Poppendieck and Pop-
pendieck, 2003) developed with their ”agile toolkit”
Vallon, R., Strobl, S., Ras, M., Bernhart, M. and Grechenig, T.
Distributed Kanban with Limited Geographical Distance: Analyzing Lean Principles Pull, Work in Progress and Kaizen.
DOI: 10.5220/0007626302100217
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 210-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a software development methodology, with the goal
of eliminating waste and bureaucracy and establish-
ing a continuous learning and improvement processes
through short iterations, regular feedback and fre-
quently delivered product increments. Over-boarding
planning and written requirements on the other hand
were to be limited (Poppendieck and Cusumano,
David J. Anderson can be seen as inventor of
the modern Kanban software development process,
which he successfully implemented at Microsoft (An-
derson and Dumitriu, 2005). Anderson describes the
process as an evolutionary system to enable change
which uses a Kanban based pull system, visualiza-
tion and further tools. Kanban therefore achieves
a context-specific process optimization, minimizing
friction and opposition to change by introducing
change in small increments (Anderson, 2010).
Tanner and Dauane (Tanner and Dauane, 2017) per-
formed a study with the focus on application of Kan-
ban principles to alleviate the challenges and prob-
lems in communication and collaboration imposed by
GSD. A main contribution was the highlighting of the
Kanban board as a central tool for communication
as well as creating transparency regarding progress,
shifting priorities and changing requirements. In ad-
dition it was noted that rules for communication had
to be formalized.
The three evaluated case studies and ve experi-
ence reports have contributed the following main find-
Kanban is seen as a metabolism for naturally
fostering change and continuous improvement (Ma-
jchrzak and Stilger, 2017). However the introduction
of Kanban in general needs the commitment of all in-
volved stakeholders including management as well as
an open environment (Prochazka et al., 2011). Teams
need the necessary level of empowerment to function
properly and to be able to solve challenges on its own.
However this can also be a major motivational factor
for individual team members (Govindaraj and Tadipa-
tri, 2011). In general obstacles have to be addressed
rapidly in order to avoid blockades (Paasivaara et al.,
2014). Shorter time to market or release cycles can
be the most tangible results of introducing Kanban
(Viswanath, 2014).
An electronic Kanban board is a must in a dis-
tributed environment. It helps to make progress vis-
ible and positively reinforces participation (Tripathi
et al., 2015). Centralized, electronic documentation
furthermore facilitates communication and prioritiza-
tion of work items.
The WIP limit imposes a major challenge when
introducing Kanban. It requires both compromise and
continuous improvement to adjust to the specific local
setting (Tripathi et al., 2015).
Finding a communication strategy that fits both
the individuals and the corporate culture is a must
(Bocock and Martin, 2011). In a distributed environ-
ment the distance needs to be minimized by utiliz-
ing technical aids like video-conferencing. However,
whenever possible, face to face communication, also
in an informal context, are invaluable assets and nec-
essary to build trust.
Waste should be addressed both preemptively (e.g.
pre-implementation call) or retro-actively (e.g. Code
Reviews). The latter is also a key technique for
knowledge transfer. Highly prioritizing code review
tasks has the benefit of keeping feedback cycles short
therefore reducing the need for context switches (Moe
et al., 2015; Bocock and Martin, 2011). Pair program-
ming and actively encouraging team members to take
on tasks from other areas can be seen as an investment
in a more even knowledge distribution.
Based on the previous sections, we formulate our re-
search objective, case study design and provide back-
ground on the units of analysis.
4.1 Research Objective
As shown in Section 3 available research into Kanban
in a distributed setting is limited to one study, three
case studies and five experience reports. To achieve
the necessary depth, the scope of the research has to
be limited in terms of selecting cases and principles
of Kanban.
The selection criteria for Kanban teams starts
with their location and distribution. Only teams
with a distance classification of Onshore-Insourcing-
Close-Similar, Onshore-Insourcing-Distant-Similar
and Offshore-Insourcing-Near-Small (
Smite et al.,
2014) are selected to minimize the effect of travel
times, time differences and cultural distance. At least
25% of the team members have to be distributed. The
size of a team has to be between 7 and 15 members
to eliminate anomalies by sub-optimal team sizes
ıguez et al., 2012).
Concerning the Kanban software development
process in place the following criteria are applied: A
Kanban board has to be present and accessible from
Distributed Kanban with Limited Geographical Distance: Analyzing Lean Principles Pull, Work in Progress and Kaizen
all locations. A pull principle has to be in place. At
least one of the process steps needs to have a WIP
limit in place. While elements of other agile method-
ologies might be present, the key characteristics of
Kanban need to be preserved. Neither the presence
of a Kaizen culture nor the usage of the term Kaizen
itself can be strictly enforced. However regular mea-
sures for process improvements must take place.
Kanban is defined by a set of six fundamental
principles (shown here in abbreviated form) from
which the following aspects can be derived (Ander-
son, 2010; Hammarberg and Sunden, 2014).
1. Visualization
2. Work In Progress
3. Manage Flow
4. Make Policies Explicit
5. Implement Feedback Loops
6. Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally,
using models and the scientific method
The individual aspects are evaluated against the fol-
lowing criteria to decide if they should be in the scope
of this research:
1. Distributed teams are confronted and have to
solve challenges imposed by distance that are not
present in collocated environments.
2. The aspect has to have a direct effect on the work
and behaviour of the individual team members.
The aspect Kanban board can be excluded because
of the existence of prior research (Tanner and Dauane,
2017). The aspects performance indicators, evalua-
tion of improvement and customer feedback only af-
fect the team indirectly or in a differed manner and
can therefore be excluded as well. Having explicit
rules rather supports than imposes challenges on dis-
tributed teams. This results in the selection of pull
principle, WIP limits and continuous improvement
(Kaizen culture) as the aspects for in-depth evalua-
We defined a research question to cover each as-
pect as well as a set of propositions for further refine-
ment. The propositions have been designed with the
possibility of falsification in mind under the follow-
ing general hypothesis: The Kanban method can be
applied for distributed teams in a setting with limited
geographic distance without negative effect.
RQ 1: What are the challenges and possible mit-
igations of applying the pull principle in distributed
RP 1.1: In distributed teams the pull principle re-
quires communication when taking over a task from
the previous steps.
RP 1.2: The communication over distance does
not have a negative effect on the application of the
pull principle.
RQ 2: What are the challenges and possible miti-
gation of defining WIP limits in distributed teams?
RP 2.1: For setting a WIP limit distributed teams
have to find their own equation.
RP 2.2: The application of a WIP limit on indi-
vidual process steps depends on the task at hand, the
process design and the team composition.
RP 2.3: A change in the composition of the dis-
tributed team affects the WIP limits
RQ 3: What are the challenges and possible miti-
gation of establishing a Kaizen culture in distributed
RP 3.1: The establishment of a Kaizen culture
does not follow a predefined rule-set.
RP 3.2: Trust between team members, superiors
and in the organization itself are fundamental require-
ments for the establishment of a Kaizen culture.
RP 3.3: Open and direction communication are
necessary preconditions for a Kaizen culture.
RP 3.4: The distance in communication does not
have a negative effect on a Kaizen culture.
4.2 Case Study Design
The case study in this paper was designed after the
guidelines and recommendations by Runeson et al
(Runeson et al., 2012). It has both a descriptive as
well as exploratory research purpose. We are look-
ing at a total of four cases which have been selected
according to the criteria as laid out in Section 4.1.
The goal of this case study is to obtain insights on
how the previously mentioned three aspects of Kan-
ban are applied in a distributed setting. In addition
perceived challenges and proposed solutions are to be
analyzed. Distilled from these findings a set of rec-
ommendations for future applications of Kanban in
similar settings are to be elaborated.
The case study has been designed as an embed-
ded, single case study with the context of applying
selected aspects of Kanban in distributed software de-
velopment teams. The units of analysis are the indi-
vidual, distributed software development teams. The
case study design and applied research in this paper
allows us to falsify the research propositions by find-
ing counter examples. A proof of general applicabil-
ity of the propositions on the other hand is not possi-
ble with the limited data set available.
The data collection is primarily based on the exe-
cution of semi-structured interviews representing first
degree contact as defined by Lethbridge et al. (Leth-
bridge et al., 2005). The semi-structured nature of the
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
interviews was chosen to account for the exploratory
part of the research. In addition the Kanban board and
here especially the general structure of the board is
used as a complementary data source. The interview
guideline was developed based on the research ques-
tions and propositions. It begins by inquiring about
team composition and distribution and how Kanban
has been implemented at this organization. In the
main part it focuses on the selected aspects of Kanban
and goes into detail there. Interviews were conducted
in German language, therefore the interview guideline
as well as the transcripts were also written in German.
The units of analysis were contacted through one
of two means. Direct contact was established through
exhibitions, conferences and user groups. Other orga-
nizations were reached through contacting them on-
line. Pre-selection here was done by finding com-
panies with job postings for software developers for
different locations. A total of 97 organizations were
contacted, out of which four were part of the final se-
lection. The overall response rate was 13%.
The data analysis was done applying a structur-
ing technique described by Mayring (Mayring, 2015)
to inductively create categories. However the pro-
cess was adjusted to the individual needs of this study.
The transcribed interviews were then coded with a set
of a priori defined keywords. Additional key words
were added during the analysis as more insights were
gained. The coding was therefore done iteratively.
Due to the relatively small set of raw data the cod-
ing was done entirely manually. The main categories
were Kanban process design, continuous improve-
ment, pull principle, WIP limits and communication
and trust. Among all five of them there were a total of
36 key words. Figure 1 illustrates the coding process
described by example of the Kanban Process Design.
Table 1 gives an overview of the units of analysis.
4.3 Alpha
Alpha specializes in business process digitaliza-
tion and provides software products and services to
achieve their digital transformation goals. Software
development is therefore primarily project driven.
The composition of the teams also varies depending
on the individual projects needs. The main work item
is called story and is handled in a 3 level stage-gate-
process. The levels are conception, development and
acceptance. The current progress is visible through
an electronic Kanban board. A short daily standup
is conducted each day utilizing a video conferencing
Kanban Process
Kanban board*
Agile techniques
Team self-organisation
Daily standup
Work environment*
Corporate culture*
Process knowledge
and Trust
Events encouraging
Communication channel*
Face-to-Face Meeting*
Continuing education
Corporate event
Virtual event
Pull Principle
Pull Principle*
Knowledge transfer*
WIP Limit
Process costs
Process design
Pro / Contra Kanban
WIP Limit*
Term "Kaizen"
Kanban board
Extension through
agile techniques
WIP formula
Continuing education
Team building*
Events building trust
WIP formula
Figure 1: Code words and categories for Kanban process
4.4 Beta
Beta is an agency specialized in e-commerce.
Through a merger the agency now has ve locations
across two countries. Teams size and composition
is geared towards the current project and therefore
varies between five and 11 members. Again a three
level process is used with development preceded by
an analysis phase and concluded by a delivery stage.
Daily stand ups are done using video conferencing,
retrospectives on an ”as needed” basis. The Kanban
board exists in electronic form.
4.5 Gamma
Gamma is a highly specialized system provider com-
bining hardware and software development to provide
optimal, integrated solutions to both government and
industrial customers. Out of a total of 19 locations
across three countries, 2 are mainly focused on soft-
ware development. Teams are either focused on prod-
uct development or customization for individual cus-
tomers, which affects both team composition and life
span. The interview was done with a group of two in-
dividuals (P1, P2), one heading product development,
the other a team lead for two development teams with
a team size of 10 to 12. A Zero-Bug-Policy with a
dedicated swim lane ensures bugs are prioritized over
feature development. The board only exists in elec-
tronic form.
Distributed Kanban with Limited Geographical Distance: Analyzing Lean Principles Pull, Work in Progress and Kaizen
Table 1: Overview of the units of analysis.
Unit of Analysis Role Interviewee Team Size
Alpha Agile Coach, Scrum Master 4 to 9 2 (2) variable
Beta CEO, Business Unit Manager 5 to 11 5 (2) variable
Gamma P1: Divisional Head; P2: Team Lead 10 to 12 2 (1) 30% : 70%
Delta Agile Coach, Scrum Master 6 to 11 2 (1) variable
4.6 Delta
Delta provides individualized solutions in the fields of
e-commerce and digital marketing. There are an av-
erage of three times distributed over two locations in
one country with a varying team size of six to 11. A
preparation phase with detailed analysis of the work
items precedes development. Team members individ-
ually subdivide work items into tasks in the electronic
Kanban board. This allows team members with spe-
cialized skills to work in their area of expertise. Both
daily stand ups and retrospectives are held.
Based on the responses from our units of analysis we
will now try to falsify our research propositions and
answer the research questions. Subsequently we dis-
cuss the threats to validity.
5.1 Research Propositions
RP 1.1: All interviewees confirmed the need for thor-
ough and detailed documentation, specification and
requirements analysis to make the pull principle work
in practice. This avoids additional round trips in di-
rect communication as well as down times through
blockades. This reduces the overall communication
overhead and avoids misunderstandings. However
the additional effort and cost for preparing this infor-
mation should not be disregarded. Structuring work
items into fine grained tickets in the electronic issue
tracking system helps create transparency in terms of
progress and problem areas. It also facilitates commu-
nication through comments and enables traceability in
the form of linking the discussion to a specific issue.
Other observed methods of communication were in-
stant messaging, phone calls and video calls. This
proposition was not falsified by our observations.
RP 1.2: The pull principle requires communica-
tion when taking over a task from the previous step.
Communication is facilitated through instant messag-
ing and video telephony as well as screen sharing sys-
tems. The electronic Kanban board enables traceabil-
ity and makes transparent who was responsible for
which step. The negative effect of distance on com-
munication has been proven by the empirical data. A
good flow of communication can only mitigate these
effects. This proposition has therefore been falsified.
RP 2.1: All units of analysis set their WIP limit
through mathematical equations. Alpha and Beta only
take the team size as a variable into account. Gamma
also tries to reflect pair programming and Delta gives
its teams more liberty by not imposing a limit on sub
tickets. With the collected data the proposition was
not falsified.
RP 2.2: All of the interviewed organizations limit
the amount of tasks that are actively being developed.
Only two units (Gamma and Delta) also limit subse-
quent process steps in quality assurance to ensure is-
sues identified by quality assurance are rectified in a
timely manner. One subject also indicates that WIP
limit are dynamically adjusted if a specific work item
requires such a step. The proposition can therefore
not be falsified.
RP 2.3: Long term changes in the teams compo-
sition are reflected in the WIP limit in all cases. Short
team absences like sickness or holidays and additions
(e.g. reflecting a specialized need) do not trigger a
change in the WIP limit. Therefore the proposition
can not be falsified.
RP 3.1: All units of analysis conduct regular ret-
rospectives as well as daily, short exchanges. Alpha
and Delta see flat hierarchies as the main enabler for
a Kaizen culture. Gamma sees benefits in an open
and informal atmosphere and company culture. Beta
has a slightly different view with two dedicated roles
agile coach and development lead at each location re-
sponsible for detecting and mitigating process related
respectively technical issues. Apart from meeting on
a regular basis no rule-set was elicited, therefore this
proposition was not falsified.
RP 3.2: All units of analysis have measures in
place to nurture trust. New hires are supported by
a multi-week on-boarding process (Alpha, Gamma,
Delta). Delta has designated, local points of con-
tact for every employee to facilitate personal commu-
nication. All cases furthermore enable face to face
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
meetings of all contacts. This can be in the form of
workshops (Alpha, Gamma) at one location or com-
pany events (Beta, Delta). Apart from building trust
these measures are designed to facilitate communica-
tion and sometimes also to incentivize. This proposi-
tion was not falsified.
RP 3.3: Direct personal communication is stated
as a key enabler for trust and building long term re-
lationships. However since meetings in person are
not always possible and do incur significant cost in
a distributed environment, additional events are held
to mitigate. Beta and Delta do hold regular events
presenting news and innovations to their employees.
Beta, in addition, enables all employees to participate
in events with a focus on technical exchange and shar-
ing of experiences. The data shows that all partici-
pants recognize the need to support direct communi-
cation. Therefore the proposition cannot be falsified.
RP 3.4: All units of analysis see the need to take
additional measures to facilitate direct communica-
tion to mitigate a perceived negative effect due to the
distributed nature of their team setups. Digital direct
communication like instant messaging and video or
audio conferencing are not seen as fully equivalent.
This proposition can therefore be regarded as falsi-
5.2 Research Questions
RQ 1: The main challenge in applying the pull princi-
ple is to provide sufficient amounts of information and
detail about each task for the team to be able to do its
work. All units of analysis have therefore established
a preceding specification and analysis phase with a
strong focus on written artifacts which concludes with
a joint meeting to present the planned feature to all
participants. The flow of information during handover
between individual steps is another challenge. Apart
from the documentation produced by the initial phase
a key mitigation strategy is the consistent use of the
electronic Kanban board and the underlying ticket-
ing system to provide a history for each work item.
We observed that some units saw beneficial value in
letting the team break down a work item into indi-
vidual tasks by themselves. Apart from a stronger
personal ownership of the resulting tasks the structur-
ing was optimized towards the teams distributed com-
position to minimize communication over distance.
However, although the amount of necessary commu-
nication can be reduced by above-mentioned mea-
sures, direct communication is a key ingredient for
successfully applying the pull principle. Eliminating
it might rapidly lead to the creation of local silos with
all associated issues.
RQ 2: Three main challenges were identified.
First the team needs to decide which steps of the
process actually need limits to ensure a continuous
flow of work items and this avoid bottlenecks. Sec-
ond the composition of the teams concerning the in-
dividual skills is a key factor with respect to the first
challenge. If a skill is rare, a higher limit might be
needed to ensure flow. If on the other hand a task can
be done by the majority of team members (e.g. re-
views) a low limit can ensure timely execution of cer-
tain tasks. Third a correlation with established work
patterns (e.g. pair programming) needs to be reflected
when setting the WIP limit. On a related matter the
granularity of the work items also has a direct effect
on the limit. Lower granularity requires lower lim-
its, higher granularity might warrant more generous
limits. As all these challenges are interdependent, a
formula and fine-tuning through experimentation is
necessary to achieve good results in each individual
RQ 3: Open and direct communication and trust
can be seen as preconditions for establishing a Kaizen
culture. Distance impedes both and therefore counter-
measures are necessary. These can range from com-
pany events, over technical exchanges to technolog-
ically supported communication and additional pos-
sibilities for employee training. Retrospectives and
daily standups are established tools in distributed soft-
ware development to foster a Kaizen culture. These
tools establish a setting where perceived problems
can openly be discussed. However it is important
to also facilitate direct follow up communication to
make sure identified issues are being understood and
addressed properly by all sides.
5.3 Threats to Validity
To ensure internal validity different approaches for
analysis have been applied as recommended by Tan-
ner and Dauane (Tanner and Dauane, 2017) by em-
ploying a cross-case result analysis, grouping and
comparing the data from multiple sources. The ex-
ternal validity is limited by the constraints employed
while selecting the cases. Therefore the presented
results cannot be fully generalized to all distributed
software development settings. In addition using job
postings to select the units of analysis might intro-
duce a bias towards settings with a high degree of
employee fluctuation. Furthermore three out of four
units of analysis are working in the field of contract
work resulting in relatively short project duration and
therefore frequent team transformations. Cultural dif-
ferences have been mostly eliminated by the choice
of limitations in distance. Finally although recom-
Distributed Kanban with Limited Geographical Distance: Analyzing Lean Principles Pull, Work in Progress and Kaizen
mended otherwise (Mayring, 2015), the interviews
and subsequent coding had to be conducted by a sin-
gle person due to limitations of the research team
setup at the time of execution.
The answers to our research questions in the previous
section have provided possible solutions to a series
of challenges. From these results we can derive the
following recommendations:
(1) Carefully analyze and thoroughly document
upcoming work items. This will ensure proper flow
through the process stages by pull principle and avoid
additional, late communication overhead. Compre-
hensive documentation is a welcomed side product.
(2) Allow self organizing teams. If the team has
the ability to break down work items into tasks by it-
self and decide their distribution, the amount of tran-
sitions can be reduced. This requires well qualified
and empowered team members.
(3) Apply WIP limits cautiously. Only apply lim-
its where needed, primarily factoring in team size, but
also observing established practices and patterns of
work distribution.
(4) Utilize technology to disseminate information.
Communication in a distributed environment is hard.
Technology can help overcome some of these ob-
stacles. A mix of an electronic Kanban board and
synchronous as well as asynchronous communication
technology is highly recommended.
(5) Enable the team to communicate outside of
the process context. Targeted measures to facilitate
communication outside of the day to day develop-
ment context in the form of informal or special topic
events will lower the barrier for initiating communi-
cation and help foster trust.
(6) Enable continuing education as part of contin-
uous improvement. Employees will contribute more
when they get the time and opportunity to critically
reflect on established practices by obtaining outside
views. Done in groups educational measures can also
be seen as events outside of the development context.
(7) Apply retrospectives modestly and purpose-
fully. Depending on the maturity of the team and
their individual drive to continuous improvement ret-
rospectives might be needed regularly or just occa-
(8) Regard the corporate culture as the counterpart
to continuous improvement. We observed an open
culture and flat hierarchies as the primary enablers for
continuous improvement. Both should encourage the
team members to speak up and address problems as
they arise.
Kanban as proposed by Anderson has roots in a dis-
tributed environment. However established literature
hardly takes note of distributed settings even though
the current global setting increasingly demands glob-
ally distributed software development setups. Dis-
tance on a cultural, temporal as well as geographi-
cal level impose additional challenges in these sce-
narios. The main research goal of this work is the
investigation of applied Kanban in a distributed envi-
ronment limited to the aspects of pull principle, Work
in Progress limits and Kaizen culture. Based on ex-
tensive research of the current state-of-the-art in dis-
tributed Kanban, a case study was designed and ex-
ecuted with a total of four units of analysis. The
main source of empirical data were a series of semi-
structured interviews.
All three selected aspects need good communi-
cation and established trust as a basis. Most chal-
lenges as well as the resulting recommendations re-
volve around this topic. Mitigating action like addi-
tional team events, a sophisticated on-boarding or ad-
ditional communication technology are necessary to
counteract the negative effects of distance. Empow-
ering the teams and individual members is another
crucial aspect to successfully applying Kanban in a
distributed environment. A Kaizen culture of contin-
uous improvement, although not commonly used as
a term, is consistently present and understood as one
of the main motivations and drivers behind applying
a lean development approach.
Overall the case study has shown that Kanban and
specifically the selected aspects of pull principle, WIP
limits and Kaizen culture are being successfully ap-
plied in a distributed environment. However the chal-
lenges around communication, omnipresent in soft-
ware development projects, are amplified by team dis-
tribution and therefore need additional attention to
mitigate negative effects.
One direction of future research is to eliminate
the self-imposed limitations introduced in this work
to ensure wider applicability. Additional cases and
quantitative studies are required to further validate
and refine the results of this case study. Furthermore
two cases have indicated observations that Kanban
projects are perceived to be more cost-effective than
projects applying Scrum. Research is needed to find
out if there is actual correlation or if this is a side ef-
fect of the specific projects selected for a Kanban de-
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
velopment methodology.
Anderson, D. J. (2010). Kanban: successful evolutionary
change for your technology business. Blue Hole Press,
e-book edition.
Anderson, D. J. and Dumitriu, D. (2005). From Worst to
Best in 9 Months: Implementing a Drum-Buffer-Rope
Solution in Microsoft’s IT Department. Barcelona.
Beck, K., Beedle, M., Bennekum, A. v., Cockburn, A., Cun-
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Distributed Kanban with Limited Geographical Distance: Analyzing Lean Principles Pull, Work in Progress and Kaizen